Because of me?

Before Gu Yan could react, Mei Xue continued

【After the master found out that you and Long Zaitian were together, she gave up the idea of controlling Yan Huang and killed him after asking him some questions.】

【even if....The value created by a living Yan Huang will be much greater than that provided by a dead Yan Huang. 】

When Mei Xue said this, her mood was extremely complicated.

I didn't expect that the master would directly change the established plan in order to control the Gu family. Is there something in the Gu family that is more valuable than the Palace of the King of Hell?

Is it because of this?

Gu Yan thought of all the possibilities in his mind, but he didn't think that Leng Qingqiu gave up the plan in the original book just because he knew that Long Zaitian was next to him.

Why? Leng Qingqiu in the original book is cold-blooded and ruthless, and his methods are so brutal that readers are terrified. He is an out-and-out villain who has been petitioned to be killed by thousands of people.

It can be said that the other party can give up everything and give up all emotions for his revenge plan.

But why?........!!

Gu Yan's heart trembled, wait a minute, wait a minute, that's not right.

Gu Yan suddenly found a blind spot.

He opened his eyes in annoyance. Yes, because of his intervention in this life, the plot has not only changed beyond recognition.

Leng Qingqiu did not succeed in turning evil, but became his fiancée. When he thought of the proud, proud, proud and spoiled good wife in his mind.

Gu Yan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth gradually.

Hiss! No! Now is not the time to think about his wife's beautiful face.

Gu Yan covered his face, and between his fingers revealed a pie-shaped statistical chart of his own annoyance, shock, surprise, regret, entanglement and pain.

Leng Qingqiu would change the various plans in the original book because of himself, so can it be explained.

Qingqiu she...Is he interested in me? That's why he wants to take care of my feelings?

Gu Yan didn't know why, but once it came to Leng Qingqiu, he could infer Leng Qingqiu's psychology by comparing it with the original novel.

Although he was not sure if it was true, Gu Yan probably thought that Leng Qingqiu's inner thoughts were like this.——————

Because he likes Gu Yan, he doesn't want Gu Yan to know how cruel his methods are. He doesn't know the identities of Long Zaitian and Gu Yan for the time being.

So if he rashly lets his men kill Long Zaitian who is beside Gu Yan, it may make Gu Yan sad and upset. In short, it will cause some psychological changes in Gu Yan.

And if Gu Yan finds out that he is the mastermind behind all this, then.......

Gu Yanxiao's mouth cracked, and he nodded in agreement:"Although this guess may be a little exaggerated"

"Ah, no, no, no, this is obviously not the guess."

Gu Yan shook his head again, and Leng Qingqiu's sometimes cold and beautiful face popped up in his mind again.

How could Leng Qingqiu have such an idea? The other party is that Leng Qingqiu!

Of course, what if she likes him a little bit? But even if she likes him a little bit, she will not necessarily give up the original plan for him. But, what if she likes him very much?

Thinking of this, Gu Yan laughed and shook his head. It's impossible. Gu Yan, don't be narcissistic.

The one in the original book chopped the enemy's family into minced meat and used it to make dumplings for the enemy to eat, thereby breaking the enemy's mental defense line.....

How could Leng Qingqiu, who absorbs warriors' souls to cultivate and listen to the screams of souls, like him so much?

But she didn't say she wouldn't like him, at least not now!

If she didn't like him so much that she had to take care of his feelings as her favorite lover.

After thinking about it, Gu Yan was entangled again. Why did Leng Qingqiu kill Yan Huang for him?


Mei Xue was silent, and she lay on the car body to cover her own breath. She even changed her face through the shadow ability of [Night].

Because she was recognized by Gu Yan in the banquet hall before, she was severely scolded by the master, so she remembered to put on a full set of makeup.

After feeling the shock and confusion in Gu Yan's heart.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Very good, if you tell Gu Yan some information about the master appropriately, then Gu Yan will trust Leng Qingqiu very much.

So as to better lay a good foundation for the master to take over the Gu family in the future.

Haha, knowing that the master changed the plan because of you, I believe Gu Yan is already moved at this moment, right?

Gu Yan, he has stopped thinking.

It's too troublesome to think about it. Anyway, Leng Qingqiu is unlikely to change the main plan in the original book because of him.

After all, Leng Qingqiu gave him a very deep and cold-blooded stereotype in the original book.

That woman is a woman who even calculated her own sister Leng Bingning for revenge.

There are even a series of weird and vicious plots that follow, which make all the readers break out in cold sweats.

Why set up an evil sacrificial array in the center of the city and sacrifice half of the people in the city? Why not the whole city?

That's because Leng Qingqiu's purpose is just to delay the protagonists who are rushing to an important place so that they can rush back to the sacrificed city for rescue.

It's simply a disaster.

He leaned against the car window with his left hand supporting his face, looking at the traffic flashing outside. As he watched, he became a little entangled again.

No way...Could it be that Leng Qingqiu really has fallen in love with me?.................

Leng's house.

Bathroom door

"Qingqiu! Do you like me?"

Gu Yan mustered up the courage to stand in front of Leng Qingqiu and shouted in one breath:"And Qingqiu, you smell so good!"


Leng Qingqiu was wearing a bathrobe, obviously she had just finished a shower. She was using cold water to dilute her complicated mood.

She kept asking herself, what was Gu Yan to her?���What kind of person is this?

Lover? No, no, no, that's just the surface.

Friend? I guess so.....But it seemed that they were more than just friends.

Family? That was even less so. Her family was dead, and now Leng Ling'er was the only one she considered her family.

Then what was Gu Yan? Her slave? Or a slave with the support of a big family?

Well, when Leng Qingqiu thought of this, she felt better.


When she finally felt better and walked out of the bathroom, she saw the dazzling life essence suddenly standing at the bathroom door. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but the moment she came out, the head of the life essence seemed to be constantly scanning her whole body.

This made Leng Qingqiu feel ashamed and angry.

Especially since the other party asked her a question that made her swear.

Why would someone ask her if she likes him at the bathroom door?! Can you at least see if the atmosphere is good?

Leng Qingqiu gritted her teeth and cursed,"Get lost!"

After that, she ran upstairs with her bare feet.

Leng Ling'er flashed behind Gu Yan, and slapped

Gu Yan's back hard:"Hehe, you got scolded! You trash Gu Du told you that your sister is taking a bath and hates others disturbing her the most!"

"Hey, what's wrong with you? ?"

Leng Ling'er was patting him and found that Gu Yan didn't say anything, so she walked over to take a look.

Then, she saw that Gu Yan had an excited face and his nose was still......Bleeding.

Leng Linger's expression gradually became shocked:"Are you a pervert?"

"Pervert, no."

Gu Yan's mind was still replaying the picture of Leng Qingqiu emerging from the bath. He was like a saint who had entered sage mode after a fight.

While bleeding from his nose, he said to Leng Ling'er in a gentle and pleasant manner,"I was just moved by seeing something very beautiful."

"My love is overflowing, the hot blood in my heart turns into tears of emotion that flow down from the tip of my nose"

"He is more like a pervert, no, it should be said that he is disgusting, okay!!"

Leng Linger blushed and shouted, what the hell is going on!

""Gu, can you please look up? Your bleeding is so exaggerated that it's like something out of a comic book! We are in a three-dimensional world here!"

She hurriedly supported Gu Yan, who was standing there like a stiff panel, and walked towards the living room.

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