After arriving outside the banquet hotel, Gu Yan successfully called Lao Gao.

It happened that the other party had already settled Tian Fang, so he rushed to Gu Yan in less than a few minutes.

As soon as he arrived, he hurriedly checked whether Gu Yan was injured. He was relieved when he confirmed that he was okay:"Master! You scared me to death. Fortunately, you are not injured, otherwise I really don’t know how to explain to the master!"

Lao Gao was still in shock, and then looked at the pale-faced Long Zaitian on the side. He seemed to sense something, so he said to Gu Yan:"Master, those people’s target is obviously Long Zaitian. The other party wants something in Long Zaitian’s body!"

Hearing this, Gu Yan glanced at Long Zaitian whose face changed.

After hearing this, Long Zaitian struggled with his expression, but still sighed helplessly:"I was actually just an ordinary person before"

"But when I was a kid, on my way home from school, the sky and the earth changed color, and suddenly a golden halo flashed from between the clouds, and that halo sank into my body."

"Since then, my mind has become more intelligent, my physical fitness has become different from that of ordinary people, and I can even use some powers that ordinary people cannot imagine."

"only....Not long after that, my parents died in a plane accident."

Long Zaitian said this with a sad expression:"Not long after that, the Lord of the Hades Palace, my adoptive father, came to me and said that I had a trace of dragon energy in my body."

"If people discover the dragon energy in my body, it will bring disaster."

"Perhaps, what those mysterious people want is the dragon energy in my body."

After hearing this, Lao Gao remained calm on the surface, but he was actually thinking about the dragon energy in the other person's body.

People with their level of cultivation can actually see the hidden power of the dragon in the celestial body at a glance.

This ray of dragon energy can make an ordinary person reborn and become a martial arts genius.

Even if he absorbs this ray of dragon energy, it can improve his perception of cultivation.

Of course, he is so concerned about this ray of dragon energy because he is considering his own young master.

His young master knows about warriors, but his own strength is very weak.

If something like today happens again, it will be too dangerous. The best way is to draw out the dragon energy in the dragon's body for the young master to absorb.

A ray of dragon energy can at least improve the young master's talent to that of a congenital warrior. Then, as long as he continues to collect dragon energy for the young master to absorb.

I believe that the young master will definitely be able to grow to a level that even surpasses him!

What is Lao Gao thinking ? Of course, Gu Yan didn't know.

After listening to Long Zaitian's words, he fell into deep thought.

Wait, he knew about dragon energy, because collecting dragon energy is the main content of the original work.

It is rumored that a war that destroyed the world broke out in the ancient martial arts world, in which the Dragon King fell and turned into 99 dragon energy after his death.

These 99 dragon energy are scattered all over the world, and each dragon energy can bring unexpected improvements to warriors.

It is rumored that as long as all the dragon energy is collected in one body, the power of the Dragon King in ancient times can be obtained.

The only wish of the Dragon King Palace is to collect 99 dragon energy and reproduce the glory of the Dragon King in those days.

As the male protagonist and the heir of the Dragon King Palace, Xiao Lin naturally took on this arduous task.

But until the finale, the dragon energy was not collected.

Of course, the most important thing is not these, but that the first ray of dragon energy obtained by Xiao Lin in the original work was related to the Hades Palace.

But....That was absorbed from the dead Yan Huang.

Wait, wait, this is a bit confusing.

Yan Huang was still alive in the original novel, but now it seems that Yan Huang is about to die. How can Leng Qingqiu let a dying person continue to live and control him?

In order to correct the world, Long Zaitian actually has to die.

In other words.

Gu Yan looked at Long Zaitian with pity, which means that Leng Qingqiu's way of keeping Yan Huang under his control and alive is the dragon energy in Long Zaitian's body.

So that's why he attacked him. Maybe Leng Qingqiu's order was to bring Long Zaitian over.

After sorting out everything, Gu Yan patted the shoulder of Long Zaitian, who was still immersed in fantasy. He sighed and said,"Brother Long, you have suffered a lot."

Long Zaitian didn't expect Gu Yan to comfort him. He immediately felt that the man in front of him was pretty good, so he forced a smile and said,"It's okay, as long as you can understand me, Gu Yan."

Seeing this, Gu Yan coughed dryly and said,"Well, let's go in again. This time, with Lao Gao's protection, I will definitely be able to rescue your adoptive father."

Long Zaitian struggled when he heard this. In fact, it didn't matter whether his adoptive father died or not, as long as he didn't die.

After all, he knew that the purpose of his adoptive father finding him was actually the dragon energy in his body. It was just because he was injured in the battle that year, so this purpose became less and less.

But he would never change his opinion of the other party because of this.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yan was about to let Lao Gao force the other party in for sacrifice.


A scream came from the banquet hotel, followed by a commotion.

Lao Gao frowned and said,"Master, something seems to have happened again."


Gu Yan thought for a moment and said,"Let's go in and take a look."

He smiled kindly at Long Zaitian and said,"Brother Long, come here too."

For some reason, Gu Yan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Although Long Zaitian didn't want to go after hearing that, he was even more unwilling to stay here alone, so he followed Gu Yan in.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Gu Yan saw the hotel staff who were explaining something to the Yanxing Group bodyguards in a panic.

Gu Yan and Long Zaitian went forward to understand the situation, and finally learned something that he couldn't figure out no matter how hard he tried.

——————Yan Huang died.

His reaction was shock and���Unbelievable, wait a minute, why did things turn out like this?

Yan Huang was killed? No, was it Qingqiu's order or Leng Bingning's order?

Then what is the plot of the original novel? How is the King of Hell's Palace controlled? Will Long Zaitian make another sacrifice?

Unconvinced, Gu Yan took the elevator directly to the room on the top floor where Yan Huang was.

When Lao Gao and Long Zaitian arrived later.

The miserable scene in the room stunned them all.

They saw Yan Huang sitting on a chair, facing the door, with the back of the chair leaning against the open window. The faint moonlight reflected Yan Huang's appearance at the moment.

The other party's head was cut off and placed in his hand. A bone spur pierced from his crown all the way down, and the entire palm of his hand was nailed to the ground. His expression still retained a look of horror.

""Adoptive father!"

Long Zaitian was terrified. He fell to his knees."You haven't announced that I am the heir yet!"

Gu Yan quickly looked around. The room was full of torn corpses and pieces of flesh. It looked like they were made by fangs.

And the way Yan Huang died should be Murong Ci's.....

Just as he thought of this, he saw that there was still a trace of ice crystals on the bone spur that pierced the opponent's head.

Wait, is it made by Leng Bingning? ?



Gu Yan fell into deep thought and didn't understand why the other party did this...............

On the top floor of the banquet hotel, several figures stood respectfully.

They all quietly waited for the next order from the master who stood at the edge of the top floor, looking into the distance as if thinking about something.

Leng Qingqiu stood at the edge of the floor, thinking about everything that happened a quarter of an hour ago.

The first mission operation of all members of the Night Organization seemed to have ended in failure.

Of course, it was ultimately because of the decision she made at the last minute.

"All plans are disrupted......"

Leng Qingqiu murmured to herself, if Mei Xue hadn't come to tell her that Gu Yan and Long Zaitian were together.

Then she would naturally follow the original plan and use the vital energy in Long Zaitian's body to control the Hades Palace.

However, Gu Yan stayed with Long Zaitian.

Although she didn't know what the relationship between the two was, she didn't want to kill the people around him in front of Gu Yan.

Because she was afraid, afraid that when Gu Yan learned her true face, he would show the expression she didn't want to see.

Would the dazzling source of life in her eyes also become dim because of this?

She didn't want to gamble, nor did she dare to gamble whether Gu Yan would find out that scene after scene of cruel things were done by her.

However, although she had done all this, what should she do afterwards?

She clenched her fists, and to be honest, chopping off the head of her enemy with her own hands could not reduce the murderous intent in her heart.

Because she learned a piece of information, that is, the reason why their Leng family was targeted was not because their Leng family provoked anyone.

It was because......Their Leng family obtained something.

That thing caused panic in the entire ancient martial arts world, which is why so many people came to besiege their Leng family.���

Now, that thing was right in her eyes.

It was ridiculous. Just because of a dagger, could her family be slaughtered at will?

Taking a deep breath, Leng Qingqiu became more clear about her idea of revenge.

She spoke softly, and her voice reached everyone's ears.

"Gu Yan is just my husband in the secular world."

"In order to use the Gu family, he is an important chess piece"

"No one should attack Gu Yan."

After saying this, Leng Qingqiu heaved a sigh of relief. If he explained the situation to his subordinates, then they would not accidentally hurt Gu Yan.

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Mei Xue was shocked, and then their expressions shook.

Ah?! The master is actually married??!

As if she felt the reaction of her subordinates, she said lightly:"This is all just for the plan."

So, everyone felt better.

But then they also felt a little ridiculed for that Gu Yan.

Hehehe, poor guy, he must have saved the world in his previous life to be our master's husband in this life.

What a poor guy, he will definitely be ruthlessly abandoned by the master in the future. I really look forward to seeing his expression.

Bai Lian thought so in her heart, but.....

She glanced at someone who seemed to have turned gray and white, and covered her face helplessly.

Hey, hey, hey, don't act like you've been dumped!

I really don't know what's going on in this guy's mind.

Gu Yan.

After a brief brainstorm.

He finally recognized the reality of the moment, looking at Long Zaitian who was kneeling on the ground in shock and collapse.

Gu Yan also knew more or less what was going on in the other person's mind.

In desperation, he walked over, squatted down and put his hand on the other person's shoulder.

The latter felt this and turned his head.

Gu Yan smiled slightly:"The cooperation we talked about before, I think we can continue"


Long Zaitian was a little confused. Haven't we always been partners?

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