
As soon as the voice came out, Chen Yingyin's body suddenly tensed up, and she quickly pointed the pistol at the door.

When she saw that there were four people wearing the same white uniform, she hesitated.

Because the man called Bai Jun before was wearing this kind of clothes.

Lao Gao knew this group of people, or rather, he knew the clothes they wore, and whispered to Gu Yan beside him:"Young Master, it's the Ancient Warrior Department."

Hearing this.

The four were not surprised. After all, the Ancient Warrior Department was not a secret to most warriors.

They looked at Lao Gao with respect. The other party was a master, and they naturally couldn't make enemies.

But what made them more concerned was the smiling young man who stayed next to Lao Gao.

Could the other party be the young master of some hidden family? Bringing out the strong men of the family? But why does he look so familiar?

Forget it, let's stabilize the situation first.

Thinking of this, the tall, resolute man with short black hair said friendly:"Hello, my name is Li Yan. Just like what the senior said, we are members of the Ancient Warrior Department."

"We are currently investigating the Qiushuiyuan incident."

"These are all my teammates."

At this point, the slender woman smiled slightly and introduced herself:"My name is Lin Yajing, and I'm responsible for intelligence gathering."

Another man with sharp brown eyes remained calm and said lightly:"My name is Zhao Tianyu."

The last one was a slightly frail man wearing glasses. He said nervously:"My name is Chen Lei, and I'm a technician."

After listening to the introductions of several people, the atmosphere in the room eased slightly.

Chen Yingyin put down the gun and asked in confusion:"Since you already know the location of the murderer's room, why don't you just catch him?"

This was something Chen Yingyin didn't understand. At first, she thought that the ancient martial arts department just couldn't find where the murderer was hiding.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

Hearing this,

Li Yan looked a little unnatural, and he shook his head:"Madam, the situation here is a bit complicated, and this is a confidential mission. I'm sorry we can't reveal too much."

Chen Yingyin wanted to ask something else, but was interrupted by Gu Yan's voice.

"In this case——"

Gu Yan shrugged and smiled at Chen Yingyin,"Then let's go and leave it to the professionals to restore the scene."

"after all......"

He looked at the people whose faces changed drastically with a meaningful look:"You don't want the owner of the house to know that someone has entered his room, right?"

Lin Yajing had a somewhat unnatural smile on her face, and she quietly looked at Li Yan beside her.

The latter forced a smile, glanced at Lao Gao behind Gu Yan, and smiled:"Thank you for your understanding."

After that, he became more curious about Gu Yan and others.

Let's not talk about Lao Gao, the master. Let

's talk about Gu Yan, the young man, who always gave him a very weird feeling.....There was not even a trace of Qi fluctuation on his body.

It was so strange.

Chen Yingyin was a little anxious. She wanted to ask clearly, after all, this was related to the safety of the residents.

But Gu Yan pulled her away with great force.

After seeing the few people leave.

Li Yan restrained his smile and said to Lin Yajing:"Go and investigate. We can't let our efforts for so long go to waste."


Li Yan looked at everything in front of him, as well as the pieces of meat in the corners.

He sighed."

Sorry, but in order to eradicate the Hades Palace, we can only do this."..........

Back in the car, Chen Yingyin seemed a little unhappy.

Gu Yan asked Lao Gao to drive back, then turned to Chen Yingyin and said,"Sister Yingyin, now you understand the complexity of this situation, right?"

Chen Yingyin nodded when she heard it, she looked up at Gu Yan, and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"What do you want to say?"


"I want to say, most warriors don't take the lives of ordinary people seriously." Gu

Yan showed a strange meaning in his eyes after hearing this:"Why do you say that?" Chen Yingyin thought of everything she had seen in that bedroom before, whether it was the evil spells or the pieces of meat scattered in the corner.

You can see the cruelty of the owner of this house.

She clenched her fists and said:"Because the owner of that house killed so many people, but the warrior department knew the location of this person, but still let the other party kill people at will."

This is something Chen Yingyin could not understand or forgive.

She wanted to question the other party why they did this there.

But now that she has calmed down, she is glad that she is not so stupid. After all, the other party is four warriors.

On their side, there is her, Gu Yan, and an elderly Lao Gao.

How could they be the opponent of the other party? She doesn't know the other party's temper.

Gu Yan was called out by herself, and she has to consider the other party's safety. She must be calmer when she encounters such things in the future.


Chen Yingyin raised her head and covered her eyes with the back of her hand, saying to herself:"I am so unwilling, I am obviously a policeman."

Gu Yan comforted her softly:"Maybe some things are not as simple as we see."

Chen Yingyin was stunned by this, and she looked at Gu Yan.

He continued to say:"Just like they said, the things here are a little special and complicated."

"The owner of that house may have some background or power that we don't know about. Sometimes, the warrior department may need to weigh the pros and cons and make some decisions that we can't understand."

"After all, they are warriors......."

Gu Yan sighed and said,"It's different from ordinary people like us."

Chen Ying was silent for a moment, but still clenched his fists tightly:"That's why...Can they just let the murderer kill people?"

"No matter what, I feel this is wrong."

Her voice revealed a struggle and helplessness.��

Gu Yan stopped talking. He understood Chen Ying's feelings, but he knew that sometimes reality is not always so ideal.

Especially since the owner of this house is involved in many things. According to the plot, the warrior department should have found evidence of collusion between the Hades Palace and the magic warriors.

As long as the evidence is found, the operation to destroy the Hades Palace can be launched.

At this time, Lao Gao, who was driving, suddenly said:"This is a complicated and dangerous world. There are even many things in this world that even warriors don't know. "

"Miss Ying Yin, you don't have to worry so much. You just need to know that Qiu Shui Yuan's affairs are no longer something that secular organizations can interfere with."

"I believe that you will receive a notice to suspend all investigations soon.

Chen Ying listened to the two people's words and couldn't calm down for a long time.

She couldn't bear to watch the murderer kill people for other reasons, but.....

Grandpa Gao was right. This matter was no longer something that an ordinary person could intervene in. The murderer must be a very dangerous person....

"If I joined the Warrior Department, I would never do this."

Chen Yingyin suddenly spoke, and she looked at Gu Yan with a sharp gaze:"Gu Yan, do you know how to join the Warrior Department?"

Lao Gao saw Chen Yingyin's expression through the rearview mirror, and the other party was serious.

Gu Yan smiled and said:"You have to ask Uncle Chen, if he is willing to tell you."

Ask my dad?.....

Chen Yingyin pursed her lips, then sat aside without saying a word, as if she was thinking about something.

Gu Yan glanced at her and then looked away.

Very good, according to the normal plot, Chen Yingyin will join the ancient warrior department soon.

And detect the talent of warriors, as if she is a rare genius in a century.

After various opportunities and battles, she also became the first female director of the ancient warrior department.

This power provided countless help to Xiao Lin in the original work, but now........

Gu Yan smiled in his heart, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan.....The evening banquet must be very interesting.......

Let me think, who was the person who colluded with the demon in the original novel?....

Oh, yes, it seems to be Yan Huang's adopted son, named Long Zaitian.

Gu Yan seemed to have thought of something interesting, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

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