After seeing Qi Lin, the local police chief Zhao Kai quickly stepped forward and reported the situation to him: "Mr. Qi, this warehouse is owned by a small logistics company. It has been operating poorly recently and is facing bankruptcy. We suspect that this arson is related to economic problems. related."

Qi Lin frowned, "In this case, it is very likely that the owner set the fire in order to obtain insurance money. However, I think there are other motives. Let me go in to investigate the "527" site."

Qi Lin carefully inspected every corner and found some unusual traces. On the ground, there are a few drops of liquid remaining, and the color is dark blue. "What is this?" Qi Lin said to himself.

At this moment, a firefighter in uniform walked in and said to Qi Lin: "Sir, we found a clue about a suspicious person near the outer wall. It should be a surveillance video from the night of the incident."

Qi Lin quickly followed the firefighters to the monitoring center. He watched the video carefully and saw a dark shadow flashing quickly, and then the fire began to rage. Qi Lin secretly thought: This is not a simple arson, this person must know how to ignite a large-scale fire. I want to find out his motives!"

The next day, Qi Lin went to the logistics company to investigate. He talked with the company manager Wang Ming for a long time. Wang Ming revealed some insider information about the company's situation to Qi Lin: "Mr. Qi, our business has always been very good, but recently competitors suddenly appeared. They attracted most of the customers with low-price services, causing us to be unable to maintain normalcy. Operations.”

After Qi Lin heard this, his brows furrowed. "Do you know the name of this competitor?"

Wang Ming hesitated for a moment, and then said: "They are called 'Longteng Logistics Company' and they are an emerging company. Although they are small in scale, they are developing rapidly.

Qi Lin's eyes narrowed, and he realized that there must be someone behind this. He decided to go to "Longteng Logistics Company" to investigate.

When he came to "Longteng Logistics Company", he saw a slender and smart woman directing the work in the office. She is the company's administrative director named Ji Ting.

Qi Lin walked into Li Ting's office. He noticed that her eyes were sharp and cold, giving people a strong aura. He smiled at her and said: "Hello, I am Qi Lin... I am investigating the recent arson case and I have some questions that I need to ask you about."

Li Ting glanced at Qi Lin and said with slight disdain: "Arson case? How could I know anything? We are just running a normal logistics business."

Qi Lin was not swayed by her attitude. He handed Li Ting a photo of a black figure in the surveillance video of the crime scene: "Have you seen this person? He appeared near the arson scene."

Li Ting took the photo, her eyes flashed with hesitation, but she quickly regained her composure: "Sorry, I have no impression of this person. Maybe he is just a pedestrian passing by."

Qi Lin noticed that Li Ting's words were a bit unnatural. He took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Longteng Logistics Company has been developing very rapidly recently. At the same time, your competitors have suffered major setbacks. Can you explain Tell me the reason for this?"

Li Ting smiled slightly and said in a disdainful tone: "We just used smarter marketing strategies and provided better services. The failure of our competitors is our fault."

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