Villain: Serialized The Plot In The Book, The Heroine Collapsed

Chapter 218 When did I ask you to kidnap Jessica?

"Boss, is that woman Jessica?"

Outside the hotel, a younger brother held the photo on his mobile phone and looked at Jessica who came out of the hotel and said.

"Boss, you can't go wrong, that woman is Jessica!"

The boss heard what everyone said, looked up, and was overjoyed.

"Quick, get in touch with the other brothers, we'll follow from a distance.

The boss said hurriedly.

Chen Ming's car.

Chen Ming felt helpless.

He looked at Jessica's beautiful face and the devil's figure, and the meaning of what he pursued in his heart could not rise at all.

"It must be that I'm not in a good state recently, and Lin Yu has made me have an inner demon."

Chen Ming thought to himself.

Afterwards, he cheered himself up and said with a smile, "Miss Jessica, let me take you to our playground in Yuncheng to have a look.

"The playground at night has a different flavor.

Jessica was just doing the tasks her father gave her.

She had no idea where to go.

"Okay, let's go."

Jessica nodded lightly.

Chen Ming started the car and headed for the playground in Yuncheng.

"Boss, Chen Ming took Jessica to the west."

"Boss, they seem to be going to the playground."

"Inform Da Huang, hurry to the playground to stand guard, and be sure to tie Jessica and send it to Lin Shao."

On the way Chen Ming's car went, someone kept reporting the situation to Feng Changhu.

And Da Huang, the yellow-haired boss who kidnapped Xiao Ruoxue twice, also rushed to the playground after receiving the news.

"Brothers, this time is not only for Lin Shao, but also for our brother Hu."

"It must be done neatly and neatly, and there must be no problems.

"Brother Hu said, as long as we get this thing done, we will all eat and drink spicy food in the future.

Da Huang said to his little brother in a deep voice.

"Boss, don't worry, brothers must work hard.

A group of younger brothers spoke up one after another.

"By the way, you all know the rules, don't you? Don't touch Miss Jessica, let Miss Jessica be intact, otherwise, we won't be able to eat and walk around. 99

Rhubarb reminded again.

"Boss, but Lin Shao didn't inform us this time. What if we are tied up and he's not happy?"

A little brother said a little worriedly.

"Also, the Rhodes consortium seems to be very powerful. It is not appropriate for us to be the master of Lin Shao!"

Another younger brother also said.

Rhubarb also frowned.

In fact, he has been thinking about these things in his mind.

I don't know what happened to Feng Changhu today?

The head is like a show funny.

Suddenly I thought of this stinky plan.

If this special code is wrong, it may cause the Lin Group to oppose the Rhodes consortium, okay?

"Hey... brothers, don't think about it.

"I mentioned this to Brother Hu, but he scolded me badly, saying that I was not smart.

"As a younger brother, we can only do things according to the boss's orders.

"This time, we must be a little more secretive, and we must not expose Lin Shao, do you hear?"

Da Huang was silent for a moment, and said solemnly.

"Yes, boss!

Soon, Chen Ming and Jessica arrived at the playground.

At this time, the playground was brightly lit, and some tourists were playing in it.

The night playground is also a feature of Yuncheng, which is very beautiful.

Jessica felt a little better when she saw this scene.

"Miss Jessica, I'll go get you some water to drink.

As Chen Ming said that, he turned around to buy water.

The place that sells water is not far from where they are.

He was confident that no one could do any harm to Jessica.

This time, in order to have a good relationship with Jessica, he did not bring other bodyguards.

"Boss, that Chen Ming has left Jessica, shall we do it?"

A group of Da Huang hid not far away, staring at Chen Ming, one of the younger brothers said.

Da Huang pondered for a moment and said, "Wait, find a more suitable time.

"Boss, she moved."

A little brother exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone hurriedly looked back and saw Jessica walking towards a place selling small gifts.

She wouldn't listen to Chen Ming like a fool.

"Okay, this angle just blocks Chen Ming's sight, let's do it!"

Da Huang was overjoyed and said immediately.

Immediately, he rushed out with a few younger brothers and quickly came to Jessica.

Several younger brothers surrounded Jessica.

Rhubarb took out his mobile phone directly, and on the mobile phone was a sentence written in the language of Jessica's place.

"Miss Jessica, someone wants to see you, come with us.

"Don't worry, we will never touch you."

Jessica was completely stunned when she saw this line of words.

Then there was a look of surprise.

Lin Yu, this dog thing, thinks about one thing in his heart, but plays another thing on the surface?

Or kidnap her?

"Are you sent by Lin Yu?"

Jessica was surprised and spoke fluent Longguo dialect.


Including Da Huang, the younger brothers present were stunned.

How did you guess this code?

Is it...

Suddenly, a terrible idea occurred to them.

Is this a game between Shao Lin and Jessica?

Like the game between Shao Lin and Xiao Ruoxue before?

It is possible!

Otherwise, why did Feng Changhu not listen to the persuasion this time and insisted on kidnapping Jessica?

Come on, say it earlier, they are so worried!

"Yes, yes, Miss Jessica, it's Shao Lin who asked us to kidnap you, so hurry up with us."5

"Look, this is Shao Lin's call, we will never do anything to you.

Da Huang immediately found Lin Yu's phone number in his mobile phone to prove his identity.


This dog thing, even teased with her.

She was obviously greedy for her body, yet she pretended to be garlic!

Jessica glanced at it, then nodded and said, "Okay, let's go quickly."

Da Huang smiled slightly, and the worries in his heart were completely relieved.

Rich people just play.

Jessica was very cooperative, which made their work (cibc) go very well.

From the other direction, they came directly to the ready car.

Then it was a quick start and left.

As soon as they left, Chen Ming bought water and came back.

He had just seen Jessica turn a corner to the stall selling small gifts, so he came directly here.

However, there is no one else here except one selling small gifts.

He frowned immediately.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

He took out two hundred dollars and threw it to the hawker.

"Brother, there was an overseas beauty here just now, have you seen it?"

"Yes, he left with a group of people.

When the hawker selling small gifts saw two hundred yuan, he immediately said with a smile on his face.

Chen Ming's heart sank, "What did they say?"

"It seems like something Lin Yu sent the group to kidnap that beautiful girl," the hawker said.

"Lin Yu?! 35

A coldness flashed in Chen Ming's eyes, it was Lin Yu again!

Just as he was about to chase, he suddenly stopped, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Maybe this time, he can kill two birds with one stone.

Let Warren hate Lin Yu, and even the Rhodes consortium personally deal with Lin Yu.

Also, kidnapping is a crime!

Thinking of this, he immediately called the police.

Then, after some thought, he decided not to tell Warren about it.

After all, it would make him seem incompetent.

It's better to tell Warren about this after you rescue Jessica first.

at the same time.

Da Huang and others drove Jessica and quickly came to Lin Yu's villa.

Then Rhubarb called Lin Yu.

Lin Yu, who had just guided Natasha and Zhao Qing to practice, was stunned when she saw the phone.

【F*ck, it’s so late, why did this rhubarb call me?】

【Yes, why do you have a bad feeling in your heart?】

[This group of people didn't do anything good when they appeared. 】

[Completely different from a five-good youth like me. 】

Jessica, who was sitting in the car, was stunned.

It wasn't Lin Yu who asked Da Huang and the others to kidnap her?

How is this going?

At the same time, she was also afraid for a while.

She always felt that only Lin Yu would kidnap her.

caught in this delusion.

If Da Huang and the others were sent by others, she would be in danger.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

"Hey, Rhubarb, what's the matter?"

Lin Yu asked aloud.

"Cough... Lin Shao, we have taken Miss Jessica outside your villa...

Da Huang said with a smile.

There is some helplessness in my heart.

This rich man really plays the game deeper and deeper.

You know what I'm here for, so you have to ask.

The way people in high society do things is really different from their rough men.

However, if Lin Yu wanted to act, he naturally had to accompany him.



[Waltma, what's going on here?]

【What brought Jessica over?】

【I hear what you mean, or did I ask you to pick it up?】

【What the hell is this special code?】

【I don’t even want to go according to the plot!】

Jessica burst out laughing.

It's such a fun feeling.

Lin Yu was completely stunned.

" picked up Miss Jessica?

"Yes, Lin Shao, Miss Jessica is in my car.

"Who asked you to pick it up???? When did I ask you to kidnap Jessica?"

Rhubarb is helpless, Lin Shao is addicted to acting today.

Could this be adjusting the atmosphere?

"Lin Shao, our eldest brother Hu thinks that the cooperation between Mingqi Group and the Rhodes Consortium will affect the Lin Group.""

"He heard that Chen Ming is in charge of leading Miss Jessica to play."

"So let's invite Miss Jessica to make Chen Ming seem incompetent.

Rhubarb explained in exceptional detail.

[Waltoma's, yes, it's the same as what I thought! 】

【This special code is the content in the outline!】

【This is also the plot that I should go! 】

Lin Yu was completely speechless.

This is definitely what this dog system is up to!

Although he doesn't do this, the dog system will still find a way to follow the plot in the outline!

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