On Gu Yan's side, he stood in front of the French window of his big villa, looking at the two figures outside the yard with a playful look.

When he saw Xiao Lin helping Shen Wan'er into the car, he smiled with satisfaction.

Very good, the plan has been completed halfway. Xiao Lin's coming here was not originally planned, but unexpectedly the effect was surprisingly good.

And the car carrying Xiao Lin, it seems that the person inside should be Bai Jun, the eldest son of the Bai family in the original book.

Very good, the plot is moving forward in an orderly manner.

Maybe Xiao Lin will appear here because of the correction of the world's power.

After all.....

A sad and crying heroine lies on the front of the car. Does n't she need a hero to comfort her and improve her favorability?~~~~

It 's really good......

Gu Yan knew that there was a key point where their favorability would increase again......

Shen Tian's death.

Only when Shen Tian died would Shen Wan'er collapse mentally.

At this time, Xiao Lin's comfort and concern would be able to penetrate into her heart.

Of course, Shen Tian could die, but Leng Ling'er must not be involved.

After all, that would return to the original plot.


Shen Wan'er was crying sadly and Xiao Lin was comforting her.......Haha, thinking about the situation at that time.

Gu Yan almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

That's right, he had asked Shen Wan'er to take the bottle of power-killing water.

It was the red wine that the other party drank up in one gulp. In fact, only one sip would be effective.

But he didn't expect that the other party drank it all. When he was crying under the influence of alcohol, he happened to catch up with Xiao Lin who was released.

It was a good development.

Gu Yan had considered many plans to weaken Xiao Lin's strength before.

One of them was to simply kill Wang Yulan and other heroines.

This killing was literal, that is, to assassinate the other party directly.

However, he quickly abandoned this idea.

First, these heroines are women of luck after all. Even if they are killed, they may suddenly have some adventure and come back to life.

Second, many heroines have many deep backgrounds. With his current means and strength, he can't do what he wants.

Third, Leng Qingqiu is still in the development stage. He has created so many enemies for no reason. It's just that he thinks he is dying too slowly.

Moreover, killing the heroine alone cannot completely weaken Xiao Lin's own strength. He will still be strong.

You know, Xiao Lin was chosen to become the young master of the Dragon King Palace not because of his physique that is suitable for the rapid cultivation of the Dragon King Jade. It is because of his pure, passionate and never-give-up heart.

Therefore, to attack someone, you must attack his heart.

Gu Yan plans to use these original heroines to cause irreparable damage to Xiao Lin.......The damage of attacking the heart!

After thinking about all this, Gu Yan also had the next idea and plan in his mind.

But before that.

He looked at the time, 9:30.

Well, the time is just right


"Xiao Qingqing(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~ I'm here to find you!!"

Gu Yan straightened his clothes and then jumped towards the underground garage.................

Leng's house.

In the study


Mei Xue's face flushed unnaturally, and she lay flat on the sofa.

Her whole body was covered by a black mist.

Leng Qingqiu stood in front of her, his eyes open, revealing a pair of strange eyes.

The open book in his hand, titled"Night", emitted a creepy black halo.

A steady stream of black mist covered Mei Xue from the book.


Mei Xue tried to open her eyes, panting slightly and looking at Leng Qingqiu.

The other party looked calm, as if he was thinking about something while treating her.

So the force used seemed to be a little stronger.

Mei Xue seemed to be able to feel an endless stream of power in her body. This power that entered her body at once made her feel both comfortable and uncomfortable.

""Bear with it, Meixue, the treatment will be over soon."

Leng Qingqiu said calmly.

The treatment time was very short, only about one minute.

But Meixue felt as if half a century had passed.

She clenched her teeth and her body trembled unnaturally.

The two forces in her body kept colliding, turning her upside down.

Finally, at the last moment, a black Qi with a more ferocious breath swallowed the golden Qi.

The treatment was over.

Meixue was already sweating profusely.

And she also felt that her bottleneck had loosened a little.

Meixue understood that this was the handiwork of the master


She panted slightly, and looked at Leng Qingqiu with a dazed look in her eyes:"Thank you for the gift, Master."

Although this treatment method is a bit strange, there is a task to be assigned to Mei Xue after all.

So the force was a bit greater, and the other party was also given some [Power of the Night].

I believe that Mei Xue will be able to break through the realm soon.

Leng Qingqiu closed her eyes again. Fortunately, there was no one here, otherwise people who didn't know would think she was doing something.

Listening to Mei Xue's words, Leng Qingqiu nodded slightly and said:"Here is a secret task for you."

Mei Xue came back to her senses, quickly stood up and knelt on one knee:"Master, please give me your orders!"

Leng Qingqiu nodded slightly, his expression a little unnatural, and said:"For the organization's plan, we need the power of the Gu family."

"Therefore, Gu Yan, the next successor, is a target that our organization must grasp."

"From now on, you will secretly follow Gu Yan and protect his safety."

He paused.

Leng Qingqiu emphasized:"Even if you die, Gu Yan cannot die."

Mei Xue's heart trembled violently. She lowered her head, her face was covered with cold sweat:"Yes!"

Why did the master suddenly mention Gu Yan?

Is it because he discovered the secret between me and Gu Yan?


Impossible, if they found out what Gu Yan and I were doing secretly, I would probably be strangled to death when I crawled to the door of the Night Organization.....Master, this is just a normal task for me.

Thinking of this, Mei Xue suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the master was with Gu Yan.

It turned out that he wanted to control the Gu family.

So that's it, but Gu Yan is not as simple as he seems.���

After thinking about it, Mei Xue couldn't help but say,"Master....There is a strong old man beside Gu Yan......"

Mei Xue meant to remind Leng Qingqiu that the Gu family's background was not ordinary.

She hoped that the master would be careful.

Leng Qingqiu nodded and said calmly,"Of course I know."!!!

Hearing this, Mei Xue was shocked.

At the same time, she felt extremely ashamed.

Who is the master? How could he not know such a thing?

The master must have known Gu Yan's true face for a long time, but he sent her to protect Gu Yan just to gain his trust in order to seize the Gu family.

This must be the master's plan!

Gu Yan thought that the master didn't know his true face, but he would be very moved to see the other party's means of protecting him.

The master then showed thundering means at the last moment to swallow up the Gu family in one fell swoop.

He is worthy of being the master!

Mei Xue looked at Leng Qingqiu and felt ashamed. The master is worthy of being the master.

The thoughts in his heart are not easy for subordinates like them to guess!

She nodded again:"Yes, Master! I promise to complete the task!"

Leng Qingqiu was a little confused as to why Mei Xue was so excited, but she nodded calmly on the surface:"Well, go wash up first, and then protect Gu Yan in secret."


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