The next day came.

Gu Yan originally wanted to spend the morning at Leng's house with Leng Qingqiu.

But last night, Leng Qingqiu rejected him coldly, saying that she would have a rare day of quiet tomorrow and needed to study hard.

Hiss, what a heartless woman, but it was just right.

Gu Yan turned on his phone and a message from Chen Yingyin popped up.

【Gu Yan, although this is very troublesome for you, I still hope you can investigate a case with me】

【If you agree, I will come to your house to pick you up. 】 Sure enough, they would call me?

Gu Yan's eyes were not surprised at all. After all, this part was supposed to be played by Xiao Lin.

The reason was————If you want to clear your name, show some evidence that you are a good person. After replying"OK", Gu Yan was still wondering when the other party would come and whether he should bring Lao Gao with him.

""Gu Yan! Come down quickly! Look who's here!"

His mother Su Murong's surprised voice came from downstairs.

Gu Yan seemed to think of something, and his mouth twitched.

He came downstairs.

When he saw Chen Yingyin, who was wearing private clothes and chatting with Su Murong with a smile, Gu Yan's expression became a little helpless, and he walked over with a smile:"It turns out that Sister Yingyin, you have come to my house"

"How can I refuse you if that's the case?"

Seeing Gu Yan's helpless look, Chen Yingyin also smiled:"Time is tight, after all, this case is too important."

Then, she looked at Su Murong who was confused:"Aunt, then I will take Gu Yan away."

?? Take away? Case?

Su Murong opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But Gu Yan said:"Okay, okay, but you have to come back before tonight, I have to attend a banquet"


"Then I will go out with Officer Chen first."

After saying that, the two left, leaving Su Murong confused.

Wait, who can tell me what is going on now? Did my son commit a crime? Or was he captured by the daughter of my husband's best friend? Sacrificing one's own interests for the sake of justice? Performance? Just a formality?

Hiss! I don't understand!

Su Murong hurriedly took out her cell phone and called Gu Tianming:"Tianming! My son was captured by the police!"...............

Driving on the road to Qiushuiyuan Community.

Lao Gao was driving in front.

Chen Yingyin and Gu Yan were looking at the Qiushuiyuan case in the back.

Gu Yan looked at a pile of materials and listened to Chen Yingyin's explanation.

The other party held a photo of a man with empty and tired eyes and said,"The Qiushuiyuan case happened in May this year."

"This is the victim of the first case. His name is Hang Caiyi. He is a young man who came to Jianghai City to work."

"But for some reason, he stopped going to work in April and stayed at home until he was found dead at home on May 15."

"He has no relatives, so no one even came to claim his body."

At this point, Chen Yingyin took out another photo.

Gu Yan took a look and saw a vigorous man in it.

Chen Yingyin sighed and said,"This is a photo of Hang Caiyi's life before April."

Gu Yan's eyes showed an inexplicable meaning, but he didn't say anything.

He looked at the photo taken of Hang Caiyi's body.

Looking at the claw mark wound, Gu Yan had some impression, and the plot kept emerging in his mind.

Then, Chen Yingyin took out the information and photos of the next four victims.

After Chen Yingyin explained everyone's information, he said:"All of them have become abnormal in their movements, and there are three claw marks on their chests before they died."

"The medical examiner also determined that the victim died from this brutal attack."

"But unfortunately, no biologists have figured out what kind of creature caused this attack."

"Originally, I was limited to species known to humans, but now...."

Chen Yingyin looked at Gu Yan seriously:"Gu Yan, was this done by a warrior?"

Gu Yan smiled lightly and nodded:"Yes, it was indeed a warrior."

In front, Lao Gao's eyes condensed.

After listening for so long, he had roughly understood that the young master was going to Qiushuiyuan Community and Miss Yingyin to investigate several murder cases.

The most important thing is that there are warriors behind this case.

Although he was not worried that the young master would be in danger with him present, even so, he did not want the young master to take risks.

The enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, and it is too dangerous to go rashly.

So he said:"Young master, the warrior's affairs are handled by the ancient warrior department. I can notify the warrior department of this matter."

Hearing this, Chen Yingyin was stunned and looked at Gu Yan.

If professionals can solve it, it would be better.

After the solution, they will announce that this is a murder case of a serious nature and the criminal has been arrested.

This will not cause too much panic to the masses.

However, Gu Yan showed an inexplicable smile:"The Warrior Department has known about this for a long time."

It's just that for some reason, the criminal has not been caught.

"Got it? Then why don't you catch the criminal?"

Chen Yingyin asked subconsciously.

Gu Yan didn't say anything, just shook his head:"When we go to Qiu Shui Garden and arrive at the criminal's home, you will understand."


Chen Yingyin hesitated a little, but nodded.

Lao Gao stopped talking and focused on driving..................

Jianghai High School.

After class.

The teacher looked at the two people who were the most noisy in the past with some confusion.


Why are Leng Ling'er and Bai Qionglan so quiet today? This is strange.

He left the classroom with an uneasy mood. Could it be that these two were holding back?���Big one, right? Going to play a big prank? ?

Leng Ling'er was quiet because of what she said in front of Gu Yan in the morning.

She lowered her head, her eyes full of shame, her hands clenched tightly together. She was very uneasy in her heart.

Oh my god! It's over! Not only did I not hide the phone well! He also said that kind of thing in front of Gu Yan!

It's over! It's over! It's over! How can I raise my head in front of him!

As for Bai Qionglan, it was because of the words her father threatened her this morning.

He said that if she didn't go to meet a man named Xiao Lin.

Then she should just drop out of school and come back to learn how to manage the family.

When she thought of this, her eyes turned red again, and she took out the half jade pendant from her chest.

As she looked at it, she started crying again.

Leng Ling'er, who was standing aside, heard the noise and quietly looked at her good deskmate, good girlfriend and best friend Bai Qionglan.

When she saw that the other party seemed to be choking and crying, she panicked.

"Qiong Lan? What's wrong with you?"

She hurriedly comforted him and immediately put her own affairs behind her.

"without...It's okay."

Bai Qionglan wiped her tears and smiled at Leng Ling'er:"Sister Ling'er, if, I mean if"

"If I am gone, will you feel lonely



Leng Ling'er was stunned.

The next second, bang!

Leng Ling'er slammed the table and shouted at Bai Qionglan:"No, no! Qionglan, you can't commit suicide! You are my only friend now!"

"If you die! Me! What should I do? Wuwuwu!!"

As she spoke, Leng Ling'er started to cry.

A bunch of people looked over here, wanting to see what was going on.

Bai Qionglan was stunned for a moment, and quickly pulled Leng Ling'er down, comforting her:"Wait, wait, Sister Ling'er, what are you talking about? Of course I won't commit suicide, don't cry first."

Leng Ling'er sniffed after hearing this, and looked at Bai Qionglan with surprise:"Really?"

Then she threw herself into Bai Qionglan's arms:"Qionglan, you scared me to death."

The latter looked at Leng Ling'er, sighed softly, reached out and patted the other's back, and murmured:"That's why I'm worried about you, Sister Ling'er."

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