Villain: Serialized The Plot In The Book, The Heroine Collapsed

Chapter 359 Su Jingwen's Affectionate Confession

Su Jingwen turned around, her face became extremely cold, with a strong disgust in her eyes.

What she hates most is this kind of stalking man.

The character of this person is really similar to Chen Ming, no wonder they are all male protagonists, with a face that needs to be beaten.

Now she is still extremely cold to other men, except for Lin Yu.

Not to mention the existence of the male protagonist b-uff on Tang Xuan.

She said coldly: "Tang Xuan, is Lin Yu my boyfriend, what does it have to do with you? Please leave my grandpa's villa now, or I will call for an inspection."

"Tang Xuan, what do you mean?! You have disappointed me so much, you have lost your master!"

"My granddaughter is not a casual person, since she said that Lin Yu is her boyfriend, it must be her boyfriend!

"Because you are my junior, I don't have to care about you about this matter, you go!

Su Changzhong frowned deeply, and also scolded coldly.

He is not blind, Su Jingwen and Lin Yu are so close, what are they not boyfriend and girlfriend?

This is a matter of innocence related to his granddaughter.

Tang Xuan said with a smile: "Grandpa Su, you may not know that this Lin Yu actually has a girlfriend.

"I saw it on the train."

"Now that Jingwen calls him over, there are two possibilities. One is that Jingwen was deceived by this scumbag, and the other is that Jingwen uses him as a shield. 39

"Grandpa Su, you and my master are old friends, and the relationship between our two families is so good, and I am also for Jingwen's good. 99

Tang Xuan's tone carried concern for Su Jingwen.

Su Changzhong was taken aback.

He looked at Su Jingwen and Lin Yu.

He knew Su Jingwen very well. If Su Jingwen didn't like Lin Yu, it would be impossible for him to be so close to Lin Yu.

However, he doesn't really know whether Lin Yu is a scumbag or not.

Su Jingwen's heart jumped, and Lin Yu was also a little embarrassed.

Is he a scumbag?

Of course not, now he just wants to give the heroine a home.

But now that Su Jingwen's grandfather is staring at him like this, he is a little helpless. If Su Changzhong knew about this, it would be a bit difficult to handle.

Of course he wasn't too worried.

Su Changzhong seems to be old-fashioned, but he is actually very enlightened.

This kind of character, he, the author, knows best.

After all, in his original outline, Su Changzhong didn't react much after knowing that Chen Ming had other women.

Su Jingwen's mind turned sharply, and finally knew that it was not appropriate to make up any reason, so she could only confess.

"Grandpa, emotional matters are my own, and I know what I want.

"Brother Yu is very good to me, I like him and would like to be with him.

With that said, Su Jingwen leaned back into Lin Yu's arms, almost hanging on Lin Yu like an octopus.

Moreover, he raised his head slightly and kissed Lin Yu's face with sweetness.

Su Changzhong looked at Su Jingwen's determined face and her intimate attitude towards Lin Yu.

I sighed in my heart, with a hint of reluctance.

Accompanying my granddaughter to grow up...

He had already heard what Su Jingwen meant.

That is Su Jingwen knew that Lin Yu had other women.

In the end, Su Jingwen was still with Lin Yu, and she didn't care that Lin Yu had other women.

This is outrageous!

What is the charm of this Lin Yu, to make this arrogant granddaughter fall in love with him so much?

He had lived so long and had seen so many things that he couldn't understand.

"Hey... At the beginning, I took every precaution, but I didn't expect that the stinky boy Lin Yu would succeed. It was a misstep."5

"Forget it, forget it, you young people's affairs can be solved by yourself."

"Lin Yu, you must be nice to Jingwen, you know? Otherwise I won't let you go!"

Su Changzhong sighed and said helplessly, then gave Lin Yu a stern look.

Although he has lived in the city for a long time, some thoughts of the old times still exist.

In particular, he came from an ancient martial arts family, so he actually knew something about one man and several wives.

His father had several wives.

However, after entering the city, this habit is gone.

This is also the reason why he is not very emotional about this kind of thing.

Lin Yu smiled awkwardly, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I will definitely treat Jing Wen well.

[Su Changzhong is really enlightened to be able to handle this old man. 】

[Jingwen's performance today really surprised me. 】

[A woman who is cold and aloof can actually confess to me like this in front of her grandfather. 】

....... ask for flowers.

[Sure enough, she is a good woman, I am very satisfied. 】

[If there is a chance in the future, let her be a real woman. 】

Su Jingwen felt shy in her heart.

What a woman needs most is to love the right person, and she feels that she loves the right person.

Standing beside the sofa, Tang Xuan looked at Su Changzhong, Lin Yu and Su Jingwen.

He is as smart as the protagonist's mind, but at this time he can't turn around, and he is completely dumbfounded.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?

Three questions in life appeared in his mind.

I always feel that this world is so illusory and fake!

After a while, he reacted and suddenly exploded with anger!


Is there something wrong with this Su Changzhong?

Your granddaughter was deceived by a scumbag!

You still want Lin Yu to take good care of Su Jingwen?

Don't you know that your brain is sick, you are such a master of traditional Chinese medicine?

Can you heal your brain for yourself?

"Grandpa Su, Jingwen is young and ignorant, don't be deceived by this scumbag Lin Yu!"

"This kind of man is a big radish, and when he has had enough of Jingwen, he will definitely abandon Jingwen without hesitation.

"At that time, Jingwen will definitely be in pain."

On the surface, Tang Xuan said to Su Changzhong very anxiously, as if he was thinking of Su Jingwen.

Su Jingwen said coldly: "Tang Xuan, you are really nosy, this is my business, what does it have to do with you, please leave! 95

"Besides, Brother Yu is not such a person, if you dare to slander Brother Yu again, I will definitely not let you go!

Tang Xuan was furious, he had never had such a woman who spoke for a scumbag.

He looked at Lin Yu fiercely, and said angrily, "Lin Yu, as a man, don't you even dare to admit what you have done?"

"I really despise you!

Lin Yu knew that he had to speak at this time.

If he didn't speak again, Tang Xuan didn't know how much he pushed his nose on his face.

He sneered, "This is my business, do I need to explain it to you? Who are you? Are you worthy?

"Tang Xuan, don't be ashamed here, there is nothing to do with you here, get out now! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you. Chuan

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