After a long silence,

Gu Yan and Leng Ling'er finally arrived at Jianghai High School.

"Study hard"

"I didn't hear anything."

Gu Yan didn't know what to say, so he could only comfort her.

But these words made Leng Ling'er bury her head lower in shame.

She got out of the car tremblingly while carrying her schoolbag without saying a word.

Even the force she used to close the door was light.

Looking at Leng Ling'er who walked into the campus as if she had lost her soul, Gu Yan smiled helplessly.

This is the restless girl in adolescence.

""Go back, Lao Gao."

Gu Yan smiled softly.

""Okay, young master."

Lao Gao was a little puzzled as to why Miss Ling'er, who was always a scumbag on weekdays, was so well-behaved today.

But he didn't think too much about it. After all, the young master used to be like this often. Well, that's it, the occasional middle school period.

Pretending to be deep and adult-like............

After returning to the Leng family, Gu Yan started his day's work. He cleaned up and put away the clothes scattered on the sofa.

Then it was the most important moment.

He looked left and right, and when he found that Leng Qingqiu had not come down yet, he walked towards the bathroom. Looking around, when he saw a column of clothes, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

~~~Qingqiu, Qingqiu, it's not good to pile these dirty clothes here.

Let me help you clean them up.

Thinking of this, he walked up and stretched out his hand towards the railing as a matter of course.

The next second

""What are you doing?"

A cold voice with a hint of shame and annoyance came from behind Gu Yan.!!

Gu Yan's body stiffened, he turned his head awkwardly, only to see Leng Qingqiu leaning against the door with a cold face.

Her expression seemed full of murderous intent.

Oh, it's over, but luckily Qingqiu can't see it. As long as I pretend to be cleaning, then there will be no problem, right?

So, Gu Yan pretended to be calm and explained:"I....."

"Are you planning to do something to my and Ling'er's clothes?"

However, before Gu Yan could explain, Leng Qingqiu pointed it out.


Are you God? You know all this? But!

"No! I only care about your underwear, Qingqiu! I don't care about other people's clothes at all!"

""Qingqiu, you have to believe me!"

Don't insult his character!

Gu Yan hurriedly explained that of course he would only be interested in Qingqiu's clothes.

Hearing this.

Leng Qingqiu clenched her fists in shame and anger. The perverted things Gu Yan had done before were still vivid in her mind.

Hearing the other party's outrageous remarks at this time, she clenched her fists in shame:"Shut up! You pervert!"

As she said, she walked quickly towards Gu Yan, blocked him in front of the railing, and said coldly:"Get out of my way, I will wash my clothes myself!"

What a pity, Gu Yan smiled embarrassedly:"Okay, Qingqiu, wash it yourself, call me if you have anything."

After saying that, he left with a guilty conscience.

However, when he was leaving, Gu Yan was a little confused.

Hmm? Qingqiu clearly closed her eyes, how could she walk here so accurately?

Oh, yes, Qingqiu is a highly intelligent person, and with the blessing of martial arts, it is normal for her to remember the layout of the room. She is worthy of being Qingqiu!

Feeling that Gu Yan had left, Leng Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She picked up a piece of clothing and sighed.

It's just clothes, why should she be so excited.

No matter how perverted it is, it is impossible for someone to have any crooked ideas about a piece of dirty clothes.

But when she thought of this, Leng Qingqiu's mind popped up all the perverted things Gu Yan had done before.

Hmm...Probably not......

Not really, right?

Really not really, right?

After breakfast,

Gu Yan and Leng Qingqiu sat on the sofa in the living room.

The TV was turned on, playing the morning news.

【Hello, fellow citizens. As you can see, behind me is the crime scene this morning.】

【Including the previous one, this is already the fifth homicide case in Qiu Shui Yuan Community!】

【The deceased was the boss of a civil engineering and building materials company. The forensic doctor has already gone in to investigate. 】

Gu Yan said to Leng Qingqiu, who was lost in thought, while watching TV:"Qingqiu, listen, the world is really dangerous now."

"The fifth murder case has occurred in Qiushuiyuan. I heard that each of the victims had wounds on their chests that looked like claw marks."

"I don't know if it's a wild animal that escaped from the zoo."

Leng Qingqiu stopped thinking about the question he was thinking about. After thinking for a moment, he replied,"It can't be a species known to humans."

"If that was the case, the murderer would have been caught long ago"

"But don't worry too much. Qiu Shui Garden is far away from us anyway, so this kind of thing won't happen to us."

She had also heard reports from her subordinates about Qiu Shui Garden, saying that they had detected a breath similar to true qi.

But she didn't care. After all, what did the death of other people have to do with her. But now after hearing what Gu Yan said, Leng Qingqiu thought that the other party was worried that the murderer would come near them.

Gu Yan nodded and smiled,"Hehe, Qingqiu, if you are not afraid, then I am relieved." Leng Qingqiu snorted when he heard this:"Do you want me to say more?" On TV, the picture has changed to the police who rushed to the scene after receiving the alarm. Moreover, the police in the picture are people Gu Yan knows. Chen Yingyin faced the camera and said in a serious tone

【Fellow citizens, please believe in our police, we will definitely catch the criminal murderer in Qiu Shui Yuan Community! 】

Oh, is the plot about to begin?

However, the murderer behind Qiu Shui Yuan is not easy to deal with.

The other party is a very dangerous person, and he also has some relationship with the Hades Palace.


Gu Yan guessed, or he had a hunch, that is, Chen Yingyin would definitely come to him to investigate together.

Maybe it's a man's seventh sense? Oh, by the way, I have to tell Qingqiu about tomorrow's matter.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan changed the channel and said,"By the way, Qingqiu, I have to attend a banquet tomorrow, so I won't be here."

Leng Qingqiu was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said lightly:"Is it the banquet of Yanxing Group?"


"They also invited our Leng family, and Ling'er will go with Leng Xing'an tomorrow."

Is that so.

Gu Yan smiled when he heard it:"Okay, but how are you going to solve the problem of eating tomorrow Qingqiu?"

————I will not be at home tomorrow, and I will be the Night King to turn the Lord of the Hades Palace into a puppet.

This kind of thing cannot be said.

So, the best answer is.....

"It's none of your business."

Leng Qingqiu said calmly. Gu

Yan nodded repeatedly and smiled:"I like new-age independent women like you, Qingqiu."


Leng Qingqiu couldn't hold it anymore, how could this bastard reply to everything he said?!

Hiss! She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

No, no, tomorrow is the day when all members of the Night Organization will be dispatched, and she must change her identity quickly. After staying with Gu Yan for a long time, her dignity has diminished a lot.

By the way, Leng Qingqiu didn't know what she was thinking of.

Suddenly she said to Gu Yan:"There may be some particularly beautiful women at the banquet tomorrow, don't be fooled by someone's flirting."

Gu Yan was unhappy when he heard this:"Are you questioning my character? Qingqiu, I only love you!"

"Oh, you'd better"

"My Good Autumn~~~"

"Stop! Talk nicely!"

Leng Qingqiu immediately stopped Gu Yan who was about to pounce on her.

At the same time, she secretly sighed in her heart.

She hoped that there would be no scene she didn't want to see tomorrow.

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