Qiushuiyuan Community.

In a building near the edge.

Outside room 401.

Gu Yan and others came here.

Chen Yingyin held the pistol and looked at Gu Yan uncertainly:"Is this where the murderer lives?"

So simple? So easy? Just found where the person lives?

Gu Yan nodded, then looked at Lao Gao:"Lao Gao"

""Okay, young master."

Lao Gao walked forward and held the door handle.

With a click, the door slowly opened.

""Okay, young master."

Chen Yingyin was very surprised. She thought that the door handle would be broken directly.

As if seeing Chen Yingyin's doubts, Lao Gao explained:"This is the way to use the true qi. It is like your hand, which can penetrate into and unlock the door for you."

Chen Yingyin marveled at the magic of the warriors.

Entering the house.

The scene in front of her stunned Chen Yingyin.

Unlike a normal room.

This room was pitch black, and all the windows were sealed with cement.

With the light from the corridor, in this dim light, there was a half-open bedroom door, and there were bursts of strange noises inside.

Chen Yingyin was very alert in her heart, and she subconsciously blocked in front of Gu Yan:"Let's be careful."

She looked left and right to make sure there were no enemies around.

Gu Yan smiled lightly, then strode in front of Chen Yingyin, and under the latter's somewhat anxious eyes, he said:"Don't be nervous, the murderer hasn't come back."

Lao Gao nodded:"I really didn't feel the breath of cultivation true qi."

Chen Yingyin finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she still didn't put down her gun. After all, the atmosphere inside made her feel extremely nervous.

Gu Yan saw the half-open bedroom door, smiled and walked over:"Come and take a look"

""Oh oh."

At this time, in the building on the other side of the building, a group of people in white clothes suddenly became alert. One of them, a tall and resolute man, walked to the window, he pulled open the curtains, and a heavy look appeared in his eyes.

His white uniform was covered with various dark patterns, and there was a golden moon on the chest.

He looked for a while, his eyes condensed, and then whispered:"Oh no, someone entered the room."

As soon as these words came out, the other three people present quickly stood up, and a man walked to an instrument, which was a full-range surveillance of house 401 without blind spots.

When he saw Gu Yan and others walk into the bedroom of room 401, his face changed:"Who are they?"

"Plainclothes police?"

Others also looked over. They all had ugly expressions on their faces.

The man adjusting the instrument covered his face with a headache:"We have already asked them to explain the reasons to the secular organizations and ask them not to investigate the Qiushuiyuan community anymore."

"Why hasn’t the notification been made yet?"

Another woman sighed and said,"Don’t talk too much. The things in the bedroom are very dangerous."

"And it would be bad if Tian Fang came back, he would definitely kill these people to silence them."

The man with a resolute face shook his head:"The people who will be killed...It's Tian Fang. They have a very strong person."

"Probably the Grandmaster."


Several people were shocked.

The woman shouted in surprise:"Grandmaster? ? Are you kidding?"

"No kidding, that's the aura I sensed."

The resolute man said solemnly:"The other party may not be a plainclothes policeman, but a martial artist hidden among the people."

"But that woman was clearly the Jianghai City police officer on TV. Since when did secular organizations become able to command warriors?"

"In any case, we can't let them disrupt our long-planned layout plan."

"We are already at the finishing touch, and we are just one step away from finding evidence of Tian Fang's collusion with the Hades Palace."

At this point, several people looked at each other.

"That's just past."

"I hope the master can talk better.............

Gu Yan entered the bedroom.

Lao Gao stretched out his hand, and the energy in his hand surged.

A white light illuminated the entire room.

"this..."What are these?"

Chen Yingyin was stunned.

She saw that the walls of the bedroom were covered with sorcery patterns. They were painted in dark black and red tones, as if they were ancient characters and taboo symbols.

These patterns are intertwined to form puzzling geometric figures, exuding a strong exotic atmosphere that makes people shudder.

In the center of the room stands an ancient stone altar, carved with many incredible patterns and symbols.

Dim candles were lit around the altar, and the flickering candlelight reflected the patterns on the altar, making them transform into strange shapes as if in a dream.

In the corners were scattered several pieces of moldy meat and eyeballs, which seemed to be props for mysterious rituals. The floor was covered with dull black carpets embroidered with strange patterns. There was a suffocating smell in the air.

Chen Yingyin swore that she had never seen such a scene in her life. She covered her mouth and resisted the urge to vomit:"Gu Yan...We have to call for backup."

She felt that this was no longer an ordinary case.

Gu Yan pinched his nose and looked around with disdain:"No need to call for backup, the murderer is a demon, and any more ordinary people will just be killed."

"And it doesn't matter, the relevant departments will be here soon."

Related departments?

Chen Yingyin was stunned.

The next second, several voices came from the bedroom door.

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