The melodious melody lingered in everyone's ears, coupled with Gu Yan's god-level singing skills, everyone couldn't help but immerse themselves in it.

Leng Ling'er had asked Yan Qingqing for a mobile phone, and turned on the recording function with excitement.

She looked at Gu Yan with shining eyes, and didn't even notice that her face was slightly flushed.

Brother-in-law is great.

Yan Qingqing looked at Gu Yan who was playing and singing on the stage with some disbelief. She recognized it.

The moment Gu Yan opened his mouth, she reacted.

This person's voice is exactly the same as the online song"Confession Balloon" uploaded to the Internet!

"It's him....."

Yan Qingqing was a little discouraged. She didn't expect that her imaginary enemy was actually Gu Yan?

And that Gu Yan had done that to her before.

Yan Qingqing didn't know what she was thinking about. She gently touched her face that was hit by Gu Yan.

Her eyes were a little blurry. Gu Yan's voice and the other party's aggressive eyes lingered in her ears. She couldn't help but clamp her legs together.

Gu Yan is so good...

Shen Wan'er was also stunned. The moment Gu Yan opened his mouth, she knew she was wrong.

It was extremely wrong. Gu Yan was not unable to sing, but he was too good at singing!

However, he had never sung in front of her. It was not revealed until now.

"For Leng Qingqiu?..."

Shen Wan'er suddenly felt a little irritated, and she drank the wine in the glass in one breath.

She was not very drunk and her face immediately turned red.

When she looked at Gu Yan's elegant figure playing the piano, she was actually a little envious and regretful.

Xiao Lin noticed Shen Wan'er's abnormality, and he came over to comfort her:"Wan'er, are you okay?"

"It's okay, stop talking, let me listen to the song quietly."

Shen Wan'er shook her head, then closed her eyes and quietly enjoyed the music.

Xiao Lin nodded when he heard it, but when he looked at Gu Yan, his eyes showed a hint of complexity.

Gu Yan....Do you have something going on with Wan'er?....He clenched his fists tightly.

The accompaniment music changed quickly.

Gu Yan's piano was just right, and he followed with the next line of lyrics.

"Fate brought us together beyond the troubled times"

"Fate wants us to love each other in times of trouble"


When this line of lyrics appeared,

Leng Qingqiu was touched. She stared closely at Gu Yan's dazzling life essence.

She murmured to herself:"Fate brought us together outside the troubled times....But fate wants us to love each other in adversity."

Leng Qingqiu's heart ached. Wasn't this describing the situation of her and Gu Yan?

Her Leng family was murdered. The truth of the incident was unknown and the murderers were still at large.

She was tasked with revenge, and Gu Yan was just an ordinary person. It was too dangerous for him to stay with her on the road to revenge.

The enemy might find our Leng family again, and then Gu Yan, an ordinary person, would definitely be killed.

Those people would once again take away the people around her one by one.

Leng Qingqiu clenched her fists, feeling very complicated and entangled. She felt more at ease and enjoyed herself because of Gu Yan's arrival.

But she forgot that she was actually in great danger. Gu Yan, do you really want to be with me?

However, the lyrics that Gu Yan wrote next stunned Leng Qingqiu.

Just hearing...

"Maybe the future is light years away"

"I am willing to wait for you in the unknown."

At this point, the rhythm of the music changed rapidly, and Gu Yan's piano playing was also extremely fast and wild.

He raised the volume and sang

"I didn't expect I could be so crazy for you!"

"There is no way I can escape a landslide or tsunami without you!"

"My brain has gone crazy because of you!"

"Pulse and heartbeat are not important without you!"


Everyone's brains were rumbling, and goose bumps appeared all over their bodies.

An old man sitting in the corner suddenly stood up excitedly. He looked at Gu Yan, shaking with excitement.

He couldn't help crying:"This is...What a beautiful song"

"Mr. Tang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that this song reminded me of the past."

The atmosphere at the scene exploded instantly, and everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"Ugh!! Mr. Gu!! Mr. Gu!"

"Gu Yan! Young Master Gu!"

""Yanyan's mom loves you!!" Word of mouth was transformed, and everyone cheered and shouted.

They abandoned their identities, abandoned their reserve, and abandoned their prejudice against Gu Yan.

Everyone couldn't help but shout out, and at this moment they just wanted to cooperate with Gu Yan to indulge their emotions.

Shen Wan'er closed her eyes, but tears slid down from the corners of her eyes.

She couldn't help but lie on the table and cried in this noisy place.

Why, why was I so stupid at the beginning.

Why did I treat Gu Yan like that at the beginning, if I had agreed to be with Gu Yan at the beginning.

So now, is this song sung by Gu Yan to me?

Leng Qingqiu...I hate you, why are you so outstanding, why do you want to be my idol.

And why did you become Gu Yan's lover after falling from the altar, and took away my Gu Yan.

Xiao Lin saw that Shen Wan'er seemed a little overwhelmed when she cried, and he could only comfort her again and again.

On Bai Jun's side, he looked at Gu Yan, and couldn't help but think of the girl who followed him back then.

Unfortunately, everything has become a bubble.

Bai Qionglan stared at Gu Yan in a daze, and something came to her mind.

Her hands tightly grasped the jade pendant on her chest.

Mei Xue was a little shocked. She didn't expect Gu Yan to sing so well.

She subconsciously looked at Leng Qingqiu, wanting to see what her master's reaction was.

As a result, she saw that the other party's expression did not change, and even his tone was very flat:"Leave Mei Xue, it seems nothing happened"

"The action continues."

After that, he walked out of the banquet hall.

Mei Xue also felt great admiration.

He is worthy of being the master, because he originally regarded Gu Yan as a puppet to be used, so naturally he would not be moved by the other party's behavior.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and she had to learn from the master!


What Mei Xue did not realize was that

Leng Qingqiu's face under the gauze hat was already covered with red clouds.

She clenched her hands tightly together, and her dark green eyes matched with her flushed cheeks, making her look very cute and charming.

Recalling Gu Yan's passionate confession in her mind, her voice trembled barely audible:"Bad guy."

Bad guy, bad guy, bad guy, bad guy, bad guy.........................

When Mei Xue gave Leng Qingqiu the order, all members quickly set out.

Bai Lian was still reluctant to finish listening to Gu Yan's song, but the master's order was more important.

"Although he has a wooden head, his singing is surprisingly good."

""Okay, you're leaving! The Lord of the Hades Palace still needs you!"

Bai Lian pulled Murong Ci, who was still in a state of confusion, out of the banquet hall.

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