Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 164 Lin Jianjun’S Awakening: It Turns Out That My Real Family Is Only Lin Xuan

"Daddy, have you forgotten?"

"We are a family! We are in love with each other!"

"Didn't we, a family of three, agree to be together forever?"


Seeing Bai Yuelan's persuasion seems to be effective.

Lin Hao, who was hiding behind him, quickly pursued the victory and played the emotional card of the past.

His knees weakened and he knelt down directly in front of Lin Jianjun, speaking sincerely.

"Daddy! Although we are not biological father and son, I firmly believe that our emotional bond over the years will never be lost to the so-called blood relationship."

"Brother Lin Xuan is unfaithful and unfilial, even though he is your biological son. He often disobeys you on various occasions and embarrasses you."

"But I won't do this, because you will always be my good daddy. If daddy doesn't dislike it, I want to support you in your old age!"


Come down with some sincere words.

What Lin Hao said was clear-cut and well-founded.

He is full of confidence and has 95% absolute certainty. He firmly believes that Lin Jianjun will definitely accept his proposal.

Because Lin Jianjun’s only biological son——Lin Xuan.

At present, the father-son relationship with him has been severed.

Now only he can take on the other party's pension issues, coupled with Lin Jianjun's doting on him on weekdays.

Therefore, Lin Hao knew very well that no matter how unhappy Old Biden was, he could only choose him to provide for him until his death.

as expected.

When he finished speaking, Lin Jianjun showed a wry smile, and then silently approached Lin Hao and his mother.

See this.

Lin Hao smiled proudly in his heart, opened his hands, crossed his mother, and threw himself into Lin Jianjun's arms.

"Daddy~ Haoer will always be your baby."

"We are a family, a family that loves each other. Even if we are not related by blood, you will always be my most respected daddy."

With a happy smile on Lin Hao's face, he snuggled into Lin Jianjun's arms and acted coquettishly.

I thought everything was settled.

Lin Jianjun will wear this cuckold honestly and firmly.

But who knows what will happen next.

The other party's face changed instantly, and he clamped Lin Hao's neck with a ferocious expression.

Caught off guard!

Lin Hao was held tightly by his elbows around his neck, unable to move.

But Lin Jianjun was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He picked up the ashtray on the table and hit Lin Hao on the head viciously.

boom! ! !

At the same time, he kept cursing:

"You bastard, you still want to support me in my old age? You deserve it too!"

"Aren't you talking so much just to use me to get the last bit of your property?"

"I'm telling you, logging is sacred. And the bond that binds family members is blood."

"You two, mother and son, are talking so brazenly here. You are not my descendant, and I won't accept it even if you talk about it."

"I really regret it! I have listened to the slanders of you Green Tea mother and son all these years, which caused me to cut off my relationship with my biological son. You really deserve to die!!!"


Lin Jianjun's eyes were red and he kept hitting Lin Hao's head with the ashtray, his heart filled with boundless rage.

He really hated this green tea mother and son.

Because of the obstruction of the two people, Lin Xuan severed the father-son relationship with himself.

Looking back now, I realize how outstanding my biological son is! ! !

Having perfectly inherited his excellent genes, it should have been my greatest pride in life, but now...

This is all the mother and son's fault! ! !

If it weren't for these two people, I would have been admired by thousands of people because of Lin Xuan.

How could it be possible to end up in the situation where the group went bankrupt and lived in a small shabby house?

It’s unforgivable! ! !

Fortunately, he still regarded Bai Yuelan as his lifelong lover, thinking that she was a good wife and mother.

Fortunately, he still regarded Lin Hao as the proudest son in his life, and wanted to leave the best for him with all his heart.

But after doing this for a long time, he slapped her in the face and realized that this guy was not his biological child! ! !

The key is......

These two bitches still don't know how to repent and say what they say without shame...

Blood relationship is not important? ? ?

I can go to hell! ! !

Lin Jianjun was so angry that his hair stood on end.

He is a conservative who values ​​blood ties above all else.

Because there is a "throne" to be inherited in the family, and he is not willing to take advantage of the old Wang next door's seed in vain.

How close the relationship between the two parties was before Mongolian control was based on blood ties.

Now that he knew that he and Lin Hao were not biological father and son, Lin Jianjun felt disgusted by the other person.

Especially when I think about how I had doted on this bastard for decades, and often neglected my own son because of him...

The regret in his heart was there!

Especially when the voice of Lin Hao, a bastard who often pretends to be coy and calls himself "Daddy" softly, echoes in his ears.

He instantly had the urge to vomit.

The movements of his hands couldn't help but become harder and harder.

The ashtray rose and fell again and again, hitting Lin Hao's head, as if to wash away a certain shame and kill him completely.

"Daddy, Xiao Hao hurts. Don't hit Xiao Hao! Please!"

"Mommy, help! Daddy is crazy!"

At the beginning, Lin Hao could still shout and struggle for a few times.

But as Lin Jianjun's strength gradually increased.

Lin Hao had a premonition that he was about to be beaten to death...

His head had long been broken, and his body was stained with a lot of blood. The scene looked extremely bloody and violent.

"Ahhhh!!! Lin Jianjun, let go of my son quickly!!!"


Bai Yuelan was scared out of her mind. In order to save her only son, she scratched and scratched Lin Jianjun.

It's a pity that Lin Jianjun was so angry that he completely ignored this damage output.

Fortunately at this time!

Lu Bingkun and several other company directors arrived belatedly.

Through the door, they heard Bai Yuelan's screams crying for her father and mother. They were suddenly shocked and knew something had happened.

Several people quickly opened the door.

I just happened to see Lin Jianjun being furious and committing murder.

They were so frightened that they surrounded him and forcibly pulled him off Lin Hao's body.

"Old Lin, you are confused!"

"Is it worth risking your own future for such an unrelated person?"

"Chairman, calm down. The group is in danger now! You have more important things to do than waste your time here."

"Yes! You can take revenge on these two people at any time. But the top priority should be to get your son's forgiveness as soon as possible."

"After the company gets back on track, it won't be too late for you to take your revenge on this mother and son!"


The directors of the group asked Lin Jianjun to put aside his hatred temporarily and deal with the most important matters first...

Ask Lin Xuan for forgiveness! ! !

In fact, shareholders don't care about Lin Hao's life or death.

But if Lin Jianjun goes too far here and is arrested by the police, who will be left to negotiate with his son? ? ?

So we have to stop it no matter what, until the group is out of danger.


Lin Jianjun was held by two shareholders, one on the left and the other on the right.

The violent mood swings made him gasp for breath.

However, after being pulled away by several shareholders, he gradually regained his composure and realized later that he couldn't help but feel fear.

damn it!

Why didn't you control your emotions just now?

I almost killed this bitch on the spot because of my hotheadedness.

If that were the case, if one life was exchanged for another, then I would be at a huge loss.

Looking at Lin Hao, who was unconscious on the ground with blood on his head.

Lin Jianjun turned his head away in disgust.

He turned to stare at Lu Bingkun and several other shareholders, and listened to their advice. The more he listened, the more reasonable he became.

"Old Lin! If you think on the bright side, it's actually a blessing in disguise."

"That's right! You can now drive this mother and son out of the house without any psychological burden!"

"Young Master Lin is always your biological son. His broken bones are still connected. Isn't it because of this mother and son that I have never forgiven you?"

"As long as you sincerely apologize to him! And swear to Mr. Lin that you will never have anything to do with this mother and son, I am sure that Mr. Lin will be soft-hearted and forgive you."

"As for revenge...after the group regains its strength, you can deal with Bai Yuelan and her son however you want?!"

"After all, when you have money, you are free and can do whatever you want."


Facing the shareholders of the group, there was a lot of persuasion.

If it were before, Lin Jianjun would only sneer and would never do anything that would chill mother and son.

But now...

The top priority is to find a way to repair the relationship with Lin Xuan.

After all, the other person is now his only biological son.

He also inherited the Su Group, which was at its peak, and was destined to have a glorious future.

I can only rely on him for my future pension.

However, the two sides had been so tense before. Is that guy Lin Xuan really still willing to recognize him?

After raising this concern….

Lu Bingkun and others waved their hands repeatedly to signal Lin Jianjun to relax.

"There is an old saying: Only father is good in the world, and children without fathers are like grass. Lao Lin, rest assured!"

"Your blood is flowing in Mr. Lin's body. This is an unchangeable fact. He cannot be indifferent and watch the Lin Group go to a dead end."

"But the premise of everything is that you sincerely apologize. Instead of just shouting slogans hypocritically like before. In fact, my heart still prefers Lin Hao and his mother..."

"Yes, that's right! Mr. Lin is not stupid. Are you sincere or are you just lying? If he takes one look at you, he will naturally not forgive you."

"Chairman, this is your last hope. Don't be willful anymore! Success or failure depends on this! You must come from the bottom of your heart and realize your mistakes."

"Also, you must unconditionally transfer the shares to Mr. Lin's name. And you cannot put forward any conditions to show your sincerity!"

"It makes sense! When Mr. Lin becomes the real leader of the group, it is impossible for him to ignore the death of the company under his name."


Several shareholders of the group became more and more excited as they talked and kept giving Lin Jianjun advice.

They seem to have seen Lin Xuan contribute the recipe of [Beauty Enhancing Pill] after taking over the company.

The group not only survived the bankruptcy crisis.

Instead, it was a blessing in disguise. With its market value soaring, it became a new billion-dollar group in Shanghai.

As the biggest beneficiaries, the value of their shares increased hundreds of times, and they became big shots admired and envied by everyone in the city.

Just when several shareholders are immersed in their dreams...

Lin Jianjun also looked excited, and he also envisioned a bright future.

"Okay! I'll go find that beast right now...what a big boy."

"As long as Lin Xuan knows that the conflict between our father and son is all because of the mother and son who are causing trouble, he will definitely forgive his innocent self immediately."

"After all, the ignorant are not guilty! It was not me who was wrong, but Lin Hao, the disgusting mother and son!"


In just a few sentences, Lin Jianjun completely blamed himself for all the conflicts he had had with Lin Xuan so far on the instigation of Lin Hao's mother and son.

He was already imagining that after Lin Xuan knew the truth, the father and son would put aside their past feud and live a warm life of a loving father and a filial son again.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Jianjun's face was full of disgust, and he glanced at the unconscious Lin Hao and the crying Bai Yuelan.

He left the staff dormitory without looking back.

Now he knows who his real family is.

Lin Xuan, my poor eldest son~~

Daddy is here to give you fatherly love~~

the other side.

"Chairman, have a nice trip!"

"We are waiting for your triumphant return! Chairman!"


Looking at Lin Jianjun's disappearing back.

The shareholders were all excited and respectfully sent each other off.

Compared with the previous attitude of breaking things down, they are now much more respectful.

But this is also human nature...

The Lin Group is now likely to make a comeback, and shareholders naturally do not want to offend Lin Jianjun again.

Don't just change your attitude.

Even if Lin Jianjun asked them to kneel and kowtow, I'm afraid a few of them would not hesitate.

And compared with the elated group directors...

"Xiao Hao!!!"

"Don't scare Mommy?! How can Mommy live without you?"

Baiyuelan ghosts cry and wolves howl.

She looked at Lin Hao, who was bleeding and unconscious, crying so loudly that his lungs were split, and she didn't even notice Lin Jianjun leaving.

It was the first time in her life that she encountered such a change.

At this time, his brain was shut down, and he didn't even think of sending Lin Hao to the hospital.

Instead, Lu Bingkun saw this scene and took the initiative to offer help to several colleagues.

"Hey! Brother, please help me! Let's take this kid to the hospital."

"Ah? Why! What does this kid's life and death have to do with us?"

Some shareholders were reluctant, fearing that the blood on Lin Hao's body would stain their newly purchased suits.

"If something happens to this kid, Lao Lin will be involved. What if he is caught by the police?"

"Now the group can rely entirely on Lao Lin! It's best not to cause more trouble! Otherwise, it will be damaged...our interests."

Hearing matters is personal.

Although the other group directors were unhappy.

But he still made the emergency call honestly and contacted the hospital to prepare to send Lin Hao there...

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