The police quickly arrived at the banquet hotel and cordoned off the scene.

"What? Boss Yan is dead?"

"No way? How is that possible?"

"Oh my god, he actually killed Chairman Yan at the banquet held by the Yan family!...Is this criminal trying to kill himself?"

The guests in the banquet hall were pale. This incredible news made all of them feel extremely unreal.

Yan Huang, the boss of Yanxing Group, was actually dead?

A large number of police surrounded the place and began to interrogate and investigate one by one.

In front of the hotel.

Leng Ling'er took Gu Yan's hand and said with a worried look on her face:"Brother-in-law, you have to be careful."

Gu Yan nodded:"Don't worry too much, this matter has nothing to do with us."

Then, Gu Yan looked at his family bodyguard and said:"Send Ling'er back."


After sending Leng Ling'er away, Gu Yan returned to the hotel again.

In the lobby on the first floor.

Long Zai Tian had just finished the interrogation here.

Although he had no feelings for Yan Huang.

But when he really saw the body of his dead adoptive father, he still felt very uncomfortable.

He would think, is this death too sudden? After all, he is the master of the Palace of the King of Hell, why did he end up like this?

Shaking his head, Long Zai Tian saw Gu Yan and hurried over.

He felt that it was very dangerous around him, and he was sure that those people would come looking for him later.

So he placed his hopes on Gu Yan:"Gu Yan, what should we do next?"

Gu Yan glanced at him. The police had already retrieved the surveillance footage of the entire hotel, but they did not find any trace of the criminal.

Long Zaitian could see Leng Qingqiu's men, and it seemed that they had done it on purpose.

Although he did not know why Leng Qingqiu chose to kill Yan Huang in the end, it was clear that there was not enough time in reality for him to finish thinking.

It seemed that he could only continue to act according to his original plan.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan sighed in his heart. The plot was completely different.

Looking at the uneasy Long Zaitian, Gu Yan thought to himself that this idiot had become even more stupid.

He remembered that there seemed to be a dragon energy in the other party's body.

It was useless to keep it on him anyway, so it would be better to take it out and let him absorb it.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan said kindly:"Brother Long, it's okay."

"Everyone knows that you are the most talented person and the most qualified to be the heir."

"I will help you secure the position of Chairman of Yanxing Group."

"But the premise is that you have to promise me one thing."

Long Zaitian listened to Gu Yan's words and felt a little more at ease.

With the help of Gu Yan's family and the master around him, he believed that his safety would definitely be guaranteed.

""What's the matter? Do you want money?"

Long Zaitian asked anxiously.

Gu Yan didn't want to say it at this place, so he smiled mysteriously and said,"No, no, no, let's talk about it later. Let's discuss this matter after your adoptive father's funeral is over.""

"Oh oh."

Long Zaitian nodded. Now, the Yama Palace has lost its backbone and its strength is not as good as before. He is afraid that those men in black will come again, so he can only rely on Gu Yan.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded:"Gu Yan, who do you think did this?"

Gu Yan and Long Zaitian looked over.

Bai Jun came over with a heavy face. He had just sent his sister away. He immediately checked the people in the entire banquet hall.

As a result, he came to a conclusion that made his heart sink.

There are more or less a few less bodyguards from each family and the hotel staff who should have been in the banquet hall.

In other words, these missing people are very likely the murderers of Yan Huang's death.

Gu Yan shrugged:"Who knows, maybe it's Mr. Yan's enemy?"

He said, looking at Long Zaitian:"Brother Long, what do you think?"

What do I think? I saw it clearly, it was a group of men in black who killed my adoptive father.

But of course, I can't say it out loud.

So Long Zaitian choked with grief and said,"I don't know, but I must avenge my adoptive father!"

Yan Huang's adopted son, it seemed that he would be announced as the heir today.

Bai Jun glanced at Long Zaitian, but he didn't expect that he was still friends with Gu Yan.

At this moment.

An irritable and arrogant voice came from the side.

"I've already said I don't know, okay! I've been in the banquet hall the whole time!!"

Gu Yan and Bai Jun looked over.

The latter's eyes fixed.

The person who spoke was the woman next to the man who gave him a terrifying sense of oppression.

"We have witnesses to prove that we have been in the banquet hall! If you don't believe me, ask them!"

Bai Lian looked very angry because she was wronged, and pointed at the business owners.

The police looked over and saw the bosses of various companies nodding.

"That's right, Miss Bai has always been with us"

"Yes, and Mr. Mu, we are all in the banquet hall"

"That's right, comrade, please don't wrongly accuse a good person. How could we be the murderer? ?"

"Can you let us go?"

Upon hearing this, the young policeman closed the investigation book and said seriously:"This is all required by the procedure. Please be patient. Once the investigation is clear, those who are not suspected will be allowed to leave."

From beginning to end, Murong Ci did not say a word.

Bai Jun retracted his gaze and his doubts about them were dispelled.

So many people testified together, and Bai Lian and others were indeed in the banquet hall when the crime occurred.

It seems that the murderer is not them.

Gu Yan admired Bai Lian's acting skills. He glanced at the business owners.

They all looked at Bai Lian with admiration.

Aren't they all bewitched?

Gu Yan's eyes twitched. Good guy, seeing Bai Lian in real life���After seeing this scene, I still feel that this natural body is very exaggerated.

This physique will not be the same as the setting in the original book.

When you practice to the level of a grandmaster, just blinking can influence the minds of people who control a country, right?

No way, no way? ?

After thinking for a moment, Gu Yan laughed and shook his head. Just kidding, don't scare yourself, how can it be so exaggerated.

Well, it shouldn't be like that.

Gu Yan didn't dwell too much on this issue.

The crime scene on the top floor of the hotel, a cordon has been set up here.

Chen Yingyin stood inside the cordon with a frown on her face. She looked at the body that the forensic doctor was examining in front of her.

After hesitating for a moment, she came to a conclusion.

This...It was done by a warrior.

Chen Yingyin was very sure that this was the method of a warrior.

Without leaving any traces in the surveillance, he killed Yan Huang like a shadow.

This was obviously not something that an ordinary person could do. Thinking of the magic warrior Tian Fang that she and Gu Yan had seen, she frowned immediately. This murder was also done by a magic warrior.

Magic warrior.....

Chen Yingyin clenched her fists. Are all the magic warriors so willing to kill people?

She took a deep breath. This matter was no longer something that the secular world could handle.

She had to report it to her father as soon as possible and ask him to notify the warrior department to investigate the matter.

After being enlightened by Gu Yan, Chen Yingyin had figured it out.

Sometimes many things cannot be done with just enthusiasm. Professional matters should be left to professionals. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, the warrior department must be asked to investigate the matter as soon as possible.

Oh, by the way, Chen Yingyin suddenly thought of something. After informing the police to protect the scene, she took the elevator downstairs.

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