Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 859: Zombie: Sleepwalking

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Another day passed, and when I was sleeping in northern Jiangsu at night, I was a little uneasy, but I couldn't wake up.

How to say, zombies do not need to sleep, but Subei is used to sleeping, so he keeps this habit of sleeping.

He slept soundly the previous two nights, but this night he was really, very unsteady.

It seemed like I had a nightmare, but I couldn't wake up.

It didn't wake up until dawn, and felt the whole person was very tired.

It's probably him who gets tired when he sleeps.

Suddenly, he frowned and smelled it, feeling how there was a breath of zombie blood.

He stretched his neck for a long time to find the thicker zombie blood in the cracks of his nails.

Subei sat in bed and asked 748: "What happened last night?"

748 responded rudely, "You have sanctioned your new classmate who became a zombie."

The black question mark face in northern Jiangsu, "Under the circumstances that I don't know?"

748 responded, "Well."

Subei thought it was magical, "Oh, isn't it, zombies will still sleepwalk? And still sleepwalk to kill other zombies."

748: "I don't know."

Subei turned over the plot and felt a bit of a headache. It didn't mention that the original owner would sleepwalk. The butterfly's wings are a bit excessive.

Anyway, already awake, coupled with sleepwalking bad things, Subei has no desire to sleep back to sleep.

He went out of the room and saw Chu Yun was going to go to school. She saw Su Bei and paused and asked, "Did you go out last night?"

Subei did not answer the question: "Do zombies sleepwalk?"

Chu Yun got to the point of the North Jiangsu issue, "You haven't sleepwalked before."

North Jiangsu nodded, that was only last night.

Chu Yun asked again: "Are you going to school?" She was calm as if nothing had happened that day.

Subei nodded, "Go."

The classmate didn't come to class. Chu Yun didn't react very much at first. Later, she felt something was wrong.

Suddenly thinking of something, Chu Yun closed his eyes and felt for a while, his pupils shrunk.

Dead, that classmate died.

Because she has her own zombie blood, there is still a little subtle connection.

But one night, how could he die.

Thinking about it, she remembered the smell that she thought was an illusion this morning.

At the end of the class, Chu Yun walked to North Jiangsu, "I have something to tell you, come with me."

Su Bei got up and followed Chu Yun to the grove. Chu Yun asked directly, "Are you killing the cuckoo?"

This question caused Subei to ponder, "Yes, but I have no impression at all."

Chu Yun frowned, "So you asked me this morning if the zombie would sleepwalk because of this?"

Subei nodded, "Well."

I don't know why. For Yunbei's explanation, Chu Yun was a little confused about the unknown and lost.

She sarcastically said: "I thought you were because I gave my blood to others."

Su Bei gave Chu Yun a puzzled look, "What does this have to do with me?"

Chu Yun was stunned and was stung by the indifferent eyes of Northern Jiangsu. The former Northern Jiangsu was not like this, no.

She turned away with some anger, leaving a bewildered North Jiangsu.

Subei thought, the woman's heart, the seabed needle, even the heroine might be like this.

It is a pity that he would not guess why Chu Yun was angry.

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