Soon, Chen Ming explained his understanding of the Primordial Art to Yun Tianhong.

The more Yun Tianhong listened, the more shocked he became.

Although he has watched Chen Ming grow up since he was a few years old, he also understands Chen Ming's talent and intelligence.

But he felt that he still didn't know enough about Chen Ming.

This person's talent is really terrifying, it took half a day to have such a deep understanding of the Primordial Art.

Immediately, he was overjoyed.

Maybe your plan can be completed ahead of schedule.

Thinking of this, Yun Tianhong immediately began to point out Chen Ming.

Chen Ming had a very good understanding of Hunyuan Jue, and with the guidance of Yun Tianhong of "Six Seven Three", he quickly and thoroughly understood the cultivation method of Hunyuan Jue.

"Okay, Ming'er, now that you have thoroughly mastered the cultivation method of the Primordial Primordial Art, you should try it out here.

"If there is a problem, the teacher will have time to save you."

Yun Tianhong said with a smile.

Now that he has decided to learn Hunyuan Jue, Chen Ming did not delay, nodded, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice according to the cultivation method of Hunyuan Jue.

Yun Tianhong watched Chen Ming practice from the side, and there was a trace of apprehension in his eyes.

Over the years, he has been planning to learn the cultivation method of immortals, but he has never been ruthless.

Just fear that something will go wrong.

And Chen Ming is also a way for him to do experiments.

If Chen Ming can cultivate, then he can cultivate as well.

Moreover, the exercises he practiced were even better than those practiced by Chen Ming.

And Chen Ming has been practicing seriously.

A small week, a big week...

Soon, there was True Qi in his body.

Immediately, he suddenly opened his eyes, extremely excited.

"Teacher, I can practice this Hunyuan Art without any hindrance!"

"Okay, this is the best, then you practice hard, wait for your strength to rise, and see if you can solve the problem of the evil spirits.

Yun Tianhong said excitedly.

Chen Ming was instantly moved.

My teacher was really kind to me, and seeing this moved, I was even more excited than himself.

In fact, Yun Tianhong was excited at this time. Since Chen Ming can practice the Hunyuan Art without abolishing the ancient martial arts, he must also practice the cultivation of immortals.

Thinking of this, he was happy.

Chen Ming continued to practice.

Here in Yun Tianhong, Chen Ming has been very relaxed, and he doesn't have to worry about revenge and other things.

In this way, he stayed here for a few days, and after his realm went up, he had no choice but to leave.

Because the director of Yuncheng Company has called him several times and asked him a lot of things.

After all, he is the chairman of the company, and many things require him to make decisions.

"Teacher, I have to go back to Yuncheng, there are still many things that I need to deal with.

Chen Ming said with a look of regret.

These days are the most stable days for him over the years, and he is also a little nostalgic.

Suddenly, he was shocked.

How can I have such an idea?

He is still a man who wants to step on the world under his feet, how can he covet temporary stability?

Immediately, he was firm in his heart.

Noticing the change in Chen Ming's temperament, Yun Tianhong smiled slightly and said: "Okay, then you can hurry back to Yuncheng, where everything is careful, the teacher is old, and there is nothing that can help you.

Chen Ming felt a little warm in his heart, and said, "Teacher, you took me up from a young age and treated me better than my biological father. I will definitely stand out and repay your kindness...

Yun Tianhong waved his hand and said, "No, I still have some connections over there, maybe I can help you, do you want to get Lin Yuman?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Think, that woman is all good in body, appearance and temperament, and her business skills are also top-notch. If I can be with her, I will definitely make a comeback faster. a lot of."

"Okay, I understand, I will help you with this matter, you can go back to Yuncheng.

Yun Tianhong said with a smile.

"Okay, teacher, then I'll leave."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he bowed to Yun Tianhong, then turned around and walked out.

He didn't bring anything with him when he came, and he didn't need to bring anything when he left this time.

Looking at Chen Ming's distant back, Yun Tianhong's eyes flashed with playfulness.

"Repay your kindness? Then repay me with your life!

After thinking about it, he turned around and went back to room 1.2.

"Boss, I have to retreat for a period of time for the teacher. Remember, during this time, don't let anyone disturb me.""

"If the other party doesn't listen, just shoot and kill, do you understand?"

A cold voice came from Yun Tianhong's house.

Chen Ming's eldest brother came to Yun Tianhong's hut, bowed and saluted, and then said: "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely do as you said.

"Okay, then you go back. 35

Yun Tianhong nodded, then, with a few keys, he opened a small cabinet with an unusually complicated design, and took out a book.

Then, he sat down with his legs crossed and began to practice.

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