Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 860: Zombie: Refusing to play basketball

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However, this sleepwalking problem seems a bit strange.

Northern Jiangsu said, "Speaking of 88, do you have a video recording function?"

748: "How could I not have such a low-level function."

North Jiangsu nodded, "That line, if I sleepwalk to give me a full video tonight."

748: "Request to dismiss."

A black question mark face in northern Jiangsu, "Excuse me, what is the reason for the rejection?"

748: "You belong to open link, after all, no normal person can record the whole process of sleepwalking."

Subei mouth twitched slightly, "That line, let's shove, will ordinary people carry such things as the system?"

748: "No."

Subei asked: "Can ordinary people know the plot in advance?"

748: "No."

Northern Jiangsu shrugged, "So you explain, the two things I asked just now are not considered open?"

"If it doesn't count, then I think the whole recording is not open. If it counts, it has already opened such a big hang anyway, still care about such a small hang?

748: "..." He was speechless.

Su Bei immediately finalized, "Then even if you agree, if I sleepwalk again at night, remember to record."

He dangled and prepared to return to the classroom. Song Zhi and Luo Yiran ran over to sandwich Subei from left to right. "Beige, let's play basketball."

The black question mark face in the north of Jiangsu, how can he play basketball in the presence of an otaku level, non-existent, "do not go."

Song stubbornly faced, and finally went south and away, and could not make an appointment, "Brother, you pity us."

Subei raised his hand against the sticky head of Song Zhi, "I can watch you play, but I will not play." It is impossible to play in this life.

Although Song Zhi was a little unwilling, he thought that it was better than that of Northern Jiangsu, so he nodded and agreed.

Of course, it will not be the class of North Jiangsu who skips classes, each class can have so few spikes, so playing basketball is also the same as other classes.

At first, they were a little scared when they saw North Jiangsu. After all, North Jiangsu has taken the green hair to the point where there is no way to fight back. Everyone knows it.

But when I heard that North Jiangsu was not playing, they were full of energy again.

Out of awe, they still said hello to Northern Jiangsu, and some people handed cigarettes to Northern Jiangsu.

This time Subei was not put in his mouth.

As for why they are so arrogant at school, it is because this school is a noble school.

If you want to spend money, do not learn to look at yourself, anyway, the money has been collected, whatever.

Parents do n’t think it matters. As long as you do n’t overdo it, the school will definitely close your eyes.

The basketball court here is very luxurious. There is the kind of auditorium. North Jiangsu leans on the chair and is a little sleepy.

He neither plays basketball nor has any interest in basketball.

Originally Yangguan was slightly dazzling and suddenly darkened.

Northern Jiangsu opened his eyes, and saw the road reaching south to smoke away the smoke between his fingers.

Lu Xiangnan hated seeing the existence of such things as smoke in the hands of northern Jiangsu, and he was particularly disgusted.

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, Raiders progress 35%."

Subei narrowed his eyes. "I thought you were not going to school."

Lu Xiangnan sat beside North Jiangsu, "It's really not ready." But he didn't want to explain why he came again.

Subei felt a little bit uncomfortable, probably because of tobacco addiction.

He turned his elbow and headed south, "Is it sugar?"

Like to wear fast Raiders: Brother, please let go! Please collect: ( Quick Wear Guide: Dad, please let go! The literature is updated fastest.

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