Lin Yu was helpless.

This dog system is getting wider and wider now.

They all started to find people to help them complete their own plots.

Hanging up the phone, Lin Yu walked out of the villa.

I saw the same car, the same yellow hair.

But the heroine became Jessica.

"Hi Lin Yu, I told you that my sister and I are good friends.

"You can call me directly if you want to invite me, you don't need to find these people. 99

"What a hassle."

Jessica said to Lin Yu with a smile.

[Please uncle! Waterma doesn't want to invite you! 】

【Yes, Jessica looks like a kidnapped person?】

【Is your special code a masochist?】

You are a masochist, you son of a bitch!

"Hahaha...Welcome Miss Jessica, my subordinates are a little neglected, please come in.

Lin Yu said to Jessica with a strong smile.

Jessica smiled and walked into the villa.

"Cough cough... Lin Shao, don't worry, we never touched Miss Jessica's finger.

"This car was carefully cleaned before we came."

"And apart from Miss Xiao Ruoxue who has sat there twice, no one else has ever sat there."

Da Huang said flatteringly.

【Waltma asked you?】

【I'm furious!】

Lin Yu is very helpless, this matter has nothing to do with Da Huang including Feng Changhu.

After all, this is a demon made by the system.

"Well, I see, you did a good job, and I'll give you some money later.

Lin Yu nodded and said.

"This... Lin Shao, our brother Hu has encountered something recently and can't handle it... Can you help him?"

Da Huang said hesitantly.

Lin Yu was stunned.

I rely on, this system intervenes, and there is a cause and effect?

Very convinced!

"what happened?"

Lin Yu asked.

Feng Changhu's younger brother is not bad, he is usually quite obedient.

He doesn't mind helping either.

Rhubarb hurriedly explained the cause and effect of the incident.

It's just a few hooligans fighting, it's easy for Lin Yu.

Lin Yu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll say hello to the Qin family about this, you go back."

"Thank you Lin Shao, thank you Lin Shao, we promise to do these things more diligently in the future! Let Lin Shao be more satisfied!

Da Huang was overjoyed and hurriedly said.

【Satisfied with your uncle!】

Lin Yu pouted, turned around and walked into the villa.

"Lin Shao, your taste is good, I like the decoration style of this villa.

Jessica walked around the living room and said with satisfaction, "By the way, what did you call me over today?"

With a smirk in her eyes, Jessica looked at Lin Yu.

【How do I know what are you doing here?】

【I want to send you away now!】

Jessica sat on the sofa and wanted me to go, no way!

I don't want to have any contact with that dead eunuch male lead, it's disgusting!

"Brother Yu, who is this sister?"

Jiang Yixin walked down from the second floor, saw Jessica, and asked pretending not to know.

"This is Jessica, the daughter of Mr. Warren, the head of the overseas Rhodes consortium."

"Miss Jessica, this is a friend of mine, Miss Jiang Yixin, who is staying with me now."

Lin Yu introduced.

"Hello, Miss Jessica, you are so pretty.""

Jiang Yixin said with a smile.

"You are beautiful too, Sister Yixin.

Jessica said with a smile.

The two quickly chatted and exchanged contact information.

Lin Yu thought to the side.

[Since the plot has arrived here, then I have no choice. 】

[It is estimated that the arrest will come here soon. 】

[However...they're probably coming for nothing, I think Jessica is going to treat this place as her home. 】


At this moment, the alarm bell rang.

Several cars came to the front of Lin Yu's villa.

"Hey, why are there arrests coming?"

Lin Yu muttered to himself suspiciously, then stood up and walked out of the villa.

Jessica and Jiang Yixin are looking at each other and smiling, this is the drama!

At this time, there were not only Cha Kuai, but also Chen Ming outside the villa.

"Captain Wang, this time you must bring this thug to justice!"

"The Rhodes consortium is a world-renowned consortium. If something happened to Miss Jessica in the Dragon Country, the consequences would be disastrous."5

Chen Ming said to the leader who took the lead.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, as long as this matter is confirmed, we will definitely handle it fairly.

Captain Wang said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he was helpless.

Why is it always on Lin Yu's side?

The key is that it has been several times, and it has something to do with this Chen Ming.

Did this Chen Ming date Lin Yumao?

At this moment, Lin Yu slowly walked out of the villa.

"Lin Yu, hand over Miss Jessica quickly, or I won't let you go!"

Chen Ming shouted at Lin Yu.

"Lin Yu, we suspect that you kidnapped Jessica, the daughter of Mr. Warren, the Rhodes consortium, raise your hand! 35

Several catchers took out the guy one after another and pointed at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu said lightly, "I didn't kidnap Miss Jessica."

Chen Ming sneered, "Lin Yu, it's now, you are still pretending to be garlic here. 35

"The video of the people you sent to kidnap Miss Jessica has been found by us, what else can you argue?

"Please catch me quickly, Lin Shao did not kidnap me, I am good friends with Lin Shao, he just sent someone to invite me to his villa as a guest. 35

As soon as Chen Ming's voice fell, Jessica, who walked out of the villa, said with a smile.

The whole scene was silent.

[Humph! I already knew it would be such a consequence. 】

[These female protagonists will never play cards according to the routine. 】

Lin Yu shrugged and looked at Chen Ming sarcastically.

"Chen Ming, you're a real six, but I'm disappointed, I just invited Miss Jessica to be my guest.

"Miss Jessica comes to visit me and you have to call the police. Do you have shit in your head?"

Captain Wang looked at Chen Ming, and a flash of unhappiness flashed in his eyes.

This guy is always calling the police, several times!

"Mr. Chen, Lin Yu and Jessica are friends, come to be a guest, why do you frame Lin Yu so much?

"Do you know that you are wasting our time and manpower?"

"If there is conclusive evidence in the future, then call the police, if there is another time, I will sue you for disrupting official business! 35

"Brothers, withdraw!"

Captain Wang reprimanded Chen Ming a few words, then waved his hand and left with the rest of the arresters.

Only Chen Ming was left standing there, like a clown.

He was full of anger.

This is clearly a kidnapping!

Why is this Jessica helping Lin Yu?!

I met you first, okay?

This stinky watch!

"Miss Jessica, you must have been deceived by this kid Lin Yu, he is a piece of trash."

...for flowers...

"Your father doesn't want you to have more contact with him. You'd better go with me quickly, or your father will be angry!"

Chen Ming said hurriedly.

However, in his heart, he suddenly felt a little disgusted with women.

Women are so troublesome.

"Mr. Chen, I don't need you to worry about my affairs, you go back first, I will naturally tell him about my father.

Jessica looked at Chen Ming coldly with an impatient look on her face.

Chen Ming snorted coldly in his heart.

Warren knows Lin Yu's attitude very well.

Coincidentally, he was still thinking about how to provoke Warren and let Warren take a shot at the Lin Group.

Now is a good opportunity!

He nodded and said, "Okay, Miss Jessica, I hope you go home quickly."9

After all, he turned and left.

But when he got to the car, he called Warren directly.

"It's a pity, Mr. Warren, that I'm afraid I won't be able to guide Miss Jessica.

Chen Ming said lightly.

"Oh? Mr. Chen, what happened? 39

Warren noticed that Chen Ming's tone was wrong and hurriedly asked.

"Is such that…………"

Chen Ming quickly recounted what happened in the playground.


"Miss Jessica is in Lin Yu's villa. I want to pick her up, but she doesn't agree."

"She said she was good friends with Lin Yu, and she might spend the night at Lin Yu's villa. 99

Chen Ming said very helplessly.

"Damn! Mr. Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you, I will contact Jessica.

When Warren heard this, he was furious and hung up the phone.

A sneer flashed in Chen Ming's eyes.

In Lin Yu's villa.

Jessica gets a call from Warren.

"Jessica, I told you a long time ago to keep you away from Lin Yu, why do you have to be friends with him?

"Chen Ming is the real potential stock and a good friend for our Rhodes consortium!

"Now I'll send someone to pick you up right now!

Warren said, and hung up the phone.

Jessica looked helpless.

Why does this father, who has always loved him very much, treat Lin Yu and Chen Ming so differently?

At the same time, she was even more disgusted with Chen Ming.

This is definitely a small report that Chen Ming went to make to her father!

Is this man also worthy of being called the God of Heaven?

She must find a way to reverse her father's attitude towards Chen Ming!

It is absolutely impossible for the Rhodes consortium to truly cooperate with Mingqi Group.

However, his father is indeed a bit rigid.

He is very stubborn in dealing with Chen Ming.

She's been trying to figure it out these days.

However, no solution has been found.

She was also helpless.

Thinking about it, she looked at Lin Yu, and she had to start with this dog.

Cooked rice with him?

[This kind of tiger-wolf look is all too familiar to me. 】

[Could it be that she is greedy for my body?]

[Actually, it's not impossible for me. 】

Hungry for your uncle!

You're still aggrieved, aren't you?

Jessica said with a smile: "Lin Shao, my father wants to cooperate with Chen Ming's company, aren't you in a hurry?

"Hurry up, of course I'm in a hurry."

"But I can't help it, does Miss Jessica have any good solutions?

“Actually, our Lin Group is very strong.33

Lin Yu sighed helplessly, then looked at Jessica expectantly.

Jessica suddenly smiled wickedly.

"Lin Shao, actually, I have a good plan, and I promise to make the Lin Group cooperate with the Rhodes consortium." Ding.

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