
The time of love is short after all. Leng Qingqiu has company problems, revenge problems, and the problem of Hades.

There is really no way to stay in the land of tenderness all the time.

Leng Qingqiu pulled Gu Yan and said to him:"Although Mei Xue is my best friend, she will not stay here forever. Gu Yan, you can send her off."

Mei Xue also coughed dryly:"Yes, I still have to work in the afternoon. You just need to send me to work."

Gu Yan nodded:"Okay."

As he said, he held Leng Qingqiu's small hand and rubbed it slowly. After all, he could only do this now. After he touched it comfortably, he said gently:"Qingqiu, I will come back later." Leng Qingqiu pretended to smile, but in fact she was already trying madly to pull her hand away from Gu Yan's palm:"Okay, be careful on the road"

"I'm leaving"

"You go"

"I'm really leaving"


After feeling a hint of murderous intent, Gu Yan reluctantly let go of her hand, and then followed Mei Xue out of the Leng family. After feeling the two of them leave,

Leng Qingqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief. She clenched the hand that Gu Yan had rubbed hard with a look of shame and anger.

"Damn guy! He is really getting more and more greedy!!"

Forget it, the most urgent thing now is to investigate the Hades Palace.

After thinking about it, Leng Qingqiu turned and went upstairs.

As for Gu Yan.

He drove a luxury car on the road and reminded:"Remember what I told you, you must protect Leng Ling'er's safety."

"Don't be so stupid as you were against Xiao Lin before. Remember, don't fight a battle you can't win."

"Running away is not a shameful thing. In order for you to find your brother as soon as possible, you must stay alive and complete the tasks I have assigned to you."

Mei Xue felt a little ashamed. She knew that she was too arrogant in the police station before, but she didn't want Gu Yan to teach her a lesson here.

So she took a deep breath and said,"I understand."

After saying this, the whole person's figure gradually disappeared, and he left Gu Yan's car in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Gu Yan's mouth slightly raised, and a hint of inexplicable meaning appeared in his eyes.

Arrived at Jianghai High School.

Mei Xue hid in the dark, and she quickly found her mission target-Leng Ling'er.

The other party is now in the classroom looking at the content knowledge in the book in distress.

It seems that she is studying or something.

There is a girl eating snacks and laughing beside her. She seems familiar. She seems to be the eldest daughter of the Bai family.

The other party seems to have an accessory hanging around her neck, but it doesn't matter.

Mei Xue secretly sensed that there was no danger nearby.

It seems that the mission should be easy.

At this moment, she frowned, because she observed that in a corner, there was a thin boy who had been staring at Leng Ling'er.

Is it an enemy?

Mei Xue looked carefully.

I saw that the thin boy's eyes were full of admiration.

But this admiration was three parts of cowardice and four parts of guilt.....

Oh, it turns out to be a pure-hearted good-for-nothing boy.

Mei Xue sneered, how could such a cowardly guy be worthy of the master's sister?

What a ridiculous clown, a toad wanting to eat swan flesh.

Shaking her head, Mei Xue stopped observing the boy and instead concentrated on observing everything around her to prevent any unexpected situations.

At the same time, she thought to herself, if it was her younger brother, he would be almost the age to take the college entrance examination.

I wonder how he is doing? Does he have a girlfriend?

Mei Xue couldn't help but smile as she thought about it, she was really looking forward to meeting her younger brother.............

In the headquarters of the King of Hell, Yanxing Group.

In the office on the top floor.

An old man picked up a document with his dry arms.

He looked at it carefully. Opposite him stood a man with a stern look.

He said respectfully:"Godfather, according to our investigation, Leng Qingqiu of the Leng family is indeed blind."

"The information stolen from their company was exactly about the technology for treating blind eyes."

Hearing this, the old man put down the information in his hand, nodded, as if relieved, and said hoarsely:"In this case, then don't worry about the Leng family. We made too many mistakes back then."

"If it weren't for that thing in the Leng family, we wouldn't have......."Cough, cough, cough!"

He kept coughing halfway through his speech, and even coughed up blood.

The stern man showed a hint of indifference in his eyes, but on the surface he still walked over and pretended to be concerned:"Godfather, are you okay? I'll get the doctor over right away."

"No need, this is retribution."

Yan Huang's eyes showed a trace of pain, he waved his hand:"The hidden disease left in the war that year was too terrible, and ordinary medical methods can no longer cure it."

"Unless we find the person who caused this wound and heal it, there is no way."

The stern man paused after hearing this, and then said inexplicably:"It is said that there is a miracle doctor in the Dragon King Palace who can bring people back to life and turn bones into flesh. If we let him come......"

Hearing this, Yan Huang was stunned, but still shook his head and said with a sad smile:"What happened back then caused the Dragon King Jade to be shattered, and the old Palace Master is nowhere to be found, not to mention the hidden Dragon King Palace."

"This is fate......."

He looked seriously at the cold-faced man beside him:"Long'er, you are my most respected adopted son, so godfather wants to tell you the truth. The Leng family is no longer the Leng family of the past. We have done many wrong things in order to kill the demons, and have harmed too many innocent people."

"So you must never go to the Leng family again........."

Before he finished speaking,

Long Zaitian nodded solemnly:"Okay, godfather, I promise you."

Yan Huang nodded with satisfaction, closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair:"Long'er, let me rest for a while, I'll leave the group's affairs to you."

"But you have to remember, we can't do anything to let down the common people."

"Our only goal is to kill the demons."

Hearing this, Long Zai Tian said,"Okay, godfather, I will listen to you.

"......What Yan Huang could never have imagined was that when he closed his eyes to rest,

Long Zaitian showed a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He looked at Yan Huang, who had already stepped half a foot into the coffin, with a mocking look. He sneered in his heart - old man, your time has passed. You obviously have such a strong strength and power.

You actually only want to curl up in the sea. Don't worry, after you die, I will definitely let the King of Hell unify the whole world!!

The first target is your Leng family, which you have felt guilty about for so many years!!

In the dark, a butterfly fluttered quietly and disappeared in a flash.

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