"Mr. Qi, what's wrong?"

After hearing the question, Qi Lin answered them.

"Nothing happened. I just found that your ideas are quite unreasonable."

Those people thought Qi Lin was praising them, and they were still complacent.

Seeing the complacent look of these people, Qi Lin's face turned completely dark.

"Don't you think I'm really praising you? I'm telling you that with your ideas and methods, how can I trust you and believe that you can work in the head office?"

When dozens of people heard Qi Lin's words, their faces turned pale with shock. He didn't expect Qi Lin to say that. They thought they had performed well.

Seeing the panic and confusion shown by these people, Qi Lin sneered: "I think you just lie around and earn wages every day in the head office, right?"

"If you continue like this, I tell you, I will give you a generous compensation and then tell you to go home."

When everyone heard this, they didn't dare to say a word, because they were afraid that they would really be driven home.

If Qi Lin really fires them, they will not have a job with a very good salary.

This is a great threat to them.

Seeing that these people were in panic again, I no longer knew what to do with dozens of them.

"Forget it, you go back first."

When everyone heard this, they still stayed in the office unwilling to leave.

They want to fight for it, but they don't know how to fight for it.

Seeing these people lingering in the office and unwilling to leave, Qi Lin took a deep breath.

"If you continue to stay here, then I will have a good chat with you about your dismissal."

This sentence was very useful. Those people had never wanted to leave the office. After hearing this sentence, all of them almost squeezed out of the office.

After these dozens of people left the office together, the assistant came to the office. When he entered the office, he first knocked on the door, and then he asked Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, do you need me to do anything else now?"

Qi Lin rubbed his temples, and then asked his assistant.

…please give me flowers…………

"Please show me the information of our head office for the first half of this year."

The assistant had no doubts. He ran directly to his office and retrieved all the financial information for the first half of the year.

Their company will do a summary every six months, so it is relatively easy for him to retrieve all the financial information for the first half of the year.

After about ten minutes, he arrived at Qi Lin's office with a lot of information.

"Mr. Qi, this is all the funding information you want for the first half of the year."

As the assistant spoke, he put all the information in his hand on the table.

Seeing the information on the table, Qi Lin rubbed his temples hard again. He felt that he was really in trouble.

He is the one who provides money to support some employees, and he is the one who does the work!

When the assistant saw Qi Lin's sad look, he asked Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, do you want my help?"

Qi Lin gave part of it to his assistant, and he replied to the assistant.

"Of course I do. If I were alone, I would definitely stay here for a week?"

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