Because she was afraid that Xiao Lin would take revenge on Gu Yan, she wanted Mei Xue to protect Gu Yan in secret.

When the other party was in danger, Mei Xue immediately took action to protect Gu Yan.

After the incident, she left a sentence.————You don't need to know who is going to protect you.

Tsk, it seems like a perfect plan.

It should have been like this, but........

Leng's house, on the first floor dining table.

Three people with different expressions sat together.

So! Why did Gu Yan come here suddenly!

Didn't you ask your aunt to come over to deliver the food today! Then shouldn't your aunt cook?!

No, no, I can't expose myself.

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu coughed dryly and introduced calmly:".....This is my relative's child, her name is Mei Xue"

"You just happened to come visit me today."

Mei Xue's expression was also very strange when she heard this. She tried hard to suppress the panic.

There were still water droplets on her hair that had not been blown dry. She swallowed her saliva and was a little afraid to look at Gu Yan's expression:"You...Hello, my name is Mei Xue, I am.....Leng Qingqiu's best friend."

Ahhhhhh, I actually called the master's name directly, it's over, I will die to atone for this!"

Mei Xue didn't know what happened, she only knew that her mind was very confused.

After taking a shower and putting on her clothes, she wanted to blow dry her hair, but she saw Gu Yan standing behind her with a strange look on his face in the mirror.

Then there was a hurried sound of running upstairs.

Then, it became like this.

Gu Yan looked at Leng Qingqiu, and then at Mei Xue who looked flustered.

Ah this........What is going on?

Originally, I just wanted to come to Leng's house happily and spend a wonderful world of two with Qingqiu from my family.

But why did this guy Mei Xue appear here?

And it has developed into the current situation.

As smart as Gu Yan is, he didn't expect that he, Leng Qingqiu, and Mei Xue would be at the same table.

After all, according to Gu Yan's idea, the best situation is that he would privately solve the plot in which Mei Xue would betray Leng Qingqiu in the original book.

But he never thought of bringing it to the surface.

But things have come to this.......

Gu Yan forced a smile, then looked at Mei Xue kindly:"Hello, Miss Mei, my name is Gu Yan, thank you for always taking care of my Qingqing."

As soon as these words came out.

Mei Xue's face changed.

Qingqing? ? This guy calls my master Qingqing?! ?

Too rude, isn't he afraid of death?

She hurriedly looked at Leng Qingqiu, but saw that Leng Qingqiu's face did not change.

Mei Xue suddenly realized, so, in order to seize the Gu family, her master pretended to be indifferent.

After all, she didn't really like Gu Yan. Even if she was annoyed and dissatisfied in her heart, she would not show anything on her face.

Worthy of being the master!

Thinking of this, Mei Xue also forced a smile and replied to Gu Yan:"Oh, I'm the one who wants to thank you for always taking care of Qingqing....Autumn"

"Hehehe, Miss Mei is the one"

"Hehe, Mr. Gu is the one...."

Of course, what neither of them noticed was that although Leng Qingqiu's expression did not change at all, her hands under the table were clenched tightly together.

She felt extremely ashamed in her heart.

Damn it! Damn it! How! How could you call me that in front of my subordinates! How will they look at me like this! Damn it! Damn it! It's so embarrassing!

Leng Qingqiu felt extremely ashamed, and she really wanted to lock herself in the study and never come out again.

Ding Dong~ The hourly chime sounded at this time.

Gu Yan looked up, then said to Mei Xue,"It's almost time for dinner, Miss Mei, why don't you stay for dinner."

There was a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes, and he had to ask the other party carefully.

Mei Xue was a little entangled when she heard this. It was not up to her to decide whether she could stay or not.

It was up to her master to decide, and besides,...As a servant, how could she possibly eat with her master.

However, Leng Qingqiu spoke up and said with a smile:"Gu Yan is right, Mei Xue, you should stay for dinner."

Leng Qingqiu didn't want Gu Yan to think that she was a stingy person.

Although this would affect her image in the eyes of her subordinates.

Hearing this, Mei Xue nodded repeatedly:"Yes! Ah, I mean it!"

Gu Yan looked at Mei Xue, who was in a panic, speechlessly.

Please, can you please act more realistically? Fortunately, it's me who is sitting here. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would have seen the clues a long time ago. What an idiot.

No, no, Qingqiu and I have little time alone, and I can't let this idiot mess it up.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan smiled and said:"Miss Mei, go to the kitchen and help me prepare the side dishes for lunch."

"I've asked my aunt to bring it over. You should be able to wash and cut it, right?"

Hearing this, Mei Xue felt uncomfortable. Please, you are not my master.

Although I need your help, don't expect me to listen to you, okay!

Then Mei Xue stood up and responded with a smile:"Okay, these are what I am best at."

Forget it, staying here is really tormenting me. Going to the kitchen alone can relieve a lot of pressure.

After seeing Mei Xue leave,

Leng Qingqiu was actually relieved. After all, Mei Xue was her subordinate, and she was the Night King of the Night Organization.

She didn't want Gu Yan to know about this. Now that she was alone with Gu Yan, she could relax a little.

Just when she was thinking this, the next second, a hot body came up.

Leng Qingqiu felt that she was hugged by something.

"Qingqiu~Qingqiu~Why didn't you tell me that there were guests at home? It made me so nervous"

"She's still a woman. You don't know how shocked I was when I first saw her blowing her hair."

Gu Yan stood up, walked to Leng Qingqiu and hugged her. He kept inhaling the fragrance of Leng Qingqiu.

"Hey! Pay attention! There's someone here!"

"She is my best friend, and she came to see if I am normal!"

Leng Qingqiu's face flushed slightly, because Mei Xue was still in the kitchen.

She pushed Gu Yan hard to get him to leave.

But Gu Yan was like a sticky candy and couldn't be shaken off.

【Hug your loved one and get +10 points!】

【Keep hugging your love interest and you will get +30 points!】

【Pure love object feels ashamed, points +100~]

What a joke, now is a good time to replenish pure love energy.

But he couldn't let Qingqiu be too troubled, so Gu Yan moved a chair over and sat next to Leng Qingqiu, then stretched out his hand and put it on the other's shoulder.

He pulled the other into his arms, and the latter resisted and pulled out, so the two of them had a tug-of-war

"Qingqiu, we haven't seen each other for so long, don't you miss me?"

"It’s only been one night since we last met!"

"Is that so? There is an old Chinese saying that goes:"Three days apart is like thirty days apart, and one night apart is like ten days apart.""

"What kind of weird metaphor is this? Anyway, it should be"Three days of separation", right?"

"My dear wife, you are so smart. I will reward you with a sweet kiss."


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