Villain: Serialized The Plot In The Book, The Heroine Collapsed

Chapter 321 The humiliation of the stewardess

Lin Yu and others played in Bacheng for several days, and then the Lin Group in Bacheng gradually returned to stability.

All the people waited and planned to return to Yuncheng.

"Brother Yu, I will also go to Yuncheng with you to play. 35

Jessica said shyly.

Although she and Lin Yu have not reached the last step.

However, these few days, because Lin Yu guided her to practice, basically cough cough... Every place that should be moved has moved.

Therefore, she is now a lot closer to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu looked at Jessica, a little helpless.

[Hey... I am a good person, I just can't control myself. 】

[But having said that, such a beautiful woman is really not a man if she can control herself in that situation. 】

[Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I think Jessica is quite good at 28, so let's go with her. 】

"Okay, Jessica, of course I welcome you if you want to go to Yuncheng."

"However, I see that your father seems to be very worried about your safety. Should you discuss it with him?"

Lin Yu said with a smile.

Warren has been calling a lot these days, often asking when Jessica will be back.

Jessica kept dragging.

Jessica pouted.

This dog thing is really annoying. When I didn't take advantage of it before, it was just this and that.

Now that she's taken advantage of it, she's beautiful.

Thinking of Lin Yu's actions, Jessica was shy again.

This guy is... so bad.

Immediately, she felt the playful gazes of the women beside her, and hurriedly recovered.

She smiled and said, "Brother Yu, I have already told my father, and he agreed that I would go to Yuncheng to play."

In fact, she didn't make the call at all.

Didn't even tell Warren.

After all, Warren held her in the palm of his hand and was afraid that she would be hurt a little bit.

"Okay, then let's get ready to go.

A group of people packed their bags.

However, when this group of people came, they didn't bring anything with them, and they didn't have much to pack.

Soon, someone booked a ticket, and this group of people set off to the airport and flew towards Yuncheng.

At the same time, after a long journey, Chen Ming also boarded the plane to Yuncheng.

"Lin Yu, this time I will definitely stomp you under my feet!

Chen Ming muttered to himself.

He was extremely excited at this time.

After all, he can practice the Primordial Primordial Art, and he can be regarded as a cultivator.

In the future, he will definitely have a solution to the problem of warding off evil spirits, and his realm will definitely improve faster.

Then step on Lin Yu and others, like playing.

Thinking of this, his heart burst into flames.

Then came some ideas.

He was even more excited when he saw the flight attendant who walked by with a good scent and a devilish figure.

"Could it be that the practice of Hunyuan Jue suppresses the side effects of the evil spirit?"

"Can I????"

Chen Ming was even more excited.

In order to verify the thoughts in his heart, he turned and walked towards the big stewardess who had just walked away.

"Hi, beauty, are you interested in chatting?"

Chen Ming pretended to be uninhibited and said.

In the past, he often used this method to talk about women.

However, this flight attendant is clearly not a woman who only looks at her appearance.

In particular, Chen Ming was still following the original route, wearing a washed and whitish sportswear, and sitting in an ordinary cabin.

"Sorry sir, please go back to your seat, your current behavior may be dangerous.""

The stewardess looked at Chen Ming up and down, a look of contempt flashed in her eyes, and said.

A poor ghost, still want to chat with her?

Just a daydream.

Chen Ming naturally understood the look in the flight attendant's eyes.

He was instantly furious.

Why is it that I have such bad luck recently, and I am looked down upon to find a woman to talk to.

Before this kind of flight, he could get one in minutes.

In order to test his ideas, he finally decided to use the most primitive and effective method.

He took out ten thousand knives from his pocket and shook it in front of the stewardess.

"Is it enough?"

Chen Ming asked lightly.

When the flight attendant saw the ten thousand knives, she was stunned at first, and then her eyes became even more disdainful.

She didn't think 673 people would give 10,000 knives at will.

With this money, what kind of woman are you looking for?

"Sir, please return to your seat immediately, or I will find relevant personnel to deal with it.


Chen Ming cursed in his heart.

He's about to collapse.

In Yuncheng, Xiao Ruoxue, Qin Ziqing and others looked down on him.

Those people are extraordinary.

Now I am so looked down upon by a working flight attendant.

This was intolerable to his proud man.

"Whoever can identify the authenticity of the ten thousand knives for me, I will give him two thousand knives immediately. 35

He yelled at everyone on the plane.

"Sir, you are affecting the passengers by doing this, please go back to your seat immediately!

The flight attendant said impatiently.

This poor ghost has so many dramas, it's disgusting to death.

"Wait! 35

Chen Ming said in a deep voice, and then gave 10,000 knives to the person who volunteered for appraisal.

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