The disciples stopped fighting and dispersed.

After all, they gathered here for the flag, and now the flag was stolen by someone. What use are they here? What if they run out of energy after the fight and someone else steals their gains?

After all, there are more than just their teams in this secret realm. There are so many people trying to grab the flag in other places.

What if they continue fighting and attract other people?

So the teams had to disperse.

Ruan Man and the others prepared to find a secluded place to recover their physical and spiritual strength.

The other disciples who had just finished fighting were in almost the same situation and found a place to recover.

At this time, Ye Yusong's voice suddenly came from the air in the illusion:

"Zhu Fan just tried to make some new food, which can replenish spiritual power and add random buff effects. You can try it and adapt to these special effects in advance."

As Ye Yusong finished speaking, several boxes suddenly appeared in the hands of the captains of each team. When they opened them, they found that the new food was cut into pieces.

Although the disciples didn't know what Jianbing Guozi was, it didn't stop them from eating it!

Everyone took out their own portion from the box and ate it in one bite.

The egg skin and sesame seeds on the outside were slightly burnt, but the fragrance was very obvious. The soft dough was stacked layer by layer. When you take a bite, the salty sauce between the dough will come out from inside.

The layers of dough are like boxes of treasures, and all kinds of treasures are hidden in the innermost - chewy sausages, fluffy fried dough sticks, refreshing green vegetables, and different flavors of various ingredients, which bring people a variety of different experiences.

Zhu Fan guessed that the random BUFF mentioned in the recipe was affected by a variety of ingredients, so he tried a variety of ingredient combinations, some with soft tenderloin, and some with chicken strips connected by silk threads. , some put crispy crisps.

The soft dough wrapped around these different ingredients allowed them to blend together and bring multiple kinds of happiness.

A box of pancakes was not large in weight and was quickly divided up by the disciples.

Afterwards, they did feel something different from usual. Some felt that their movements seemed lighter, some felt that they had more strength, and some felt that their bodies seemed to be tougher.

Because the gain BUFF was written as random, Zhu Fan didn't know what the BUFF was, so he took some and asked Ye Yusong to try.

At this moment, the disciples were feeling the various BUFFs and were full of joy.

There are these effects? I wish my junior brother is awesome - (shock)

Several disciples also praised Ye Yusong. The deputy head even specially sent the food to us in the illusion. It seems that the deputy head is still a human being sometimes!

As a result, a few seconds after the praise, Ye Yusong's voice came from the illusion again.——

"Oops, I just slipped and put Zhu Fan's newly made spicy noodles into the illusion as a flag~"

"It doesn't matter, the rules remain the same, just treat it as capturing the flag as before"

"Just don't forget to pay more attention this time, otherwise if it's snatched away and eaten, you won't be able to get it back.~ ^_^"


Deputy Master, don't think we don't know what you mean!

Do you think we will listen to you?

Of course!

Although I don't know what spicy strips are, they sound delicious!

The disciples who had just recovered their spiritual power were ready to set out to find the flag, oh no, to find spicy strips.

This time, the disciples' seriousness was different.

After all, if the flag is lost, you can still find it, but if the spicy strips are taken and go into someone's stomach, how can you find them!

So everyone acted more cautiously.

Some teams reviewed the mistakes they had just made with their teammates while looking for them, and strived not to make them again next time.

Some teams felt that the ambush just now was not good enough, and they were going to hide more secretly this time. Some teams came up with new ideas and were discussing the feasibility of new tactics with their teammates.

Ye Yusong, who was looking at the illusion, nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad, the disciples are more serious this time.

Ye Yusong, who was eating spicy strips, was very pleased.

Zhu Fan, who witnessed the whole process:... Deputy Master, just be happy.

As Ye Yusong hoped, the disciples were more serious and cautious this time.

The various new tactics that several people came up with also achieved good results. Seeing this, Ye Yusong nodded repeatedly and prepared to make a tactical record, so that the disciples could have a variety of tactics to choose from in the Immortal Gate Competition. Inspired by the spicy strips, the disciples played brilliantly in the second flag competition, which impressed Zhu Fan greatly.

Among the hundreds of teams in the thousand-man battlefield, only five teams successfully grabbed the spicy strips.

Ruan Man's team became one of the lucky ones with their strength and combat (stealing) skills (attacking).

Looking at the spicy strips that were like priceless treasures, Ruan Man and others were moved to tears.

The spicy strips were made by Zhu Fan with beef tendon noodles. Compared with the small spicy strips bought, they were larger, softer, fuller, and more flavor-absorbing.

The homemade spicy noodles are made by mixing salt, sugar, Sichuan pepper powder, pepper powder, cumin powder, chili, garlic and sesame together to make dry ingredients.

Then pour the hot scallion and ginger oil after sautéing on the ingredients.

The dry ingredients will not be fried and can stimulate a strong aroma.

The prepared ingredients are mixed with beef tendon noodles so that each gluten can fully absorb all the flavors.

The white beef tendon noodles have turned orange-red, and the shiny reflective surface is dotted with white sesame seeds, like broken clouds in the sunset, all dyed with warm colors.

Several people carefully picked up one and put it in their mouths, savoring this hard-earned happiness.

The spiciness is like a conspicuous bag, and no one can ignore its existence. The spicy taste starts to dance in the mouth, not only the spiciness is spreading, but the aroma is also rushing straight up through the mouth.

The gluten pressed by the teeth makes it hand over all the oil wrapped inside.

As the gluten bounced, the flavor of a mixture of various spices also bounced in the mouth. There was no corner in the mouth that could escape the rich fragrance and spiciness.

Ruan Man and the others could never imagine that this seemingly small spicy strip could contain so many flavors. They couldn't stop chewing the chewy gluten in their mouths.

After a while, the spicy strips were eaten up by them, and they were licking their fingers reluctantly to taste the remaining flavor.

Just as they were licking their fingers and scraping the plates reluctantly, Ye Yusong's voice came from the sky above the illusion:

"Everyone, take a break. In another quarter of an hour, the new flag will be put in!"

"Oops, I accidentally mixed up the flag and the puff this time, everyone remember to be careful not to break the puff~"

Everyone:... o(≧口≦)o Ahhhhhh! Deputy Sect Leader, please behave yourself--

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