Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

185: History Is The Memory Of The Nation

The two began to guide the students to discuss Hua Mulan's historical background, family environment, and military system. They used their rich historical knowledge and humorous style to engage every student and spark lively discussions.

Next, Qi Lin and Zhang Man took the students to an activity. They organized a small live-action exercise in which students played Mulan and soldiers in the army. This kind of interaction allowed the students "Zero 73" to have a deeper understanding of the training and living conditions of the military.

In various interesting activities, Qi Lin and Zhang Man used specific examples and stories to connect historical knowledge with students' daily lives. They allow students to feel the charm and wisdom of history, while also cultivating students' creativity and critical thinking.

One day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man took the students to visit a nearby museum. They interpreted the historical details in the exhibits and interacted with the students. In the museum, the students seemed to have traveled back in time and felt the charm and uniqueness of history.

Finally, at the end of the semester, Qi Lin and Zhang Man organized a large-scale historical musical performance. The students used songs and dances to interpret the historical knowledge they had learned, demonstrating their understanding of historical figures and insights into historical events. The whole theater was filled with laughter and warm applause.

After the play ended, the students took to the stage to express their new understanding and insights into history. Some students couldn't help but shed tears, and some excitedly shared their unique insights into history. Qi Lin and Zhang Man looked at this scene, their hearts filled with joy and sense of accomplishment.

Qi Lin walked onto the stage and thanked the students with a smile: "Students, your performance is wonderful! Through this theater activity, I hope you can understand that history is not a boring memory, but a story full of emotion and excitement. A story of human wisdom and courage.

Zhang Man took over the conversation and added: "Yes, history is the memory of our nation and the foundation of our growth. Through these interesting teaching methods, we hope that you will not only learn knowledge, but more importantly, cultivate your understanding of history." love and thinking ability. Only by truly understanding history can we better face the challenges of the future.

The students responded with warm applause and cheers. They looked at Qi Lin and Zhang Man with gratitude, because they not only gave them knowledge, but also ignited the passion for learning.


...This history class was full of an atmosphere of joy, exploration and thinking, and became an unforgettable experience for the students.

As time went by, the students left the classroom, but they left deep memories of history in their hearts. Qi Lin and Zhang Man also felt very satisfied and proud. They know that their hard work is not in vain.

In the days to come, these two history teachers will continue to teach through fun and use various innovative methods to attract students' interest, making them more passionate about history and more eager to explore the wisdom of the past. They believe that through this kind of education, students 1.5 will become future leaders with outstanding talents and firm beliefs, and make positive contributions to the development of society.

Every morning, Qi Lin and Zhang Man welcome the students. They always greet students with smiles and bring a good mood to the students throughout the day. They believe that only in an open and positive learning atmosphere can students truly explore and understand knowledge. .

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