At this time, in the presidential suite of the banquet hotel, the Lord of the Hell Hall, Yan Huang, listened to the report of his subordinates.

"Palace Master, I don't know what agreement or deal Young Master Long Zai Tian has reached with the Young Master of the Gu Family."

"The demon warrior Tian Fang has been taken away by the master of the Gu family."

The dead soldiers of the Hades Palace reported to Yan Huang with respect.

Although most of them only had innate cultivation, they had strong means to conceal their own aura.

They were very confident that even the master next to Gu Yan would not be able to discover them.


Yan Huang responded hoarsely.

He felt endless doubts in his heart.

In fact, he had discovered that his adopted son Long Zaitian and Tian Fang were colluding together a long time ago, but he kept in mind their old friendship.

So he had not taken action to kill his own relatives for the sake of justice, waiting to see if the other party could wake up and turn back in time.

Today's banquet was actually Long Zaitian's last chance. If Long Zaitian was still obsessed with colluding with the evil ways until he stepped onto the stage to announce the successor, then he would announce that another adopted son would be the successor, and after the banquet, he would kill his own relatives for the sake of justice and hand over the bodies of the other party and Tian Fang to the warrior department.

But now with Gu Yan's intervention, he didn't know how to judge for a while.

According to the report from his subordinates, Gu Yan seemed to have threatened Long Zaitian with Tian Fang, so that the other party would become the master of the Hades Palace and cooperate with him, Gu Yan.

However, according to the subordinates, Tian Fang's cultivation had been abolished by that master warrior.

This...Without cultivation, Tian Fang could not use the secret manual, so how could he help them?

For a moment, Yan Huang could not figure out what Gu Yan wanted to do.

This son of Gu Tianming, the eldest son of the Gu family, did not seem to be as simple as the rumors said.


Yan Huang sighed lightly, things have come to this. Does he still need to think so much? He was seriously injured and might die soon.

He now just wants to select someone who can take on the role of the Lord of the Hades Palace as soon as possible.

Long Zaitian is his most promising adopted son. He has good talent and cultivation, but his temperament is too impatient. If he concentrates on practicing, he will surely reach the same level as him in the future.

The other adopted sons have good temperaments, but their talents are too unbearable after all.

Thinking of this, he coughed again because of his hidden illness.

Yan Huang held the handle of the chair tightly, with a tangled look in his eyes.

He didn't know, nor did he understand what Gu Yan was going to do.

But there was one thing he knew, and that was....

He believed in the Gu family.

Back then, the Gu family and the Bai family were the only two warrior families that did not participate in the dispute.

He believed that Gu Tianming's son would not do anything that would harm the world.

On the contrary, it might be a good thing for Gu Yan to restrain Long Zaitian.

"That's all."

Yan Huang had figured it out. He had lived long enough and had made many mistakes in the past.

Let's leave the future to the young.

He closed his eyes and thought about everything about handing over the King of Hell Palace to Long Zaitian.

What he didn't realize was that in a dark corner of the room, a figure was staring at the other person.

【The Lord of the Hades Palace was found. There were 6 small fish around him, 5 of them were at the initial stage of Xiantian cultivation, and 1 was at the peak of Xiantian cultivation.】

【The strength of the Lord of the Hades Palace is negligible. Even if he explodes, he is at most at the peak of the early stage of the Grandmaster.】

【What do you mean, do you want to take action?】

He communicated with other members in his mind.

In just a breath,

Mei Xue's voice came over.

【Fang, don't act impulsively, wait for your master's instructions 】

The man called Fang resisted the urge to kill everything in front of him and replied:


Mei Xue looked at Leng Qingqiu:"Master, Fangs has found its target."

Leng Qingqiu nodded slightly, but her eyes were looking towards the stage. She frowned and looked at Gu Yan who was pulled onto the stage by Leng Ling'er. She had originally thought of taking action immediately, but........

Leng Qingqiu said calmly:"Wait a minute, is there an item in the banquet program that invites the audience to come on stage to interact?"

Why did they invite Gu Yan and Ling'er ?.....Could it be some conspiracy?

Leng Qingqiu was a little alert.

Mei Xue was stunned, then shook her head:"No, this should be the solo show of the person named Lan Zizhen on the stage."

"However, there are occasional cases where stars interact with the audience in order to liven up the atmosphere."

"Master, you don't have to be too......."

Before he finished speaking,

Leng Qingqiu interrupted and said,"No, the programs are fixed....."

She looked at Lan Zizhen and said firmly,"There is something fishy here."

Mei Xue trembled when she heard it, and then a look of reverence appeared on her face.

So that's it, because this is a banquet held by the King of Hell, these programs have fixed content and fixed time.

Once someone here makes a strange move, it means that the King of Hell is behind it!

This may affect their plan!

He can actually consider these things just based on such details.

He is worthy of being the master!!

Thinking of this, Mei Xue immediately reported the situation to everyone

【Everyone, the plan has changed. Everyone except Fang should pay attention to the situation on the stage. The master's sister may be in danger!!】




【By the way, why is this blockhead named Gu Yan with his master's sister?】


【Hey! That's enough. 】

For a moment, all the members of the Night Organization looked at the stage with vigilance and stared at Lan Zizhen.

They were afraid that the other party would show his murderous intentions and hurt Leng Linger.

Lan Zizhen on the stage felt cold all over. He looked around in surprise. Why was he so cold when the heating was turned on?

But it didn't matter.

He looked at���Gu Yan, who was on stage, felt excited.

How could a dandy boy sing a good song? Being dragged up by this little yellow-haired boy to make a fool of himself was just what he wanted!

Thinking of this, he smiled and said to Gu Yan who was walking onto the stage:"Hello, how about I sing a line and you sing a line later?"

"How about choosing a song you are more familiar with?" Hearing this, Gu Yan glanced at the other party, then shook his head:"No need.

" With the other party's somewhat stiff gaze, Gu Yan walked to the international accompaniment band in the banquet hall and talked with them for a while.

Then he walked to the international pianist who was invited.

After a few words with the other party, the pianist stood up and stepped aside, and then Gu Yan sat there.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

They all whispered.

"what's the situation?"

"What is Mr. Gu going to do?"

"He wants to sing by himself? No way, without Lan Zizhen, how can Young Master Gu sing along?"

"And why did he sit at the piano by himself? Can he play the piano?"

Lan Zizheng was so angry at Gu Yan's almost ignoring him that he tightly grasped the microphone in his hand.

Damn guy! I'm waiting to see you make a fool of yourself later!

Leng Ling'er was a little puzzled, and then seemed to have thought of something. She went down the stage and sat on the banquet chair where Gu Yan sat at the beginning.

Yan Qingqing was also puzzled by this scene. She glanced at Leng Ling'er and said,"Hey, can Gu Yan sing?"

Hearing this, Leng Ling'er raised her head proudly:"He sings very well!"


Yan Qingqing didn't believe it. She had heard such things too many times. She didn't believe that a song sung by a rich second-generation could be so good.

Everyone thought so in their hearts. After all, there had never been any rumors that Gu Yan could sing.

Shen Wan'er didn't believe it either. After all, Gu Yan had never sung in front of her. If he really sang well, he would have sung it long ago.

However, it doesn't hurt to listen. Thinking of this, everyone looked at Gu Yan on the stage.

Gu Yan's side.

After he tried the tone, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and spoke to the crowd in the audience. His slightly low voice reached everyone's ears:"Next, I'm going to sing one of my original songs."

"This is also a song for my lover who was not there."

"The name is"

"Light years away."After the words fell,

Gu Yan played the piano keys, and the accompaniment band began to play music.

A piece of music that no one had ever heard before resounded throughout the banquet hall.

Everyone was a little surprised.

"Original song? ? Light Years Away?"

"Mr. Gu can actually compose music and lyrics? ?"

"No way, did he ask someone to buy it for him?"

"Wait, to be honest, the prelude of this song sounds pretty good!"

Everyone whispered to each other with surprised expressions.

Leng Ling'er was a little excited, hey! New song?!

She quickly looked at Yan Qingqing who was also stunned and said:"Hey, do you have a mobile phone? Lend it to me!"

Yan Qingqing:"??"

On the other side, Leng Qingqiu looked at Gu Yan with some confusion. What was going on ?

What was he talking about?......Leng

Qingqiu's heart skipped a beat, and his expression under the veil gradually became a little unnatural. This... is talking about me?

The next second, when the prelude reached a certain syllable.

Gu Yan spoke.

That god-level voice accompanied by the god-level song was heard by everyone.

"Feel the fingertips that stop at my origin"

"How to Freeze Time Instantly"

"Remember to look into my determined eyes"

"Maybe there is no tomorrow"


Just a few words of lyrics, and in an instant, the banquet hall, which was originally noisy and full of chatter

, became silent.

They all looked at Gu Yan on the stage in shock, with unbelievable looks in their eyes.....What a beautiful song!

Leng Qingqiu was stunned. She couldn't help but cover her chest. It was just a few words.

But why, why did it make her feel so upset. She remembered that Gu Yan said this was a song for her. Leng Qingqiu pursed her lips and looked at Gu Yan on the stage. Although she couldn't see him, the source of life in his body.

At this moment.....But in her eyes, it was so dazzling and special that she could not forget it after seeing it once.....Even outside, does it make her so upset?

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