That night, luxury cars were parked in front of the Bihu Villa Hotel.

Today was a special day. Yanxing Group sent invitations to more than half of the families in Jianghai City.

They were invited to attend the banquet, but in fact everyone knew it.

This was a banquet for Yanxing Group to announce the next successor.

Some guests were standing in the hall. It was not that they did not want to enter the banquet hall, but they just wanted to stay here to see who came here.

Several guests exchanged business cards with each other, and while chatting, they also guessed the families who would come here tonight.

"In my opinion, all the top families in Jianghai City will come tonight."

"The Gu family and the Yan family will definitely come."

"Some celebrities from Yanxing Group will definitely come."

"Hehe, who do you think will come from the Gu family? That Young Master Gu?"

When talking about Gu Yan, a hint of ridicule appeared on the faces of several people:"If Young Master Gu will come, then it means that Shen Wan'er from the Shen family will also come. After all, who doesn't know that he likes Shen Wan'er the most?"

"Haha, it's a pity that Gu Tianming was smart all his life, but gave birth to such a licking dog son."

The next second

"Hey! What are you bastards saying about others behind their backs?!"

A repressed angry voice came from behind them.

They were stunned, and then turned their heads to see a girl with dyed yellow hair and a girl's outfit that was obviously not suitable for the party. She stood behind them angrily with her hands on her waist.

They looked at each other and couldn't make up their minds.

Such a dress was obviously incompatible with their party. If it wasn't that the small family didn't know etiquette, then it was probably because the person had a great status and background and was very free to do whatever he wanted.

So they all laughed dryly and dispersed.

"I'm so pissed off!"

Leng Ling'er was so angry when she saw the people running away that she wanted to punch them right away. They actually said bad things about Gu behind his back and called him a bootlicker? Who are you calling a bootlicker! My brother-in-law has disliked Shen Wan'er for a long time, okay!

Leng Xing'an, who walked in, was startled by Leng Ling'er's angry look.

He hurried over and comforted her,"My little ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

"Today, this place is full of rich and powerful people. We must not cause trouble. It will be bad if the Leng family is targeted."

Leng Linger muttered in a low voice:"Uncle, you are too timid. We have a brother-in-law here. What are you afraid of?"


Not to mention the bastard who just called my brother-in-law a bootlicker behind his back....Is this how feelings work?

But Gu Yan did have this rumor before.

Leng Xingan looked around, and then said to Leng Linger helplessly,"Niece, although Gu Yan likes you, we can't just rely on someone's love for Leng Qingqiu to use the Gu family behind him."

"This will make Gu Yan look down on us."

Leng Linger nodded as if she understood what he said:"Okay, then I will refrain from beating these guys who look like they deserve a beating today."

He actually said that so many people from big families are a group of guys who deserve a beating....

Leng Xing'an felt that he couldn't stay here any longer, so he quickly pulled Leng Ling'er towards the banquet hall.

At the door, an endless stream of luxury cars stopped.

The door of one of the cars with a metallic luster opened, and a smiling man walked out of the car.

He was wearing an exquisite black suit, and his whole body exuded a noble and elegant temperament.

Then, a woman in a luxurious evening dress walked out of the car slowly. Her long skirt dragged on the ground, and the hem of her skirt exuded a faint fragrance, which set off her dignified and elegant face.

The woman walked into the hall with Bai Jun's hand in hers with an expressionless face.

As soon as this eye-catching couple entered the hotel lobby, the guests around them couldn't help but let out a low murmur of exclamation.

"Hiss! Isn't this the eldest son of the Bai family and their eldest daughter?!"

"Oh my God, the youngest major general in history, Bai Jun, has also rushed back to attend the banquet?"

"It is worthy of being the Yanxing Group!"

Then, countless luxury cars drove in.

The dignitaries who got out of them made the onlookers sigh.

It is worthy of being the Yanxing Group!

They can actually invite so many people to the banquet!

Shen Wan'er also came here. She looked at the luxurious banquet hall in front of her and was very yearning in her heart.

When can her family hold a banquet here? When can they invite so many guests?

She took a deep breath and whispered to Xiao Lin who had been watching her beside her:"Xiao Lin, remember not to talk nonsense when you get inside. You are my bodyguard now, just follow me."

"Don't do anything that would make you lose face."

Xiao Lin was wearing the suit that Shen Wan'er bought for him, and he was very happy. Naturally, he nodded in agreement.

But when he walked into the hall, he seemed to hear what people around him were saying.

——Look, Shen Wan'er is here too!

——So will Mr. Gu come too?

——Hehe, Shen Wan'er is followed by a man, I bet Young Master Gu will go to trouble him.

Young Master Gu? Gu Yan? Why is Gu Yan involved?

Xiao Lin wanted to ask Shen Wan'er, who was walking in front, what this meant, but after thinking about it, he shut up. After all, the other party repeatedly emphasized to him before coming.

Don't talk nonsense.

As time passed, the number of luxury cars arriving in front of the hotel did not decrease.

Everyone was wondering if there were no heavyweights coming.

At this time, a pure black extended version of the luxury car stopped.


A beautiful figure instantly attracted everyone's attention.

I saw.

A woman in a white dress was led out of the car by the hand of a person who looked like a bodyguard.

The other party seemed to be a white flower blooming in the night.

The dress she wore was smooth and close-fitting, highlighting her slender figure.

The white fabric looked particularly pure on her, as white as snowflakes, revealing a noble temperament.

A pair of bright and deep eyes revealed confidence and elegance, like the twinkling stars in the sky, and her long eyelashes gently lifted like wings, adding a sense of mystery to her eyes.

The other party smiled at the guests, and in an instant, all the men's breathing became slightly heavier.

"Hiss! Who is that person?"

"Which big family’s daughter is here?"

"Oh my god, she is so beautiful, I feel like I am in love."

Bai Lian waved her hand with a smile, but in fact she was very disdainful in her heart.

Oh, a bunch of stupid men, it seems that the mission tonight will go very smoothly.

"Bai Lian, watch your face."

The bodyguard next to him reminded him softly.

Bai Lian immediately put away his mocking expression and smiled again.

Haha, if it weren't for the master's order, no one would be a teammate with a wooden head like you who doesn't understand romance! In various places of the hotel banquet, members of the Night Organization mixed in, some disguised as waiters, and some replaced as bodyguards of various families.

What no one expected was that in the presidential lounge of the hotel,

Yan Huang's adopted son Long Zaitian looked at the uninvited guest who broke into his room with an ugly face.

The other party sat on the sofa with a smile on his face, stepping on his partner.————The magic warrior Tian Fang who killed many people

"Then, Mr. Long Zaitian, let's have a chat."

Gu Yan looked at Long Zaitian with a bad look on his face:"You don't want everyone to know that you, the adopted son of the Lord of the King of Hell, have any collusion with the devil, right?"

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