Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

136: I’M Really Worried About Xiaoyan

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He began to have in-depth discussions with the police to try to understand the specific circumstances of the case.

"We have retrieved all the surveillance videos on nearby streets," the police officer explained, "but so far, we have not found any suspicious people or vehicles."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "Then we need to consider other possibilities. The suspect may have used disguise or chosen an escape route corresponding to the surveillance blind spot.

The police officer nodded in agreement: "You are right. We will check the scene carefully again, especially the surrounding buildings and streets."

300 Qilin continued his in-depth investigation. He asked nearby residents, hoping to get some valuable clues. He gradually learned that the girl's name was Xiaoyan and she was a child of a single-parent family. Her mother had passed away and her father was away from home all year round because of work.

Qi Lin thought: "Perhaps we can start with Xiaoyan's network and look for people who are connected to her.

He began to investigate Xiaoyan's circle of friends and found that she had a close relationship with a boy named Ji Jia. Qi Lin acted quickly.

Qi Lin found Li Jia and had an in-depth conversation with him. Li Jia appeared nervous. He confessed that he had been in a relationship with Xiaoyan, but he denied any involvement in her disappearance.

"I'm really worried about Xiaoyan," Li Jia said helplessly. "She told me that someone has been following her recently and she feels very scared. I advised her to call the police, but she seemed to be afraid of greater danger."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "This is an important clue. We need to further investigate this possible tracker. Maybe they can provide a breakthrough in our case."

Qi Lin and Li Jia returned to the police together and informed the investigation team of this new clue. The police immediately began searching surveillance video, hoping to find traces of suspicious people or vehicles.

After an exhaustive search, the investigation team finally discovered a suspected pursuer in a surveillance video. This man was wearing black clothes and a hat, his face was blurry, and he kept a distance from Xiaoyan.

Qi Lin took the police and Li Jia to analyze the video. "This person looks very suspicious," Qi Lin pointed at the character on the screen and said, "We need to find him as soon as possible.

Understand his relationship with Xiaoyan's disappearance. "

The police immediately mobilized police forces and launched a manhunt throughout the city. After hard work, they finally found the suspicious man in an abandoned building. He is a career criminal with multiple previous records of trafficking cases.

Qi Lin and the police hurriedly entered the building and rescued the imprisoned Xiaoyan. She suffered some shock but no obvious physical harm.

During interrogation, the criminal confessed to his crimes and revealed his men and the location where the ransom was hidden. Qi Lin and the police acted quickly and successfully arrested other persons involved and successfully recovered the ransom.

Xiaoyan was safely sent home. Her father was excited after receiving the news and thanked Qi Lin and the police for their efforts.

Detective Qi Lin was sitting in his office, holding a cup of hot coffee and thinking quietly about the recent jewelry theft case. He adjusted his glasses and looked at the various clues and photos placed on the table. In the case, several jewelry stores were robbed continuously, and no suspicious traces were left each time. .

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