Qi Lin was not discouraged. He knew that there must be a huge conspiracy hidden behind it. He began to conduct more in-depth investigations and gradually came into contact with some figures active in the underground black market.

During the process of lurking and investigating, Qi Lin met a black market trader named Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng had heard about the arson case and expressed his willingness to help.

Through Zhang Feng's contact, Qi Lin learned that there was a huge criminal network behind the arson case, which controlled the city's logistics business. This network is controlled by a mysterious figure behind the scenes, and Longteng Logistics Company is their pawn.

Qi Lin decided to dig deeper into this criminal network and bring the people behind the scenes to justice. He cooperated with Zhang Feng, arranged actions, and tried to obtain more evidence to reveal the truth.

After a period of planning and investigation, Qi Lin and Zhang Feng successfully penetrated into the core of the criminal network. They discovered that the network was involved not only in arson cases, but also in drug trafficking, money laundering and other illegal activities.

After collecting a large amount of evidence, Qi Lin decided to hand over the information to law enforcement agencies. Working with local police, a carefully planned operation was launched.

On that critical night, law enforcement raided Longteng Logistics Company and other sites involved in the case. A vast criminal network was thoroughly exposed and many people involved were arrested.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin and the law enforcement authorities learned that the man behind the scenes turned out to be one of the founders of Longteng Logistics Company, a wealthy businessman named Li Xiaoyang. Li Xiaoyang used the legal operations of Longteng Logistics Company to cover up his illegal activities, and used arson cases to cover up evidence.

Eventually, Li Xiaoyang was arrested and faced felony charges, and his property was seized. Longteng Logistics was reorganized and taken over by a new management team, working with law enforcement to eliminate criminal influence.

The cordon at the crime scene was raised, and people gathered together, talking in confusion. Qi Lin walked into the investigation scene. He is an experienced detective with excellent ability to solve various cases.

He quickly glanced around, paying attention to every detail. He quietly walked up to the police officials and it looked like they were discussing something.

"This is a case of abduction," a police officer explained to Qi Lin, "a young girl is missing, and we are in urgent need of your help."

"Understood," Qi Lin replied, "tell me the details and evidence of the case."

The police officer led Qi Lin to a room with a faint smell of potion. The room was searched in a mess. Qi Lin carefully observed every corner, trying to find someone.

.~Look," the officer said, pointing to a small box on the ground, "this is what we found in this room. We think it may be relevant to the case. "

Qi Lin picked up the box and opened it. There was a photo and a note inside. The photo is of a young girl, her eyes (Li Zhao) are full of fear; the note reads: "A ransom of 10 million is required, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

"This box is indeed important," Qi Lin said, "but we need more clues to find a breakthrough in the case. We need to know the identity of the girl and where she may be held."

The police officer thought for a moment and then said: "We have searched for relevant video materials from nearby cameras, hoping to find some clues."

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