“And my husband and family members on both sides of our family.

"When work is urgent, I will choose to let my relatives take care of the family, and then I will deal with my work."

The other party's answer was perfect.

Qi Lin was also very satisfied with the other party's answer. After he asked this person, he asked other people some more tricky questions.

There were no mistakes or omissions in the other people's answers, but Qi Lin felt that if he chose one person among these three people, he would still choose that woman.

Because that woman's answer not only had a very high emotional intelligence, but also made people feel sincere and not tactful.

But the answers from the other 103 people were a little too smooth.

Qi Lin did not receive their answers on the spot. After he asked the three of them, he nodded to them.

"Okay, I already know, you can go back."

When the three people heard this, they looked at each other, and then they bowed together and answered.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Qi."

Qi Lin saw the three of them bowing to him, he quickly waved his hands and said.

"You don't have to be so polite..."

After a while, the assistant sent the three of them out of the company together.

After returning to the office, the assistant asked Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, have you decided who to choose among the three of them?"

Upon hearing the assistant's question, Qi Lin did not answer, but asked the assistant in return.

"You just heard the answers from the three of them. If it were you, who would you choose?"

When the assistant heard the question, he hesitated for a moment. After careful consideration, he answered Qilin.

"If it were me, I would probably still choose those two boys."

"As for who to choose between the two of them, I think they are actually pretty similar. They both have similar ideas and handling methods."

Qi Lin didn't expect the assistant to say that, so he asked the assistant with a surprised look on his face.

"Why do you say that? (ccde)"

The assistant sighed and answered Qilin.

"First of all, let me say yes, it's not that I have any discrimination against women, but I think at the end of the day, once something happens to the family, I think she will still choose the family.

"We are now recruiting a new department manager. The department manager will definitely have to complete this position. If nothing else happens, he will definitely be there for five or six years."

"In this case, I think it's better to choose someone who is more stable."

In fact, Qi Lin really didn't expect the assistant to say that.

"You mean, women will give up their careers in order to take care of their families?"

"But those two men also have their own families. Why do you think they won't give up their jobs for their families?"

When the assistant heard Qi Lin's question, he opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say a word.

Seeing the assistant's speechless look, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head, and said to the assistant.

"You also say that you are not discriminatory against women, but in fact your point of view is already discrimination.

"Didn't you just ask me who I would choose among these three people? I will answer you now, which woman I will choose.

When the assistant heard this, he nodded and said nothing. Seeing the assistant's expression, Qi Lin could immediately guess what he was thinking. .

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