Qi Lin himself doesn't like to work overtime, so he won't let his employees work overtime.

You must know that other listed companies basically follow the 996 model. Only their company goes to get off work on time every day.

If you encounter any unavoidable situation and need to work overtime, you will be paid three times the overtime pay.

Their salaries are extremely high, and with three times the salary for overtime work, their salary is even more enviable.

After the girl learned about the benefits, salary and promotion channels of the secretary office, she seemed very hesitant.

Seeing the girl's hesitation, Qi Lin said to the girl very kindly.

"You don't need to tell me the answer now. If you think our company's benefits are okay, just call me. I remember you should have our company's phone number."

The girl nodded to Qi Lin.

"Okay, I will. I will reply to you within three days."

"Thank you for giving me another chance."

After the girl finished speaking, she left.

The interviewers behind were all serious interviewers, and they really wanted to compete for this opportunity.

They almost took every chance and finally passed the re-examination.

There are three people who passed the reexamination. Among these three people, there are one female and two males.

The three people were brought to Qi Lin by his assistant and asked Qi Lin to make his own choice.

Qi Lin looked at the nervous look on their faces and asked the three of them.

"Why do you want to come to our company?"

Some of the answers from these three people were more official, while others were more down-to-earth.

Some of them feel that the promotion path here is very clear and the benefits are very good, so they are willing to work in this company.

Some people think that this company has good development prospects.

All in all, their answers were good.

After Qi Lin listened to their answers, he understood what the assistant meant.

The three of them have similar abilities and levels, so there is no way for the assistant to make the wrong choice between the three of them.

In this case, the assistant just wanted him to choose the most pleasing one among the three people.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then asked the only woman.

"Can I ask if you have a family now??"

When the girl heard this question, she seemed particularly nervous.

"Although I have a family now, I promise that I will never delay any work because of family matters!"

Qi Lin smiled at the girl and said.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to discriminate. We also have a lot of female workers in our company, including many women with families."

"So I don't have any discrimination in this regard."

When the woman heard this, she laughed wildly.

"What I want to ask is, if one day there is a problem in your family, but there are some things at work (Wang Nuo's), which side will you choose?"

The reason why Qi Lin asked this question was mainly to test this woman's ability to adapt to temporary changes.

He didn't care whether the woman chose a career or a family, he mainly wanted to see how the woman answered.

The other party has obviously been prepared for this kind of problem.

"My family is not just me and my children.".

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