Villain: Serialized The Plot In The Book, The Heroine Collapsed

Chapter 360 Good words can't persuade a damn ghost

"You're welcome? It's up to you? Do you dare to fight with me?"

When Tang Xuan heard Lin Yu's words, he was not angry but happy, and said eagerly.

He is extremely confident in his own skills, and has also been involved in the underground boxing ring.

If he wanted to, he could easily become the leader of the underground boxing ring.

Lin Yu has thin skin and tender meat, and at first glance, he doesn't look like a person who can fight.

He abused Lin Yu like he was playing.

Just in time to beat Lin Yu violently in front of Su Jingwen and others.

At that time, you can not only receive a little interest from Lin Yu, but also show your strength in front of Su Changzhong and Su Jingwen.

Perhaps because of this incident, Su Jingwen's affection for him was overwhelming.

In that case, it would be much easier for him to get Su Jingwen.

Su Jingwen stared at Tang Xuan with wide-eyed "Nine Seven Zero" eyes, speechless.

There are many ways to court death, Tang Xuan chose the most direct one.

You fight with Lin Yu, let's not say whether Lin Yu fights you, he just stands there, can you move?

Lin Yu also smiled faintly.

How could he not see Tang Xuan's plan? This is clearly the protagonist's favorite way to suppress the villain by force, and then show his strength.

[Tsk tsk tsk...Unfortunately, if it were a normal novel world, Tang Xuan's set would definitely work. 】

[Because of my books... ahem... Of course, other authors' books are generally like this. 】

[That is, the female protagonist likes the male protagonist who can fight, and seeing the male protagonist show his skills, she will have a good impression of the male protagonist. 】

[However, in this world where Tang Xuan came, even I don't understand the idea of ​​the heroine. Do you still want this set to work?]

[Forget it, hit him casually. 】

Thinking about it, he put down Su Jingwen and walked slowly to Tang Xuan.

"Boy, don't you dare? A little white face like you is useless except for cheating women with a mouth and a good family background.

"As long as you admit that you are a scumbag now, just to play with Jingwen's feelings, I won't teach you any more."

Looking at Lin Yu approaching, Tang Xuan said proudly.

"Then let's play a game? If you lose, don't harass Jingwen again, do you hear?"

Lin Yu said lightly.

"What if you lose?""

Tang Xuan was overjoyed when he saw Lin Yu's "middle plan".

This scumbag is just a little bit luckier. He has no brains at all, and he can't understand such a simple method of aggressiveness.

Isn't this right in his arms?

"To deal with a little trash like you, I will lose?"

Lin Yu shook his head with a mocking expression.


Tang Xuan's whole body trembled with anger, this person is really annoying.

But immediately, he laughed in anger.

Now the more joy Lin Yu dances, the more refreshing he will be when he teaches Lin Yu a lesson!

"Don't play tricks with me, if you lose, you have to stay away from Jingwen, okay?"


Lin Yu readily agreed.

The corners of Tang Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, it's done!

Seeing this scene, Su Changzhong became more and more dissatisfied with Tang Xuan in his heart, and even hated it.

This person really doesn't know how to be a human being, even if he doesn't know how high the sky is, he is ignorant and arrogant.

Although he doesn't know what realm Lin Yu is, his father Su Tianpeng once said that Lin Yu's strength is unfathomable.

Even his father, a prefecture-level expert, said that, so Lin Yu's strength is definitely not bad.

He doesn't know Tang Xuan's strength, but he must be far behind Lin Yu.

So provocative, isn't this just looking for a fight?

However, Tang Xuan was his old friend's apprentice after all, and he couldn't just watch him get beaten.

Otherwise, his face will be difficult to live on.

Thinking about it, he said: "Tang Xuan, don't make trouble anymore, please leave."

Immediately, he looked at Lin Yu again, and said reproachfully, "Lin Yu, you too, what are you making a fuss about?"

There was a hint of intimacy in his tone.

After all, Lin Yu is now his grandson-in-law.

Tang Xuan was even more upset when he saw Su Changzhong's attitude.

This old man is afraid that he will break Lin Yu!

The more he is like this, the more Tang Xuan wants to beat Lin Yu0...

"Grandpa, leave them alone and let Brother Yu teach him a good lesson.

Su Jingwen pulled Su Changzhong aside and said.

Tang Xuan sneered in his heart.

Su Jingwen must feel that she is inferior to Lin Yu.

very good!

What he wants is this kind of pressure, the more you look down on me, the more you will like me after you know my strength!

Just wait and see me perform!

"Go out, Lin Yu, today I will show you my strength, you will never be as good as me! 99

Tang Xuan said and walked out.

Su Changzhong sighed slightly and decided not to care anymore.

Good words are hard to persuade a goddamn ghost.

Lin Yu also walked into the courtyard.

"By the way, I have one more thing to explain."

Just when Tang Xuan wanted to do something, Lin Yu suddenly waved his hand and said.

"Do you want to beg for mercy? You can, as long as you beg me, then I will forgive you.

Tang Xuan said excitedly.

"Begging for mercy? You deserve it? What I want to say is, no matter what you're beaten? You can't be called an inspection, I'm a law-abiding citizen.

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"You! Alright alright, we can't call an inspection, no matter what the beatings are! 35

Tang Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Yu said this, in fact, he was more in love with him, and he felt more at ease, so he beat Lin Yu to half to death, and Lin Yu called him an inspector.

He could feel that Lin Yu's background in Yuncheng should be quite deep, maybe it has something to do with the inspection.

If he gets entangled with the inspection again, it will only be detrimental to him.

"Okay, then you roll over and die. 35

Lin Yu slightly hooked at Tang Xuan and said provocatively.


Tang Xuan was already ready.

As soon as Lin Yu's voice fell, he flashed and rushed towards Lin Yu.

He would use the fastest speed to step on Lin Yu and humiliate him severely.

Revenge for yesterday and today!

Also let Su Changzhong and Su Jingwen see his strength!

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