The students responded with warm applause and cheers. They were proud of their progress.

Next, the students participated in relay races, rope skipping competitions, basketball games and other events. They were full of passion and competitive spirit and showed excellent performance. At the same time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man provided encouragement and guidance on the sidelines, and conducted feedback and discussions with the students after each project.

The entire sports festival was full of laughter and teamwork. Both the winning students and the students who did not achieve good results gained valuable experience and growth.

Finally, the sports festival ended successfully with joyful music and applause. Qi Lin and Zhang Man stood on the stage and said affectionately to the students: "Students, you have shown your unremitting determination and the power of unity and cooperation in these 750 days. No matter how big the challenges are in the future, as long as you have this With these qualities, you will definitely be able to overcome difficulties and achieve your goals. We are proud of you!"

The students responded with warm applause and cheers. They felt their own growth and progress, and at the same time they were full of gratitude to Qilin and Zhang Man.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man are mathematics teachers in the same middle school. They are passionate about education and especially (cfec) care about those naughty students. Whenever they see students losing confidence because of poor math scores, they always try their best to stimulate students' interest in learning.

On a cold winter morning, Qi Lin and Zhang Man were sitting in their lesson preparation room, studying how to improve teaching methods. Qi Lin stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: 11 Zhang Man, we need to find a way to stimulate students' interest in learning and let them actively participate.

Zhang Man smiled and replied: "You are right, Qi Lin. I think we can use gamification teaching methods to let students feel the fun of learning mathematics."

Qi Lin nodded, and they decided to use this idea as a starting point to formulate their plan.

The next day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man walked into the math class. They prepared a series of interesting math games and divided the students into groups. Qi Lin plays the host of the game

Zhang Man is responsible for explaining the rules. f

Qi Lin picked up a bag with number cards and said to the students: "Okay, students, now we start the first game. Each group will draw a number card from the bag and solve the corresponding problem based on this number. question. The faster you answer the question correctly, the higher your score. Are you ready?"

The students nodded excitedly and demonstrated their mathematical knowledge in the game.

Soon after, the class was filled with laughter. The students participated actively and competed fiercely, but at the same time they also began to enjoy the learning process. Through this gamified teaching form, they gradually found their interest in learning mathematics.

However, not all students can master mathematics easily. One afternoon, during after-school tutoring time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man stayed to help those students who were still confused. Xiao Liu is a smart but impatient student who always fails to get the desired results in his math exams.

Qi Lin walked to Xiao Liu's desk and asked gently: "Xiao Liu, why are you always confused about mathematics?".

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