Time passed slowly.

After Mei Xue left, Lao Gao, who had been following Gu Yan, also took on the responsibility of driver again.

Gu Yan sat in the back, his eyes full of evil amusement.

Mei Xue should have seen her brother by now, right?

But she probably wouldn't recognize him, after all, the man named Deng Feng is still a weak and incompetent waste.

Gu Yan's mind also recalled the scene when he first met this man named Deng Feng.

The other party looked timid and told him that Leng Ling'er went to the city to sing.

It can only be said to be fate.

Gu Yan smiled lightly. If it goes as he expected, Deng Feng will soon be noticed by the people of Xuanwu Gate and taught martial arts.

From then on, the door to the road of cultivation will be opened.

He will also accompany the protagonist as one of the combat forces of the protagonist group and become the opponent's indestructible meat shield.


Gu Yan's mind flashed back to the other party's timid admiration for Leng Ling'er, and he sneered. What a pity, if it was the heroine, he could use his charm to make the other party hate the protagonist and not provide help to the other party........Sorry, he didn't have the same feelings for Long Yang, nor did he have the idea of letting people around him tie the other party down.

Not to mention, Deng Feng was the key factor that caused Mei Xue to betray him in the later period.

Gu Yan's eyes flashed with coldness. Although he was very sorry,.......You have to die, Deng Feng.

Lao Gao was driving the car and saw that his young master seemed to have come out of his contemplative state, so he said,"Young Master, I have already investigated the information of Yanxing Group."

"On the surface, this company is a charitable real estate company that often raises donations, but secretly it colludes with many local evil forces."

"Specifically let that group of thugs threaten other real estate companies and building materials companies every now and then."

"Some people even resort to shameful means to obtain a good property in a certain area."

"There have been many safety accidents on construction sites, causing many casualties, but unfortunately, these incidents cannot be seen on the Internet."

"The family of the deceased has repeatedly asked for an explanation, but to no avail"

"Not to mention compensation, they can’t even get an apology. Many families of victims who died in safety accidents or were implicated by evil forces chose to commit suicide because they saw no hope."

"According to our survey"

"Although more than half of the buildings in Jianghai City were built by this real estate company,.....There are also a large number of unfinished buildings"

"Some people bought the houses they built, and watched the buildings being built layer by layer with hope every day, looking forward to living in them one day."

"Then, I became desperate about life because the construction party stopped the construction and left it unfinished."

"Even asking for an explanation many times was completely useless, and some people were even beaten and seriously injured and hospitalized when they asked for an explanation."

At this point, Lao Gao could no longer suppress his anger.

He gritted his teeth and said,"Master.....The reason why the Yanxing Group is so lawless is because there are warriors among them!......."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yan interrupted,"Okay, I understand."

Although he had known about the bad things done by the Yanxing Group for a long time, he still found it extremely absurd when he heard it again.

The other party can have such confidence and resources, in fact, it is all because of the Yama Palace, and the Yama Palace has a close relationship with a certain person in power in the special operations investigation department.

That's why they can do such a lawless thing in Jianghai City.

If it's as he expected, the only one who can do such a thing should be Yan Huang, the master of the Yama Palace.

Lao Gao calmed down, he seemed to have thought of something, so he said again:"Master, there is one more thing to report."

"Yanxing Group held a banquet and invited our Gu family. The master wanted to send you there."

"It's a good opportunity to meet the younger generation of Yanxing Group. Madam told you to be polite and greet your elders when you see them."


Gu Yan was stunned. He didn't understand why they suddenly held a banquet."

Old Gao was also a little hesitant when he heard this. He said,"It is said that....It is Yan Huang, the biggest controller of Yanxing Group......I'm going to die."

"This banquet is actually also to select the next successor."


Died of illness?

Gu Yan was stunned. Wait, does that mean Yan Huang is going to die??

Ah? That's not right?

In the original novel, he was still alive and kicking.

If he was dead, how did he bump into the protagonist Xiao Lin?

Gu Yan felt a little strange, and a guess came to his mind. Could it be that Leng Qingqiu's ability can also bring people back to life or extend their lifespan??

It's not mentioned in the text. If it's not mentioned, then it doesn't exist, right?

Gu Yan had a headache. These things happened one after another.

The most important thing is that they are completely different from what he remembered.


Forget it, just take it one step at a time.

"When? I'll go and attend."

Gu Yan rubbed his brows.


The day after tomorrow afternoon.......

Gu Yan nodded. At this moment, the phone beeped. Gu Yan picked it up and saw a pop-up message from someone he hadn't contacted for a long time.

【Are you there?

He had long guessed that this person would look for him, so he called directly. The call was answered almost immediately.

Gu Yan smiled lightly and deliberately asked:"Hello? Sister Ying Yin, why did you suddenly think of sending me a message? Shouldn't you be busy convicting Xiao Lin now?"

A voice came from the other end of the phone immediately.

"Gu Yan? Where are you now?"

"I'm here....Something unexpected happened."

Chen Yingyin, who had changed into casual clothes at home, showed a hint of resentment in her eyes when she heard Gu Yan's words.

Damn it.....Xiao Lin, no matter who you are, I must arrest you!

"oh....I am here.....never mind���I'll go find you directly."

Gu Yan looked at this place and saw that it was very close to Chen Yingyin's house, so he changed his words and said

"Well, I have something important to tell you, call me when you get there."

Click, the phone was turned off.

Gu Yan put away the phone and smiled, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Well, let me think about it, the plot point about Chen Yingyin seems to be that incident, right?.....

Huh...It’s just that someone from the Hades Palace seemed to be behind that incident.

Can’t we avoid the Hades Palace? It’s worthy of being the villain in the early stage.

But besides Chen Yingyin, there is also Wang Yulan. The plot on her side is also fast. The same goes for the Dragon King Palace. Half of the jade pendant must be obtained as soon as possible. The same goes for Mei Xue. She and her brother are both unstable. The same goes for Shen Wan’er. She is the most critical and hidden step.

These are the existences that will threaten Leng Qingqiu in the future.

I must eradicate them all. If I miss one, the predetermined tragedy is likely to happen.

I don’t want Leng Qingqiu to die, and I don’t want to die either. I want to live with Leng Qingqiu...

It doesn't matter how many people die, as long as the people around me don't die......No matter how dirty my methods are, no matter how much of a scumbag I am, it doesn't matter.......

Gu Yan felt a little anxious. The plot had changed a little. He had to solve the known threats as soon as possible before everything changed.

Otherwise, his family, Qingqiu, and himself would probably die.

Lao Gao was driving the car. He saw Gu Yan in deep thought through the rearview mirror.

He felt a little worried.

The young master seemed to have changed a lot, becoming mature and steady, but....For some reason, Lao Gao felt that his young master was like someone who was bearing something very heavy.

After thinking for a while, he interrupted Gu Yan's thoughts and said,"Young Master...Although I am not the master or the lady, it may not be appropriate for me to say such things, but I still want to say"

"Master, the Gu family is very big, you can occasionally rely on the power of the family.....You are the young master of the Gu family."

Gu Yan was stunned when he came back to his senses. He looked at Lao Gao and couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, Lao Gao, you are right."

Gu Yan took a deep breath, relaxed himself a little, and collected his irritable mind.

Yes, Gu family, how could I forget it.

The biggest reason why the Gu family was destroyed was actually because they were besieged by all the forces led by the protagonist Xiao Lin.

That's why they were ruined.

But don't forget.

The Gu family has Lao Gao, the master bodyguard, and the background behind him is naturally not to be underestimated.

If this is the case, then he has a new idea.

Suddenly, Gu Yan felt that the pressure in his heart was reduced a lot.

When you are in doubt! Find a backer!

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