Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

150: I Don’T Like To Discuss Work Matters In Private

Originally, the other person was just being modest. When he heard what the person next to him said, he immediately smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this group of people acting in front of him, Qi Lin frowned impatiently and asked them.

"Then what do you want to see me for now?"

After hearing Qi Lin's question, those people replied to Qi Lin.

"Actually, we just want to ask you why you came back to attend the dinner today. We also heard that you have returned to the company recently."

Seeing the eager eyes of these people, Qi Lin knew that these people wanted to talk to him about business matters. He didn't like to talk about business matters in private, so he spoke directly to these people.

"It's true that I returned to the company, but what I don't like the most is talking about business matters in private time."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

When those people heard this, their faces darkened instantly. After a while, they forced a smile and answered Qi Lin.

"Of course we understand what you mean. Don't worry, we will definitely not talk to you about business matters now. We just want to ask you when you are free.

"You said you don't want to talk about business matters in private time, then let's have a good chat during working hours."

Seeing the enthusiastic attitude of this group of people, Qi Lin leaned his back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Then you can make an appointment in the company."

"Or you can make an appointment with my assistant. After all, I don't know when I will have time.

When everyone heard his words, they didn't know what to say.

All of them crowded here, trying to get a chance to discuss business with Qi Lin, but Qi Lin didn't even pay attention to them.

Thinking of this, everyone was very embarrassed and didn't know whether to go back or stay here.

They don't want to go back.

Because they finally saw Qi Lin, but even if they don't go back, they can't talk to Qi Lin about business matters. This doesn't make any sense to them.

The person who was chatting with Qi Lin just now was quite smart. He felt that since there was no way to talk about business matters with Qi Lin, he should maintain his personal relationship.

If he could become friends with Qi Lin, he didn't believe Qi Lin would not help him.

Thinking of this, he directly took a bottle of red wine from the side.

"."This bottle of red wine was taken out from the cellar of my home. It is a very good wine.

"Come on, let's drink together."

After the other party finished speaking, he sat next to Qi Lin very naturally.

Everyone saw him sitting next to Qi Lin so naturally, and wanted to imitate this method.

Unexpectedly, that person looked at them and asked them.

"Do you have anything else to do (with Nuo De)? If there is nothing else, Lao He seems to be over there. Otherwise, why don't you go find him?"

Those few people didn't expect that this person would turn his back on him. They were stunned for a while, and then they answered with an awkward smile.

"Wouldn't it be good for us to go find Lao He now?"

"I'm chatting with that group of beauties right now..."

That group of beauties are also businessmen, and all of them are people with dignity and capital. .

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