Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

149: Mr. Qi Has Long Admired His Name.

"Everyone should know Qi Lin, right?! The richest man in the world! I didn't expect to be able to invite him tonight. I'm here to bring a drink and thank Mr. Qi for coming to support us!"

When everyone heard what Lao He said, they all applauded.

Qi Lin saw that everyone's eyes were also on him, he smiled politely, then he took the wine at hand into the air and said to everyone.

"Don't be formal, everyone."

After he finished speaking, he drank the champagne in his glass in one gulp.

After Lao He finished speaking, he was the first to come over to talk to Qi Lin.

He walked to 17 Qi Lin's side, and then asked Qi Lin.

"How come Mr. Qi is interested in attending the dinner party I am hosting today?"

Upon hearing Lao He's question, Qi Lin answered with a smile.

"I just came here when I had time. Don't pay too much attention to me. Didn't your invitation say that this is just a private dinner?"

"So I hope no one will come to me today to talk about business matters. You should be able to do this, right?"

When Lao He heard this, his face froze. When he saw Qi Lin coming to his dinner, he was very happy, because it meant that he could have a good chat with Qi Lin about business matters.

Qi Lin is the richest man in the world. If he can reach a cooperation with Qi Lin, his commercial value will be even higher.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lin gave him an army before he even got down to business.

It made it impossible for him to talk to Qi Lin about business matters.

But in the end he nodded in agreement.

"You finally came to my place to play. I will definitely not let others disturb you, so don't worry.

The reason why Lao He agreed was because he couldn't afford to offend Qi Lin. What he needed to do now was to maintain a good relationship with Qi Lin first. After maintaining a good relationship, he believed that he would be able to reach cooperation with Qi Lin.

Besides, why should other entrepreneurs do what he couldn’t accomplish?

So after he nodded to Qi Lin and expressed that he knew, he went to chat with other entrepreneurs and asked them not to come and disturb Qi Lin.

With Lao He, Qi Lin felt very relaxed and at ease in the future.

He originally planned to come over to have a drink, eat something and chat, and then left after chatting.

As he was eating, he saw several people walking towards him.

Because he didn't know if these people were talking to him about business matters, Qi Lin stayed put for the time being.

Those people walked to Qi Lin's side, then toasted to Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, I really admire your name for a long time."

Qi Lin took a serious look at each other's face, and then asked each other.

"Who are you?" 800 The market itself is ever-changing. Except for those businessmen who have deep roots, most people rely on a certain opportunity or opportunity to turn over.

Qi Lin has left the mall for a long time, so it is normal for there to be people he doesn't know in the mall.

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the other party smiled slightly, and then he answered Qi Lin.

"It's normal that you don't know me. I only came to this website because my business has improved in the past six months."

The other party's words were somewhat straightforward. Qi Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise, and the people next to him said quickly after hearing this.

What's going on? Your shops are everywhere...".

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