
Hearing this, Xiao Lin's face turned pale and his mind went blank.

" come...I clearly held back my strength."

Seeing that Xiao Lin was still stubborn, Chen Yingyin suppressed his anger and said,"Hold back?"

"Let me give you an analogy. Do you think a punch thrown by a boxer with less power and a punch thrown by an ordinary person with less power are the same?"

"According to the doctor's diagnosis, if Wang Yulan had been sent there a little later, she would have died because of your punch!"

After these words came out,

Xiao Lin was completely speechless.

His eyes gradually became dull. He felt extremely guilty and self-blame in his heart. His master told him that his power was not used to kill people, but to protect others.

The master asked him to protect the people he cared about.


What have you protected? Xiao Lin!.....

Seeing this, Chen Yingyin also realized that it was indeed Xiao Lin who did it.

So the subsequent work was much faster.

As she asked, Xiao Lin also replied in a depressed mood.

"Do you know who the several people who died at Tianye Pharmaceutical today are?"

"have no idea...I just saw that they wanted to attack Wan'er, so I took action"

"They are just former security guards of Tianye Pharmaceutical. They gathered together to cause trouble because Tianye Pharmaceutical was late in paying their salaries."

"During this period, they did some irrational things, but they were not guilty of capital punishment.

Chen Yingyin shook his head and sighed,"Now, they are all powerless to save the situation."

"Do you know what the consequences are?"

"A total of five families lost their family members because of this."

Plop! Plop!

As Xiao Lin listened, the guilt in his heart became stronger.

For the first time, he was confused about his own strength.

He stared at his hands in a daze.

Could it be that he killed those people too?

Although he thought he had restrained his strength, people's physiques were different.

Because he had been fighting those monsters in the mountains, he had never considered that most people were actually very fragile.

A slight touch from him would probably leave them disabled.

The master also kept telling him to find a way to control his strength when he went down the mountain, and not to use his full strength unless it was necessary.

But...When people around him, such as Wang Yulan and Shen Waner, are about to be hurt, he will get excited and lose control.

"sorry.....I really didn't mean to do that."

Xiao Lin closed his eyes, his voice choked.

A line of clear tears actually slid down from his eyes, and he was afraid of the power he possessed for a moment:"I'm sorry."

Chen Yingyin sighed softly, looking at the crying man in front of her with pity.

He was only 24 years old, and he had committed many serious crimes in succession. It seemed that he had just come to Jianghai to find a job not long ago.

What a pity.

She stood up, patted the young policeman on the shoulder, and whispered:"Have you recorded everything?"

The young policeman nodded with difficulty, holding the recorder in his hand.

I didn't expect to meet such a terrifying murderer as soon as I graduated. I really didn't expect it.....

"Well, then you stay here and watch him. I'll go out and report the situation to the director."

After that, he walked out in front of the pale young policeman.


The young policeman swallowed his saliva and secretly glanced at Xiao Lin, who was tied up by the interrogation chair and fell into self-doubt.

He felt a little comforted.

It's impossible that he can break free, right?

In the director's office.

Chen Guoping listened to his daughter's report and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, I will leave this matter to you. As for the family of the deceased, just tell them that the case is still under investigation and that too many details cannot be disclosed for the time being."

Chen Yingyin nodded. Just as she was about to leave, Chen Guoping seemed to have thought of something.

So he coughed and asked,"That....My daughter."


Yingyin frowned and interrupted the other party:"Director Chen, please call me by my name at work."

Chen Guoping was a little annoyed by this serious daughter and nodded reluctantly:"Okay, Chen Yingyin, how old are you now?"


Chen Yingyin was a little confused as to why his father asked this question.

"You are 27 years old. Look at Lao Fang's daughter, she is the same age as you. Her children can already run around the streets."

"You are not a child anymore, isn't it time for you to find a suitable partner?"

Chen Guoping felt Chen Yingyin's increasingly unfriendly face, but if he missed the opportunity now, he might not be able to meet his daughter who was busy with cases all day at home.

So he continued with a stiff upper lip:"You know Xiao Gu, he has always been following you when he was a child. His father and I are brothers. Not long ago, his father came to ask me if you have a boyfriend."

This was when Gu Yan hadn't woken up yet. Gu Tianming thought that he could keep the benefits within the family and see if he could match his lickspittle son with the daughter of Chen Guoping's family.

Hearing this,

Chen Yingyin's mind also recalled the image of Gu Yan following her and calling her sister and sister when she was a child.

But all these beautiful memories were shattered after the bad rumors about the other party appeared.

In Chen Yingyin's view, a man cannot be like Gu Yan, such a lickspittle, so unfilial.

So she naturally would not agree:"Impossible, I won't agree"


Chen Yingyin thought of Wang Yulan in the hospital. She couldn't help but smile when she talked about Gu Yan.

She shook her head:"Maybe he already has someone he likes."

Then, before Chen Guoping could continue to say anything, Chen Yingyin walked away.

Seeing this, Chen Guoping sighed and shook his head helplessly:"Ah, this child."

That night.

Under a big tree in front of the police station

""Did Qingqiu eat well?"

Gu Yan asked Mei Xue nervously.

The latter was silent for a while, then nodded.

Seeing Gu Yan relieved, she felt a little strange in her heart.

Does this guy really like my master? No, the other party is the best at acting. Maybe he is just playing the role of a loving wife now.

"It's okay then, you know the plan, right?"

Gu Yan smiled and returned to normal:"When you enter, I will have the people in the dark turn off all the power, and you will start to act at that time."

"Is it okay?"

Mei Xue went over Gu Yan's words in her mind.

After confirming that there was no problem, she nodded:"I see, as long as I can get or make Gu Yan reveal that half of the jade pendant, it will be fine, right?"

"That's right."

Mei Xue thought to herself, how difficult can this be, so just when she was about to take action,

Gu Yan took out a miniature in-ear headset from somewhere, handed it to her, and said with a smile,"Put this on."

"I will let you know what to do in some details."

Mei Xue said nothing, took the headset and put it on, and her figure instantly turned into nothingness.

After seeing the other party leave.

Gu Yan smiled slightly, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Then...Let's get started.

Cut off Xiao Lin's greatest opportunity......The half jade pendant that matches the eldest daughter of the Bai family.

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