That night, at the Leng family, after Gu Yan left,

Mei Xue came to the study and began to report everything that happened today:"Master, when I was protecting Gu Yan and going to Jianghai High School to pick up Miss Ling'er, I discovered the aura of a warrior."

"To be cautious, and because Gu Yan was protected by a strong old man, I chose to stay, and found the figure of Xuanwumen."

"They took a fancy to a student named Deng Feng"

"And that Deng Feng...He is Miss Ling'er's classmate."

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu's face turned cold and his hands were tightly clenched together.....One of the forces that participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Leng family.

Unexpectedly, the heir they were looking for happened to be a student of Jianghai High School.

And what a coincidence, he was Ling'er's classmate? ?

It was hard for Leng Qingqiu not to think about it.

Although she wanted Mei Xue to kill the man named Deng Feng immediately, this would inevitably alert Xuanwumen and make them hide.

If she wanted to take action, she had to kill the heir and Xuanwumen at the same time!

Thinking of this, Leng Qingqiu took a deep breath and said slowly:"Okay, I know, I will let Junzilan go to Ling'er's side."

"You continue to protect Gu Yan."

Mei Xue hesitated for a moment when she heard this. Uh... Master, I am protecting Miss Ling'er.

Although she thought so in her heart, she still said,"Yes!"

After that, Mei Xue's figure slowly disappeared from here.

Leng Qingqiu clenched his fists tightly.

Xuanwu Gate....Looks like I have to ask Ling Er about Deng Feng...................

The next morning, on the running track in Tianhudong Villa,

Gu Yan, wearing a sports suit, began his daily morning training. His master was naturally the master-level experience in his mind.

In order to have a healthy and beautiful body, he would do fitness training every day.

While running, he also listened to music with headphones.

One sentence after another of beautiful female singing came

"The melody of love surges like the tide"

"Harmony of soul, lingering and melodious"

"Stay together for life, never leave"

"You are the eternal rainbow in my heart~~"

Songs from this world?

Gu Yan smiled in his heart. Although there are martial arts masters in this world, it is essentially not much different from the world he lived in in his previous life.

There are music, variety shows, anime and TV series, etc., and the companies under their Gu family's name are also involved in the entertainment industry.

Many well-known star directors in the circle are under the name of their companies.

And just at this moment.

Two figures ran in front of Gu Yan. One of them was wearing sunglasses and a brimmed hat, with her hair tied up behind her head and wearing a tight black sportswear.

The other was a man, who seemed to be talking to the person next to him while running.

Hmm? It seems that I haven't seen each other before.

After all, after running for so long in the morning, Gu Yan has also met some running friends who run like this.

But Gu Yan didn't think much about it. There are too many people running in the morning on the track in this villa area.

Sometimes it is normal not to run today because of something.

It's better to find Qingqiu as soon as possible after finishing the exercise.


The man helplessly whispered to the woman beside him:"Yan Qingqing, can you please not run home without saying a word? What if the paparazzi take pictures of you and find out about your home?"

"I know you are upset because someone else snatched away the female lead of a drama you liked, but there is nothing you can do about it. That person was forced into the role by Yanxing Group."

"Yanxing Group also has a cooperative relationship with the entertainment companies invested by Gujia Group. We, Star Entertainment, really can't compare with them."

Yan Qingqing shouted dissatisfiedly while running:"It's like everyone has no background! Is Yanxing Group so powerful! The reason I'm unhappy is that the song I sang was actually surpassed by an unknown online singer!"

She was very unhappy when she said this, very unhappy. Being an actor is just a by-product, and being a singer is her main job.

Originally, her new song"Melody of Love" has been ranked first, but it was surpassed by an online song like"Confession Balloon" sung by an unknown person.

It's really infuriating! The most important thing is that this song sounds like it was recorded by someone next to me, which really pissed me off!

The agent next to her was ashamed:"There are always higher mountains than the other one, Yan Qingqing, don't be so loud, it will be bad if someone recognizes you."


Yan Qingqing snorted coldly, but did not refute. If she was recognized, people would probably gather around her to take photos.

But! It's really infuriating! Don't let me know who sang it!................

Leng's house.

In Leng Ling'er's bedroom on the second floor.

Leng Ling'er secretly pulled out a mobile phone from under the mattress.

She held the phone and smiled.

Hehehe!! Fortunately, Za Yu Gu didn't find out my biggest secret!

Romance novels are just a cover, the mobile phone is what I really want to hide!

Za Yu Gu didn't even think about it, who still reads paper books these days, can't I just read them on my phone?

I can also browse Douhu, Xiaohongshu, and read V blogs.

Recently, I was recommended to download an app called Jie Bar. It is said that the people in it speak very well and the content is also very rich.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is!

Leng Ling'er happily clicked on the national music platform software, and when she saw the ranking of new songs this month.

Her eyes were even more sparkling.

Because, ranked first, it is——【[Anonymous] [Confession Balloon].

Hehehe! I knew it would go viral!

What a pity, because I secretly recorded it before, so the sound quality is a bit poor.

If I could take a video, it would be great, and upload it to Douhu, it would definitely go viral!

Hey, I won’t become an Internet celebrity by then, right? That would be hehehe.

And at this time

"What are you doing?"

A doubtful voice came from���A voice came from behind Ling'er.!!

Leng Ling'er froze with fear, and she quickly stuffed her phone into the quilt.

Then she stood up with a nervous face and looked at the door.

When she saw it was Gu Yan, she was even more nervous. Oh no, why is it Gu Yan?

If he knew that she not only had a mobile phone, but also uploaded the songs he sang to the Internet, it would be bad!

The only thing I can't let Gu Yan find is the mobile phone! No! I have to be calm!

Thinking of this, Leng Ling'er laughed dryly and said,"Sister... Brother-in-law, good morning, what are you doing here?"

Gu Yan felt a little strange when he heard it. He turned on the light and looked at the bed behind Leng Ling'er:"Why don't you turn on the light after getting up?"

"Besides, don’t I have to go to school today? What do you think I am doing here?"

"It's you...."What were you doing just now?"

Gu Yan said as he wanted to walk over, but Leng Ling'er seemed very excited.

She quickly stood up and shouted,"Wait, wait! No! No! You can't come over!"


"This makes me even more curious."

Gu Yan slowly put a question mark, as if he saw something, and his pace became faster.

Seeing this scene.

Leng Ling'er panicked, and she had no choice but to close her eyes in shame and shouted:"I was just XXXX!!! There are traces on the bed, don't come over!"


Hearing this,

Gu Yan looked at Leng Ling'er, who closed her eyes with a look of shame on her face.

He was silent.

Looking at the half-exposed mobile phone

"It's really hard for you to give this reason to hide your phone."

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

Gu Yan coughed dryly, then walked downstairs trying not to laugh.


Leng Ling'er was stunned.

The next second.

She couldn't hold it anymore. Her whole face flushed.

Ahhhhh!!! My lifelong reputation!!!

In the study room.

Leng Qingqiu covered her ears, her face flushed. What nonsense is Ling'er talking about?

Is Gu Yan here? What happened? What are they doing?! I'm so curious, damn it!!!

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