After singing a song, Gu Yan had already left the stage.

There is no harm without comparison. When Lan Zizheng sang again, no one paid.

In the end, he had to be invited down by the hotel staff.

The banquet performance continued, and many people wanted to pay Gu Yan to sing a few more songs.

It's just that Gu Yan is not short of money at all, but he has also made friends with the heads of a group of families or young people.

It can be regarded as a change in some of the previous reputation and word of mouth.

People with insight had already moved another chair next to Leng Ling'er.

After dealing with those people, Gu Yan sat next to Leng Ling'er with a tired face.

Seeing Gu Yan's tired face, although Leng Ling'er felt a little guilty for pulling Gu Yan up to sing.

But when she thought of Gu Yan's singing, she couldn't help but feel a little happy:"Brother-in-law, you sing really well."

"You've convinced so many people in just a short time!"

Leng Ling'er's generous praise did not make Gu Yan feel very happy.

He looked at Leng Ling'er kindly:"You little bastard, you actually tricked me"


""Hey, what the hell!"

Gu Yan sighed lightly. Forget it, but this is a good thing.

At least it has changed the impression of himself in other people's minds.

Well, maybe he has changed from a bootlicker to a violent person and then to a talented rich second generation?

Gu Yan felt the peers or mature women around him who were flirting with him.

He suddenly felt that these so-called business owners and family children were actually the same as ordinary people.

They would wave the flag crazily for the things they like. He has also heard that some rich children did some irrational things for their favorite stars.


He glanced at the group of people, and he knew many of them. He had cooperated with the Gu family for many times, and he had not forgotten the Gu family's annual meeting.

Don't forget, it will be the third time to vote for the heir of the Gu family.

If he is vetoed, then the Gu family, with such a large fortune, will have to re-select the next heir.

Of course, even if Gu Yan loses the qualification of heir, it doesn't matter. After all, the current head of the family is Gu Tianming, who is strong and healthy. Unless he dies or takes the initiative to abdicate,......

Suddenly, Gu Yan thought of something, and immediately understood why such a large family as the Gu family actually had a voting system.

In the original book, although it was not clearly stated, various details showed that the Gu family was actually a warrior family.

In other words, it was a branch of a warrior family left in the secular world.

It was just that this plot segment that the author mentioned casually ended without filling the hole in the end.

In other words, this vote is not as simple as selecting an obvious heir to a group.

There must be other deep meanings in it.

Yan Qingqing has been looking at Gu Yan vaguely, and she wanted to talk to him.

But Leng Ling'er blocked her helplessly.

It's really abominable, she actually held my phone!

Yan Qingqing looked at Leng Ling'er, who was holding her phone, with dissatisfaction.

The other party said that he didn't bring his phone with him, so he borrowed her phone to record Gu Yan.

Hey! That's right! I have a good idea.

Yan Qingqing didn't know what she thought of, and she coughed to Leng Ling'er:"Well, Sister Ling'er, how about we add each other as friends?"

"I will send you the video you recorded after you go back."

Leng Ling'er was stunned when she heard this, oh yes.

She returned the phone to Yan Qingqing and nodded happily:"Okay, I will add you when I go back."

Anyway, Gu Yan already knew about the phone, so it didn't matter if he said it in front of him.

Seeing that the plan succeeded, Yan Qingqing started chatting with Leng Ling'er again, and he tried to get her to talk intentionally or unintentionally. Seeing this,

Gu Yan thought about it and didn't stop it. After all, Yan Qingqing was also a hidden line that needed attention.

By the way, speaking of this, I don't know how the night organization is doing.

When I was just thinking about it

""Gu! Gu Yan!"

A panicked voice sounded in Gu Yan's ears.

In the dim light, Gu Yan looked over and saw Long Zaitian approaching him with a terrified look on his face.

"Long Zai Tian?"

Gu Yan was a little surprised. He looked around and didn't see the other party's bodyguards, so he asked in confusion:"What are you doing?"

Yan Qingqing and Leng Ling'er also looked over when they heard the noise.

————Hey, why is there another idiot? He must be here to flatter my brother-in-law.

————Hmm? Isn't this the adopted son of Yan Xing Group's chairman Yan? How could he know Gu Yan?

Long Zaitian's body was shaking. He grabbed Gu Yan and said,"Listen to me! A group of lunatics broke into my godfather's room!"

"I was destroying Tian Fang's information when I saw it on the surveillance camera!"

""Gu Yan, you have to save me! You have to help me!"

Madman? Could he be Qingqiu's men?

Gu Yan frowned, he stood up and said to Leng Ling'er:"Stay here and don't run around."

As he said that, he pulled Long Zaitian out of the banquet hall:"Come with me."

Leng Ling'er was confused:"Hey! Brother-in-law!"

No, why did Za Yu Gu suddenly leave with this strange man?

Yan Qingqing was a little puzzled. What was Long Zaitian talking about? What lunatic, what about saving him?

At the same time,

Yan Huang, the master of the Hades Palace, was already in a tragic situation.

Yan Huang's pupils kept shrinking, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The previous second, he was still thinking about what to say after he went on stage.

But the next second, waves of sounds of flesh being torn spread throughout his ears.

He did not react, perhaps because he was thinking about something in his mind, or perhaps because of his age and injuries, his body could not keep up with his thoughts.

The smell of blood was everywhere.

He seemed to remember the scene of that year again, no, it should be said that.....

The scene in front of him, or the people in front of him, actually overlapped with the figures of the group of people back then.

He swallowed his saliva in fear, and the scars on his body were aching again. He couldn't even muster up the desire to resist.

Yan Huang looked at the people in his room in fear. They were all wearing the familiar black clothes."You...Is it night?"

At this moment, Yan Huang seemed to have forgotten that if he resisted, he could still burst out with the strength of the peak of the early stage of the Grandmaster.

""Long time no see, Lord of the King of Hell."

At this moment, a cold voice echoed in the room.

In an instant, everyone present showed respect and excitement.

They stood on both sides, making a large road in the middle that seemed to be vacated for the newcomers.

Yan Huang sat on a chair, looking at the empty passage with fear.

This scene....How similar? That existence back then also appeared in front of all of them in the same way.

The next second.

A figure walked out of the shadows.

She was wearing a black cloak and a black gauze hat, her long hair was scattered like a waterfall, and a slight chill surrounded her.

Leng Qingqiu glanced at every corner of the room indifferently, her dark green eyes were cold and sharp.

After confirming that there were no more survivors, she looked at Yan Huang.

Her presence made Yan Huang feel extremely oppressive, and the latter held the handle tightly.

Leng Qingqiu's voice was icy and piercing, like frost that hit people's hearts directly:"Yan Huang, you have lived for so long, it's time to pay the price for what happened back then"

"What happened back then?!"

Yan Huang's pupils contracted. The moment Leng Qingqiu took off her veil, and the moment he saw her eyes, he was shocked.

He lost control of his emotions, pointed at Leng Qingqiu and said in disbelief:"Leng Qingqiu!"

"Night?! You used that dagger!!"

"You are crazy! You are crazy!"

As soon as the voice fell.


Yan Huang's jaw was removed, and his two arms were pierced by two bone spurs on the handles.

"As you can see, I crawled out of hell."

Leng Qingqiu walked over gracefully, looking down at the other party, and said:"Tell me, why did you massacre our Leng family back then?"

Yan Huang was terrified, but he couldn't speak because his jaw was removed.

Leng Qingqiu sighed lightly, as if she felt helpless. She glanced at Mei Xue and another person:"Meixue, Fangs, go and bring Long Zaitian here."

There is a special true qi in Long Zaitian's body, and the life of that true qi is very vigorous and powerful.

Only that life true qi can complete the display of his own abilities to the minimum extent, and it is enough to save Yan Huang's life like a candle.

She didn't believe that what Yan Huang said in this state was true. Only by becoming her own puppet can she ensure the integrity of the truth.

The moment Yan Huang heard the true qi in Long Zaitian's body, his heart was even more panicked, and his body began to struggle.

At the same time.

Gu Yan and Long Zaitian had already come to the corridor outside the banquet hall.

Gu���He said to Long Zaitian:"Calm down, tell me what happened."

Long Zaitian's eyes were still horrified. He took a deep breath and slowly said:"Okay, this is what happened........."

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