"It's not that we don't want to give a solution, it's just that the solution we gave is really useless.

Upon hearing this, Qi Lin asked the other party directly.

"How do you know it doesn't work? Have you tried it?"

The other party was choked by Qi Lin's question. After all, he had never tested his plan.

Everything they say now is just quibbling.

Seeing the other party's speechless appearance, Qi Lin sighed and shook his head, and then said to the people in front of him.

"I don't care whether those solutions are useful or not. What I want now is that you can come up with a solution instead of waiting for me to solve it for you.

"If you 423 are waiting for me to solve it for you, then what use will I spend on you with such a generous annual salary?"

The annual salary of everyone working in the head office is very considerable. It can be said that their annual salary is the same as that of others for several years.

Seeing them receiving such generous salaries but not doing anything makes me more or less angry.

After those people discovered that Qi Lin was a little angry, they began to tremble in fear.

"Mr. Qi, please don't be angry..."

"Actually, we have some other ideas..."

Hearing that someone finally took the initiative to speak, Qi (bedj) Lin's face looked better. He nodded and said to the person who spoke.

"Then tell me, what do you think?"

The other party stated all his thoughts in detail. To be honest, the other party's thoughts were indeed a bit too natural.

The other party's idea is that they can make an appointment. Anyway, each company will submit at least three or five projects every quarter.

If this is the case, just make an appointment directly and they will get the number half a year in advance.

Just take your time and you'll always be able to arrange your own.

Hearing this idea, Qi Lin raised his eyebrows. Although he didn't say anything, the expression on his face said everything.

"Are you sure this method will work? What is the use of this kind of appointment queuing?"

When the other party heard this, he opened his mouth, and then he answered Qilin.

"I think it should be quite useful. If you make an appointment in advance, you can know when you can approve the project."

Qi Lin shook his head and said to him.

"Suppose I have two projects in hand now, and the time required for these two projects is one week. I got the number six months in advance, but missed these two projects. What should I do?"

After hearing this, the other party had nothing to say.

Indeed, if they miss that period, they will not be able to handle the approval procedures for them.

After all, that period of time has passed, but if there is no way to solve such a trivial matter, then this idea will definitely not be used.

"Does anyone else have any ideas?"

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other, and then someone took the initiative to raise their hands.

Qi Lin was very pleased to see that some people had already raised their hands and wanted to put forward their own ideas.

These people are finally no longer dumb.

It's a pity that these people's ideas are of little use. After listening for a long time, he found that these people's ideas were strange and had no good logic.

After discovering this incident, he never spoke again.

After everyone talked freely about their thoughts, they found that Qi Lin had not spoken for a long time, so they asked Qi Lin. .

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