The next day.

Gu's house.

A white Porsche stopped at the front door of the Gu's house.

Shen Wan'er, wearing a black coat and high heels, walked down.

She looked at the mansion in front of her with a complicated expression.

Gu Yan was the richest and biggest second-generation rich man in Jianghai City. In fact, it might be a good thing to follow him.

In addition, Gu Yan liked her so much before, so he would not treat her badly after marriage.


Shen Wan'er sighed lightly, her expression gloomy.

At this point, she came here naturally to figure things out, with mixed feelings, Shen Wan'er walked in.

At this time.

Jianghai City Police Station.


Chen Yingyin broke into the director's office, slammed the table hard, and yelled:"What a joke!"

"He is a murderer! Do you understand what a murderer is?"

"How could you just let him go like that!"

Seeing this, Chen Guoping sighed slightly.

He understood his daughter's anger, but there were too many things in this world that ordinary people could not control.

For example, Xiao Lin, he never thought that the other party was a warrior from the ancient martial arts world.

He was a little scared when he thought that his daughter had caught such a dangerous person who was not controlled by the law.

At this time.

A man with glasses wearing a pure white uniform next to Chen Guoping said with a smile:"Miss Chen, please don't be so excited"

"Mr. Xiao's identity is special, and after identification by our professionals, the people who died in Tianye Pharmaceutical were not killed by Xiao Lin."

Chen Yingyin looked at the person who spoke, frowning:"Who are you?"

The man was wearing a pure white uniform that seemed to belong to a certain organization, with a golden badge on his chest.

"Haha, I forgot to introduce myself. This is my ID.

The man with glasses adjusted his glasses and took out his ID and handed it to Chen Yingyin.

Chen Yingyin frowned and took a look at it. His expression was stunned.

He saw that it was written on the document :

————Chen Yingyin , a member of the Huaxia Special Operations Investigation Department [Bai Jun], had never seen this department before. She handed back her ID with some confusion:"What department is this? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Bai Jun shook his head and said meaningfully:"This is an organization that is out of the law, an organization that is different from the secular world."

"Of course, Miss Chen, you are not from our side, so I don't need to say more."

"But your father knows all this, so if you have any questions you can ask him, provided that he is willing to answer them for you."

After saying this, Bai Jun looked at Chen Guoping, whose expression was complicated:"Then Director Chen, I will take the person away first."

After saying this, Bai Jun walked out of the house.

Chen Yingyin naturally disagreed. When she was about to stop him, she was severely rebuked by Chen Guoping:"Yingyin!"

Chen Yingyin's heart was shocked, and while she was stunned, Bai Jun had already left.

She looked at Chen Guoping in disbelief:"Dad? Do you really believe in this kind of organization of unknown origin?"


Chen Guoping sighed lightly, he stood up and walked towards Chen Yingyin, who was shocked and unwilling, patted the other's shoulder, and said with mixed emotions:"Yingyin, don't think about catching Xiao Lin"

"The other party is not an ordinary person. That organization is also a formal national organization. Even if Xiao Lin is guilty, they will deal with him."

Hearing this,

Chen Yingyin clenched her hands tightly.

Gu Yan's words last night flashed through her mind.

【Sister Yingyin, I heard that Xiao Lin has an unusual background. What if he gets bailed out?

I promised myself that this would never happen.

Damn it.....

Chen Yingyin's face was expressionless. She nodded:"Okay, Director Chen."

Gu Yan seemed to have known something for a long time. It seemed that she had to find a time to find him..............

Gu's house.

Gu Yan came down lazily from upstairs in a bathrobe.

He saw Shen Wan'er standing uncomfortably in the living room on the first floor in a black coat.

His mouth curled up slightly.

""Miss Shen, why are you here?"

This guy....

Shen Wan'er looked at Gu Yan who was walking towards her with a bad expression on his face. Shen Wan'er gritted her teeth and said softly,"Tianye Pharmaceutical is my hard work.....What on earth can you do to let me go?"

Gu Yan walked up to Shen Wan'er, looking down at her, his eyes unscrupulously scanning her body:"How is it?....Didn't I say that?"

"Pay me back the debt your brother owes you first."

Well, she's good-looking and has a good figure.

Xiao Lin will naturally be fascinated by her, and then I just need to let Shen Wan'er drink the power-destroying water, and then my plan will be halfway done.

Seeing Gu Yan's eyes, Shen Wan'er thought she understood what Gu Yan meant.

She bit her lip lightly, put her hands on the buttons of her coat, and said in a trembling voice:"I don't have money...."

Gu Yan suddenly realized:"No money, that doesn't matter....."

As he was talking, his expression was stunned.

Shen Wan'er slowly unbuttoned her coat

, revealing a little pink inside. Shen Wan'er turned her head away, her face blushing, her voice trembling:"This is my first time......"

"I was not lying when I told you that I was too busy with my career to have a romantic relationship."

What is this woman doing?"

Gu Yan's expression became a little cold, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

Shen Wan'er saw that Gu Yan had not made any move, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused. Didn't he always want to do this?

Thinking of this, Shen Wan'er shyly looked over, but........

But she found that Gu Yan's expression was very cold, as if the person standing in front of her was not a stunning woman, but a piece of meat called"human".

Gu Yan lost interest in the performance, and his indifferent and indifferent voice reached Shen Wan'er's ears:"Put on your clothes."

Plop! Plop!!

For some reason, Shen Wan'er's heart suddenly panicked, and even her expression turned pale.

She hurriedly buttoned up her clothes, holding the collar tightly with her hands, and her body trembled a little.

She admitted that she was afraid of such a Gu Yan

"Wait for me here."

Gu Yan said calmly.

Shen Wan'er was about to nod in response, but Gu Yan had already left.

In less than a moment

, Gu Yan came back with a���red wine glasses.

Gu Yan handed one to Shen Wan'er.

The latter was a little confused but still took it.

Gu Yan looked at the other party with a little fear in his eyes, and sighed softly:"Shen Wan'er, I used to like you very much, so I gave you everything I had without reservation."

"But now I realize that it was not love, but just the unwillingness to admit defeat in my youth. My desire to have you was just a childish thought when I was young."

"Now we are past that age, and I will be engaged soon."

"Your company will resume normal operations after today, and I won't ask you to pay back your brother's money."

"Drink this glass of wine and let's just be the two of us....We no longer owe each other anything."

At this point, Gu Yan showed a relieved smile:"I wish you a smooth future, Mr. Shen." As soon as the voice fell, the surroundings became quiet.


Shen Wan'er felt that her brain went engaged.....

Shen Wan'er was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Gu Yan who looked relieved, she felt a sharp pain in her heart.

A line of tears flowed from her eyes....It feels like I've lost something very important.

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