Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 22 A Terrifying New Identity

"Venerable Shura suddenly appeared in the Golden Hexagon three years ago. When he first appeared, he used thunderous means to sweep away a group of local militants."

"Killed more than 300 people, all of whom were fully armed. Then they attacked the Bo Lai mercenary base and penetrated the entire base."

"Killed and maimed more than 1,800 people."

"In the next year, they became even more rampant and invincible. At its peak, one person even fought against an entire regular division and crippled the entire division."

"This battle officially made the name Lord Shura appear in the ears of countless people."

"When people later arrived at the forest battlefield, they could see densely packed corpses on the ground, and even the ruins of heavy tanks, and even the wreckage of helicopters."

"Shortly afterwards, a video leaked. You can see a man wearing a golden robe and a golden medal on his chest facing the armed force of more than 3,000 regular divisions on the battlefield."

"It was like a tank. Rather than rushing away, what's even more terrifying is that a large number of bullets were thrown at an angle, but they didn't hurt him at all."

"Under his impact, a tank of more than 40 tons was overturned and jumped up, reaching a height of tens of meters."

"The helicopter was pulled down in one fell swoop."

"After this battle, Lord Shura became the Golden Hexagon, a worthy god. As a result, countless armed organizations were born, all with Lord Shura as their totem symbol."

"It means they are protected by Lord Shura."

"There are currently three major armed organizations that declare to the outside world that everyone in them is a believer in Lord Shura. They have regarded Lord Shura as their faith and worshiped him like a god."

"But after that year, Lord Shura disappeared mysteriously just like when he first appeared."

Jiang Chen stared blankly at the new identity given by the system, and his whole body felt sluggish for a moment.

"This...this new identity!"

"Isn't it a bit too awesome?"

"Such a strong personal force, wouldn't national-level forces pay attention?" Jiang Chen thought of this and quickly shook his head.

"National-level forces have actually known about Gu Wu's existence for a long time, so they are not surprised. For example, Lin Fan, whose strength is enough to defy the heavens, has still not attracted the attention of national-level forces."

"The water in this world is very deep."

Jiang Chen was thinking this when he suddenly saw a bright blue light on the screen, shining on the floor in front of him.

As the light dissipated, a wooden box appeared in front of me.

"What is this?" Jiang Chen suddenly became curious. He didn't expect that the system could not only give him an identity, but also give him physical objects.

With curiosity, Jiang Chen bent down and opened the box.

As the box opened, a golden robe was neatly placed inside, with a golden medal in the middle with four words written on it.

Lord Shura.

"It turns out to be the standard equipment of Lord Shura!"

Jiang Chen's heart moved. In the text reflected in the system, Lord Shura's physical body was quite exaggerated. He could withstand bullets and cannonballs all over the sky. This was obviously not something that an indestructible King Kong could achieve.

And he did not receive the corresponding martial arts power initiation from the system.

Then there is only one possibility, it is not his physical body that can withstand beatings, but the blessing of equipment, which is probably the golden robe in front of him.

Picking up the robe, Jiang Chen shook it gently. There was still dust falling on it, as if it had been stored for a long time, but there was no smell of decay, but a smell of gunpowder.

"What material is this made of?" Jiang Chen touched the robe. It felt strange. It was different from ordinary clothes. It was very smooth, like silk.

He pulled hard, but with Jiang Chen's current strength, he couldn't stop pulling.

"Sure enough, it's a treasure." Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he put the robe on casually, and found that it fit perfectly, as if it was tailor-made for him.

Standing in front of the mirror, I took a closer look at my current outfit.

The overall color of this robe is golden, and the collar is a little turned up. It is not a big deal in this season, but the color is a bit gorgeous, but it is still normal.

The image of a five-clawed golden dragon is also engraved on the two sleeves of the clothes, and the pattern is very vivid.

The last thing is the badge. When it is pinned on the chest, it immediately improves Jiang Chen's temperament by many levels.

"Not bad! Very handsome!" Jiang Chen was very satisfied with the look of this dress.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen walked down in a golden robe and was spotted by Hu Mengchen at a glance.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he praised: "Son, this dress of yours looks very suitable for your temperament! The workmanship is very fine. Why haven't I seen you wear it before?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I just bought it!"

At this time, Jiang Tianhao, who was wearing pajamas and holding a coffee cup, also came out. When he looked up and saw the clothes Jiang Chen was wearing, he immediately spit out a sip of coffee.

Somewhat surprised, he said: "Son, are you trying to kill Venerable Punai Shura?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment and said, "Do you also know Lord Shura?"

"What don't you know about this? There was a short video that made a lot of noise a few years ago. There was a person dressed like you, who destroyed an entire division."

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"But to be honest, you look similar to the other person in terms of temperament, height, and appearance."

"It would be a pity if the crew didn't hire you to play Lord Shura."

"But I don't know what the foreign crew is doing. The movie has not been released since the trailer three years ago."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that after working for a long time, many people had seen the video that was leaked, but it was just used as a promotional video for the movie.

His hanging heart suddenly relaxed.

I don’t know how to tell Jiang Tianhao that it is not a short video or a movie trailer, but the real thing.

And what would he look like if he were the real Lord Shura?

"That's right, son!" Hu Mengchen said with a smile: "Your friend came in a hurry yesterday, and I didn't make good preparations. Today I have sent people out to buy some fresh vegetables. You will ask your friend to come to our house at noon. Have a meal."

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded: "Okay! I'll call him later."

However, at this moment, Li Deqing was in shock. He was sitting on the bed in the hotel, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

Put down the mobile phone in your hand slowly.

There was fear in his eyes, even panic, and he was at a loss.

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