Shen Wan'er's face was a little pale, and she was wearing a coat that Xiao Lin had given her.

After learning that a murder had occurred here, she felt extremely panicked and scared.

Although there had been a murder in her company before, those people were going to attack her, so she naturally had no psychological pressure to die.

But now, the person who was killed was the boss of the Yanxing Group, and that kind of existence would be killed.

This means that this hotel is no longer safe, and the murderer might be hiding among them.

Shen Wan'er grabbed Gu Yan's wrist in fear, and asked in panic:"Xiao Lin, will you protect me?"

Xiao Lin looked at Shen Wan'er's weak appearance, and a surge of blood rushed up. He immediately said seriously:"I will protect you, Wan'er, even if I die!"

Shen Wan'er heard this, perhaps because she believed in Xiao Lin's strength, so she felt much better, and suddenly felt that Xiao Lin seemed to be not bad.

At least he can give people a full sense of security.

Gu Yan has left her, and now.....

She glanced at Xiao Lin.���Fang has a strong sense of justice and is very capable, and she can see that the other party seems to like her.

But she really wants her to be with Xiao Lin.

Shen Wan'er thought that Xiao Lin was just a security guard in her company.

So she gave up the idea and said, let's talk about it later.

On the surface, Shen Wan'er was grateful to Xiao Lin:"Thank you, Xiao Lin."

Xiao Lin was stunned, then touched his nose and said embarrassedly:"Hehe, it's okay."

Wan'er smiled at me. Is she interested in me too?

Although Wan'er seems to have some relationship with Gu Yan, it doesn't matter, because....

I am the one next to Wan'er now!....Although he thought so, Xiao Lin still couldn't forget Wang Yulan, who found a house for him when he first came to Jianghai.

The other party was injured by him and is still in the hospital.

There is also the eldest daughter of the Bai family, who has half of the jade pendant he wants.

These people seem to have some relationship with Gu Yan, and they don't seem to like him very much.

When Xiao Lin thought of this, he suddenly felt inexplicably depressed and lost, but he didn't know where this inexplicable feeling came from.

Gu Yan was still chatting with Bai Jun.

Chen Yingyin happened to be coming downstairs at this time and walked over as soon as he found Gu Yan.

After seeing Gu Yan, Chen Yingyin made a long story short, and his expression seemed a little solemn:"Gu Yan, this matter is not something we can solve."

"The methods used by this group of people are too cruel. You have a lot of information. Do you have any impression of this kind of killing method?"

Bai Jun also looked at Gu Yan in surprise. He didn't expect Chen Yingyin to ask him.

It seems that the eldest son of the Gu family is indeed different from the rumors.

However, Gu Yan was puzzled:"I can be sure that I have never seen this kind of killing method."

At this point, his expression was indignant, and he clenched his fists tightly:"It's so cruel. Boss Yan is my most respected predecessor, but he actually....."

At the end, Gu Yan closed his eyes and could not speak anymore, expressing his hatred for the murderer and his grief over Yan Huang's death.

Long Zaitian was dumbfounded. I remember you were not like this when you saw Yan Huang's body.

Bai Jun was also a little surprised. It turned out that Gu Yan had been suppressing his emotions. He didn't burst out until he was asked. When

Bai Jun thought of this, his eyes became friendly when he looked at Gu Yan.

No wonder he helped his sister. It turned out that Gu Yan was also a chivalrous man.

Bai Lian and Murong Ci also noticed the movement of Gu Yan.

The former curled his lips:"What? It turns out that the guy's idol is that old thing."

But it's a pity that the guy has been killed by their master.

Hehehe~ I really look forward to what kind of expression Gu Yan will have when she knows that her idol was killed by her master.

Bai Lian smiled on the surface, but in fact, she was already looking forward to the time when the master showed his true face, and Gu Yan's face was full of collapse and shock.

Haha, just a man.

Murong Ci looked at Gu Yan, and then lowered his head, his eyes dim.

Chen Yingyin felt that Gu Yan was Gu Yan, and he was still so kind, just like when he scolded Xiao Lin in the detention center before.

Chen Yingyin knew that Gu Yan was very kind and hated evil.

She comforted him,"Gu Yan, don't be sad. I will report this matter to the director immediately and ask him to arrange a specialist to handle this matter."

When she said this, Chen Yingyin looked at Bai Jun intentionally or unintentionally, and the meaning was self-evident.

But Bai Jun pretended not to see it.

Just kidding, the affairs of the King of Hell were handled by those conservative guys.

If he intervened rashly, it would be a big deal.

The warriors of the two factions might fight.

However, the news of Yan Huang's death should soon reach the ears of the department.

Let's see how the boss arranges it then.

After hearing this, Gu Yan opened his eyes, his eyes were already red, as if he was holding back the grief in his heart.

Lao Gao on the side was silent.

Master.....When did they have any contact with the King of Hell?

Wasn't the only contact just now when he stepped on Tian Fang's body and threatened Long Zaitian to wait for Yan Huang to die and take over the King of Hell and then cooperate with him?

Could it be that!

Lao Gao's eyes widened. What is this, Master ?....

Split personality again? ?

Should I go to the hospital?...

Lao Gao fell into deep thought.

Gu Yan took a deep breath and said to Chen Yingyin with a forced smile:"Well, I believe Uncle Chen will find the murderer."

"early....Give us Jianghai a bright and clear world!"


Bai Jun laughed when he heard this, and he patted Gu Yan on the back:"Well said, Gu Yan, I still say the same thing, you can always find me if you need anything."

He then looked at Chen Yingyin:"I want to go to the scene to see the situation."

The latter knew the other party's identity, so he nodded:"Okay."

Gu Yan coughed dryly:"Since there is nothing for me to do here....."

Chen Yingyin nodded and comforted him,"Well, Gu Yan, you go back first, don't worry too much, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Okay, Na Yingyin, you guys should be careful too, it would be terrible if the murderer is still at the scene."

Bai Lian:"........"

Chen Yingyin felt warm in her heart and smiled to show that she understood.

When they came outside, Long Zaitian chased after him:"Gu Yan, you just left like that? What should I do?"

Gu Yan had already exited the grief mode just now, rubbed his eyes that were a little uncomfortable because of the squeezing and turned red, and said:"You should eat and drink."

"Just wait for the next succession to Yanxing Group."

As he said this, Gu Yan showed a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes when he looked at Long Zaitian, and said:"Don't forget to hold a press conference. Before that, concentrate on practicing your acting skills." After that, he got in the luxury car and left the hotel.

Long Zaitian stood in the wind in a mess, he looked at the luxury car that left his sight. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He always felt that the last look Gu Yan gave him was not well-intentioned.

No, no, no, now the two of us are grasshoppers on a rope, after all, the group of men in black have also set their sights on and want to kill Gu Yan.

The combination of the King of Hell and the Gu family is definitely better than Gu Yan fighting alone.

Long Zaitian shook his head violently, his eyes gradually firmed up, he only needed to consider how to inherit the King of Hell now!

He believed that Gu Yan would not do anything to him at this juncture................

The luxury car was driving on the road.

Gu Yan was thinking about the next plan.

Suddenly, a familiar voice appeared in Gu Yan's mind.

【What is your relationship with the Hades Palace?

Hearing Mei Xue's voice, Gu Yan remained calm on the surface, closed his eyes and replied in his heart:"No relationship."

Hearing this answer, Mei Xue seemed silent, thought for a while and then continued to ask

【Do you know why the master wanted to kill Yan Huang?】

It was indeed Qingqiu who did it?

Gu Yan was startled......Why? Wouldn't it be better to stay and control the Hades Palace?

He subconsciously asked in his heart:"Why"

【Because of you. 】!

Gu Yan was stunned, what? ?

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