Li Deqing murmured to himself: "How could this happen! How could it be discovered so quickly? Who told the secret? They want me to die!"

He wiped away cold sweat, and his whole body could not stop shaking.

Even though he is the president of the Provincial Bank of the People's Bank of China, he has unlimited glory and great power, but in the end he is just a bank employee.

As a banker, in the final analysis, it is business ability.

And his annual task is to loan out tens of billions of funds, and it is also international funds, so as to demonstrate the business capabilities of these general presidents.

But at the beginning of this year, he loaned out a sum of international funds through a friend's introduction.

But who would have thought that after the funds were loaned out, his friend disappeared directly. However, the borrower did not disappear, but he refused to repay the money.

Every time I called, the other party looked impatient, saying that he would wait, wait, and he would pay me back if he had the money, and then gave various excuses.

If it's just a hundred thousand or a million, forget it.

But this is 10 billion funds! Once the news is known to others, his job as the general manager of the Provincial People's Bank will be over.

He will spend the rest of his life in prison.

He also thought about getting the money back.

But I am now in Golden Six Corners, and everyone in the world knows the level of chaos there.

He himself didn't dare to go there at all. If he went, wouldn't it be like a meat bun beating a dog? If he went and never came back, he would definitely be killed by the other party, and he would die without proof.

Li Deqing also thought about going to the local armed gangs to get the funds back. Even if he could only get 5 billion back, it would be better than not getting them back at all.

But who knew that that guy actually hired an armed force locally, with a number of more than 500 people, and these were not ordinary militants.

It is an organization that has the faith of Lord Shura and is protected by the three top Shura militants.

Ordinary organizations, even with two to three thousand people, would not dare to offend this armed group that believes in Lord Shura!

Not only are they united, but their belief in Lord Shura is almost to the point of madness. Who is willing to go against a madman?

Even the regular bureau dare not offend them.

Who knows whether these armed groups are really related to Lord Shura.

If the front foot had just wiped out this gang, and the next second the terrifying god of death, Lord Shura, appeared, wouldn't it mean that the old man had hanged himself and was seeking death?

In Golden Six Corners, as long as you are a believer of Lord Shura, you are basically walking sideways.


At this moment, Li Deqing sighed deeply. As a provincial-level president, he naturally knew some things that ordinary people didn't know. He knew that Lord Shura was not a movie character.

But a real and terrifying existence.

Over the past year, he has given up any hope of recovering the money. He has advanced the money himself for the monthly repayments.

I thought I was careful enough, and once I got investment, made some money, and plugged this hole, everything would be fine.

Who would have thought that disaster would come from the sky and things would eventually come to light.

The investigation team has rushed to the Provincial People's Bank headquarters overnight, and is waiting there for him to go back this time.

I really can only spend the rest of my life in prison.

He didn't dare to run away. If he ran away, he would be punished with a higher penalty and he would still be caught.

The deadline given to him is only one day. He must arrive at the headquarters of the Provincial People's Bank before twelve o'clock in the evening today to accept the investigation.

Jingle Bell……

At this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly. I picked it up and saw that it was Jiang Chen's call.

Li Deqing smiled bitterly.

"On the last day of my life, playing chess with Jiang Chen again can be considered the end of my life! Maybe this will also be the last chess game of my life."

Li Deqing was ready to commit suicide.

At noon, a haggard-looking Li Deqing came to Jiang Chen's home with a forced smile.

At a glance, he saw the attire of Lord Shura. He had also seen the original video and recognized at a glance who the attire was imitating.

Some people were dumbfounded: "Jiang Chen! What's wrong with you? Wearing these clothes when you go out, aren't you afraid of getting beaten?"

Jiang Chen smiled modestly and said, "Fortunately, there are not many people who can beat me right now."

Li Deqing smiled and shook his head, not caring, just taking it as a young man's confidence.

Everyone was sitting at the dining table, and Hu Mengchen and his daughter-in-law were busy in the kitchen.

Li Deqing then carefully looked at the clothes Jiang Chen was wearing, and couldn't help but think of the terror of Lord Shura.

One person fights against a regular army division, and what's even more terrifying is that one person directly annihilates an entire division, and finally escapes back to the person who is either crazy or disabled.

And this kind of imitation dress is fine in China, but if it is placed in the Golden Hexagon area, it violates a taboo, and it is normal to be put in a water cage and whipped.

I couldn't help but kindly remind him: "Jiang Chen! It's best to wear this kind of clothes at home. Try to wear this kind of clothes as little as possible when going abroad."

"Oh! What's so special about this?" Jiang Tianhao couldn't help but become confused.

"It's nothing special, just wear less clothes!" Li Deqing just thought that Jiang Chen, as a young man, likes to play powerful heroic roles.

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