Qi Lin and Zhang Man, two physical education teachers, face the stubborn students and are determined to do everything possible to educate them. Every morning, they wait for the students to arrive on the playground.

On the first day, the students walked slowly into the playground and saw Qi Lin and Zhang Man standing there, looking disdainful of listening to the class. Qi Lin looked at these students, shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Students, we are going to have a special training today! Let's play a simple game first."

The students stared at each other, looking indifferent. Seeing this, Qi Lin smiled and continued: "Okay, have you ever played hide and seek? Let's play a game today."

"Hide and seek?" Some of the students couldn't help shouting, "Such a childish game, none of us are interested!"

"That's right!" Another student followed, "We have grown up and no longer need to play such children's games.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man exchanged a look, and then Qi Lin laughed. "Students, you have misunderstood. This hide-and-seek is not ordinary. Zhang Man and I will hide in the woods around the playground, and you need to use the skills you learned in physical education class to find us. Find us. You will get a surprise reward々々!”

The students burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"Okay, since you are so uninterested, let's change the activity." Zhang Man stepped forward and said, "Have you ever heard of the game 'tug of war'? We can divide into two teams and see which team can defeat the other team. Drag down.”

The students' eyes lit up and they seemed to be interested in this game.

"Okay, let's give it a try." Qi said.

So, the students were divided into two teams. Qi Lin and Zhang Man stood at one end of their respective teams. They pulled the rope hard, and the two teams began a fierce confrontation. The students gradually became involved in the competition and found that victory could only be achieved through unity and cooperation.

After the game, Qi Lin and Zhang Man walked among the students and said with a smile: "Students, the tug-of-war game you just experienced tells us that only by uniting as one and working together can we overcome any difficulties. Just like Just like in study, only through unremitting efforts can we achieve good results."

After hearing this, the students began to reflect on their behavior. They realize that they pursue personal interests and ignore the power of the collective.

From that day on, Qi Lin and Zhang Man adopted a series of educational methods, combining games and explanations to guide students to establish correct values. They organized a basketball game to encourage students to develop team spirit; they arranged outdoor development activities to encourage students to challenge themselves; they also organized a mountaineering excursion to cultivate students' perseverance and perseverance.

In each event, Qi Lin and Zhang Man had in-depth exchanges with the students. They listen to students' confusions and questions, answer them patiently and give positive guidance.

One day, the sports festival held on the playground was about to begin, and the students were energetically preparing for various competitions and performances.

Qi Lin stood on the stage, facing the students in the audience, and said enthusiastically: ""Students, today is our sports festival. This is an opportunity to show off the skills you have learned and team spirit. I believe that after Through this period of training and hard work, you have become more confident and stronger!"

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