Although Gu Yan said that she could crawl the rest of the way back, she still collapsed at the entrance of the Night Organization with serious injuries.

In the last moment before she fell into a coma, the only thing she could think of was

————This guy....Why put me so far away?.......

On the way back.

Gu Yan threw the jade pendant into the system space. This is the safest and most secure way.

This system space is also a function he discovered not long ago. The space is infinite and can hold anything.

It is a good function.

Looking at the scenery flashing outside the car window, Gu Yan's eyes became extremely calm.

Half of the Dragon King Jade has been obtained, and the other half can only be taken slowly.

Because if nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Lin will be bailed out and taken to the Bai family tomorrow morning, and he must not rush over at this time.


Gu Yan thought of an interesting thing.

In the original novel, the Bai family actually didn't know Xiao Lin.

They only recognized the Dragon King Jade. As for why they went to save Xiao Lin.

That was naturally because of the handwriting of the old master of the Dragon King Palace. He sent a letter to the Bai family a long time ago.

The letter said that a young man he had taken a fancy to was called Xiao Lin, who would come to Jianghai soon.

It was because of this letter that the head of the Bai family believed that Xiao Lin was the future master of the Dragon King Palace.

Especially when he saw the half piece of Dragon King Jade on Xiao Lin, he became more certain of this idea.

That's why he wanted to make friends with him.

But now, the Dragon King Jade on Xiao Lin has been taken away by him, and I don't know what the plot will be like later.

Haha, I'm really looking forward to it when I think about it.

Gu Yan's mouth corners rose slightly, at this time.


Gu Yan's mobile phone vibrated, he picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

He wanted to hang up, but he didn't know what he thought of.

So he answered it.

The next second.

A complex female voice that seemed to accept her fate came from there.

"Gu Yan...I'm Shen Wan'er."

Shen's family.

Shen Wan'er sat on the bed with tired eyes. The impact of the security guard of her own company killing several people was too bad.

It made the employees who already had confidence in her feel unnecessary panic and panic.

There was no way, she just wanted to solve the current problem of the company's bankruptcy as soon as possible.

On Gu Yan's side, he thought to himself that it was finally here.

He couldn't help laughing:"Miss Shen, what do you want to see me about?"

As if he did it on purpose, Gu Yan asked:"Why don't you call me with the previous number?"

On Shen Wan'er's end, she clenched her fists when she listened to Gu Yan's sarcastic words.

Her eyes became very aggrieved, and her voice was a little low:"Gu Yan, do you have to do this?....."

In the past, Shen Wan'er's tone and expression were always superior in front of Gu Yan.

But now her tone seemed extremely weak.

"Okay, okay, let's talk business."

"you...Come to my house to find me tomorrow."

Gu Yan thought for a while and said,"Resolve the matter before noon and bring your sincerity."

Shen Wan'er bit her lip when she heard this, and a trace of shame and annoyance appeared in her eyes.

But in the end, as if she had accepted her fate, she weakly put down her hands and sighed,"I know."

Click, and the phone was hung up.

Shen Wan'er sat by the bed for a long time, staring blankly out the window.

Finally, she stood up and walked towards the closet. She began to look for clothes.

She picked up an expensive piece of underwear at random, and looking at the clothes that she only dared to wear at home, Shen Wan'er couldn't help sobbing in the end.

She clutched the clothes tightly, thinking of Gu Yan's cold look in her mind, and couldn't help choking and aggrieved:"Why...why treat me like this...."

Obviously, you were not like this before.

Gu Yan hung up the phone and said to Lao Gao,"Ask Auntie to buy some food for me tomorrow.""

"And Lao Gao, you should also go and send Ling'er off."

I haven't cooked for Qingqiu for a long time. Tomorrow, I should finish the things about Shen Wan'er early.

Then, I should go to Leng's house before noon to cook for Qingqiu.

What a delicious meal~~

Lao Gao was concentrating on driving, and he seemed to be hesitant to speak after hearing these words.

He heard Shen Wan'er's voice on the other end of the phone, and it seemed that she would come to Gu's house to find the young master tomorrow.

Lao Gao thought that the young master might have split into [Shen Wan'er's dog-licking personality] again, right?

But he still shook his head and thought, forget it, he was the young master's bodyguard, why bother to think so much.

So he said,"Okay, young master."

After a pause, Lao Gao mentioned,"I'll ask Auntie to send the dishes directly back home?"


Gu Yan was stunned. He laughed and said,"No one is home for dinner. I'll go cook for Qingqiu at noon. Just send the dish over."

Now it was Lao Gao's turn to be stunned. He opened his mouth and said,"Okay, young master."

Hiss.....I really can't guess what the master is thinking................

A tea restaurant was organized at night.

In an underground space 5,000 meters underground.

In a pure white ward

"I'm so useless. I was actually injured so badly by a young warrior."

"If the master had sent me at that time, I'm afraid that the young master of the Dragon King Palace would have been manipulated by me to commit suicide!"

Bai Lian crossed his arms and looked at Mei Xue, who was lying on the bed with her wounds bandaged.

Mei Xue was silent. She was injured in many places, and her internal organs were severely damaged by the constant collision of the golden true qi.

If she was an ordinary person, she would have died countless times.

"What? Did I hit the nail on the head? So you don't want to talk?"

Bai Lian showed a provocative expression.

However, Mei Xue still didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Bai Lian put away her smile and curled her lips:"Humph, if you don't want to talk, then don't talk. If I hadn't sensed your breath and saved you, you would have died!"

Hearing this, Mei Xue moved a little.

She turned her head, looked at Bai Lian expressionlessly, and said:"Thank you"


Bai Lian obviously didn't expect this woman to say thank you, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable:"You still say thank you?"

"But it's okay, that girl is not......."

"But, if the master had sent you, you would probably not be able to crawl back."


Bai Lian slowly put a question mark, his face became extremely ugly:"Haha, I really hate you, woman."

At this time.

The middle-aged store manager wearing sunglasses came over, he coughed lightly:"Okay, stop arguing."

"We did not expect that the young master of the Dragon King Palace has the strength of a master."

"This matter has been reported to the master."

"As for Mei Xue......"

The store manager paused and said,"The master said that if you go to her tomorrow, she will heal your injuries."

Mei Xue was stunned when she heard this, then nodded, with a tone of emotion and self-blame:"Okay."

Bai Lian was a little unconvinced, and muttered:"I completed the task so badly, but I still got the master's favor. I really don't understand."

She shrugged, shook her head and left.

Leng family.

Leng Qingqiu had a cold expression. He really didn't expect that the young master of the Dragon King Palace was a master.

It was understandable that Mei Xue would lose. It seems that the target object needs to be slightly changed.

However.....Why was Gu Yan involved?

According to the investigation of his subordinates, Xiao Lin actually knew Wang Yulan?

And he was arrested because Gu Yan called the police?

Leng Qingqiu frowned. Xiao Lin was a master, and he was arrested because Gu Yan called the police.

It was inevitable that he would have some revengeful thoughts.

Although the housekeeper who followed Gu Yan was quite powerful,......The other party may not always follow Gu Yan.

If Gu Yan is attacked by Xiao Lin....That would be terrible.

No, no.

I can't let this happen.

Of course, it's not because I'm worried about Gu Yan's safety, but because Gu Yan is my servant after all. I can't let anything happen to him, after all , his cooking is delicious.......

Leng Qingqiu lay on the book, feeling a little absent-minded. Gu Yan didn't seem to say whether he would come tomorrow.....

What a worrying guy.

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