After a while, Gu Yan found that he couldn't pull Leng Qingqiu into his arms.

In addition, Leng Qingqiu said she was going upstairs to read, so Gu Yan had no choice but to give up.

"Qingqiu, the meal is ready, I'll call you"

"Got it. Get out of here."

"Hiss..Qingqiu, you are so beautiful when you curse...."

Click, the study door closed.


Leng Qingqiu suddenly covered her face, a look of shame and anger appeared on her face.

She opened her eyes, although those eyes were colorless and radiant, but with the blush on her face, they looked a different kind of seductive beauty.

"What a rude guy."

"Don’t you know that I am not only the actual controller of the Leng family but also the King of the Night?"

"He actually did that to me in front of his subordinates. It ruined my image in front of them!"

"Damn bastard."

Leng Qingqiu gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

No, no, she couldn't let Gu Yan disturb her mind and plan.

Since the young master of the Dragon King Palace is more difficult to deal with, then she should focus on other weaker forces.

Although she really wanted to say this.

But something seemed to have happened in the company recently.

Leng Qingqiu fumbled for the letter sent by Leng Xing'an, the head of the Leng family.

It said

【My niece, this is bad. There is a traitor inside the company. He ran away with our research results! According to the investigation, the other party was sent by Yanxing Group! What should we do now?】


Leng Qingqiu sighed softly, and Leng Xing'an's helpless look seemed to appear in his mind.

What would the Leng family do without me?

But Yanxing Group?.....

Leng Qingqiu thought about it, and a hint of murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

In fact, the information that Junzilan handed over mentioned that the King of Hell had intervened in the affairs of the secular world.

Among them, Yanxing Group is a large real estate company established by the King of Hell in the secular world.

More than half of the houses in Jianghai City were built by them, which can be said to be very powerful.

They have been rooted in Jianghai for so many years, and they must have infiltrated every corner of Jianghai.

I don’t know how many warriors the other party has......

Leng Qingqiu's face was a little solemn. Her current strength was still too weak. The risk of rashly attacking the Hades Palace was too great.

And there was one thing she didn't understand. What would a real estate company like Yanxing Group do with their Leng family's medical technology information?

Leng Qingqiu frowned and bit her nails.

After a moment, her eyes turned slightly cold. She asked Mei Xue and the others to investigate.

Dig up all the information about the Hades Palace.

At this time, in the kitchen.

The atmosphere was a little weird.

Gu Yan was washing vegetables and Mei Xue was cutting vegetables.

The former asked kindly:"Why are you taking a shower in my house?"

Your home?

Mei Xue frowned, she said:"The master asked me to wash here."


Gu Yan nodded, and then asked,"What does Qingqiu want you to do?"

"Tell me about it."

Anyway, the two of them have a special relationship in secret, so it doesn't matter to Gu Yan whether he performs or not.

Hearing this, Mei Xue was silent for a while. Should she tell it? Would it be considered as revealing the secret mission assigned to her by the master?

But this matter was originally related to Gu Yan. After thinking about it, Mei Xue still chose to tell it, and this might make Gu Yan trust her more. The master was moved for this:"After being injured by Xiao Lin yesterday, the master asked me to come here to heal my wounds."

"After the treatment, the master asked me to protect you in secret."! When Gu Yan heard this, his face lit up with joy.

He even washed the vegetables more diligently:"Ahahaha...Is that so? Well, it is worthy of being our Qingqiu!"

Ah, I didn't expect Qingqiu to be so good to me, and even wanted to send someone to protect me secretly.

She looked so arrogant on the surface and told me to die. What a hypocritical woman.

Mei Xue sneered in her heart when she saw the outstanding effect.

Haha, idiot man, you probably don't know that the real purpose of the master is to make you so moved that you can finally seize your Gu family, right?

You are only happy for a while now.

After I finish the remaining four things and get the news of my brother, I will immediately report your true face to the master!

Mei Xue thought to herself.

Gu Yan didn't know what Mei Xue was thinking. While he was happy, he was thinking about a plot node in the original book.

If it is not as he expected, an early villain in Jianghai City in the original book——【The Hall of King of Hell is about to come out.

This organization is considered the largest martial arts organization in Jianghai City.

They have their hands in all walks of life and have established the real estate company Yanxing Group.

They also have many cooperations with their Gu family.

Every year at the family annual meeting, the Gu family will also invite representatives of the Hall of King of Hell to attend the meeting.

The two families seem to be in harmony and making money, but in fact it is not.

The master of the Hall of King of Hell has a great ambition, that is, to annex all the families in Jianghai City.

He wants to become the emperor of Jianghai City.

The name of the master of the Hall of King of Hell is Yan Huang, a master in the middle stage of the Grandmaster.

In the original book, he is regarded as a big villain in the early stage.

Because the family that the other party wants to annex happens to be the Shen family, Xiao Lin, as the protagonist, will meet the other party.

After a series of desperate fights, Xiao Lin successfully broke through the peak of the early stage of the Grandmaster and officially entered the middle stage of the Grandmaster.

Then he killed the master of the Hall of King of Hell, Yan Huang, and took over all the industries under the name of the Hall of King of Hell, so that his power can be expanded again and become a man of the times in Jianghai City.

Well, in short, it is a very troublesome organization.

But there is no need to worry too much. According to the development of the plot, the Hades Palace was finally destroyed by the protagonists.

As for why it is related to the protagonists.

That is because one of the families that the Hades Palace wants to annex is the Shen family.

As Shen Wan'er's new bootlicker, Xiao Lin naturally shouldered the responsibility of eliminating the bad guys.

Not only did he solve the crisis of the Shen family, but he also won the favor of Shen Wan'er.

So Gu Yan said that he only needed to develop steadily behind the scenes.

Let the protagonist Xiao Lin worry about this Hades Palace.

Gu Yan just thought about it, he paused.

His expression was a little weird.

Wait a minute, according to the detailed description in the original book.

The Hades Palace would want to annex all the families in Jianghai City, it seems that it was instructed by Leng Qingqiu.

The Hades Palace would work hard to fight Xiao Lin, and it was still because of Leng Qingqiu's instructions.

After all, when Yan Huang died in the original book, he said such a passage.

【"Hahahaha!! Do you think you can be at peace after killing me? The truly terrifying existence has not yet appeared!!"】

【"All those people back then will die!! The devil has crawled out of hell!! Xiao Lin, who also bears the consequences, is the same as you!!"】

【"Whether it's you! Or your friends and comrades! They will all die!"】

【"Hahaha! I will wait for you in hell!!"】

After the memory ended, Gu Yan's mouth twitched.....It’s all your fault, Qingqiu.

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