In the first lesson, Qi Lin walked into the classroom, holding an English version of "Harry Potter". He passionately introduces this magical world to students and stimulates their imagination. He asked the students a question: "If you were a magician, which magic would you want to learn?" The students became active and raised their hands to share their answers. Qi Lin and Zhang Man listened patiently to the students' opinions and provided encouragement and affirmation to each student. Then, they guided the students to read the Chinese version of "Harry Potter" and used English dialogue to explain new words and phrases in the article.

In the next class, Zhang Man brought a magazine about the animal world. She showed some interesting photos and invited the students to name their favorite animals. Qi Lin organized a small game for students to describe the appearance characteristics of various animals in English. Such interactions allow students to learn happily and express their ideas in English.

As time went by, Qi Lin and Zhang Man began to design more educational and entertaining activities. They organized an English corner to allow students to practice oral expression in a relaxed and pleasant environment

They also arranged a reading competition where students can choose their favorite English articles to show off their reading skills. In class, they often simulate real scenarios through role-playing, allowing students to skillfully apply the knowledge they have learned in situations.

One day, the school held an English speech contest, and Qi Lin and Zhang Man encouraged students to actively participate. Qi Lin prepared a theme for his students: my dream. He told the students, "Dreams are the best wishes deep in everyone's heart. Through English speeches, you can convey them to everyone with your own voice." The students thought about their dreams and began to prepare speeches.

On the day of the competition, the students dressed up carefully and waited nervously and expectantly. Qi Lin and Zhang Man served as judges. Every student mustered up the courage to go on stage and share their dreams in fluent and confident English. Some students dream of becoming a scientist, some dream of becoming a musician, and some dream of becoming an environmental volunteer. Every student showed their unique personality and talents on the stage, which was amazing.

After the competition, Qi Lin and Zhang Man held a small celebration to commend all participating students for their efforts and courage. They emphasized that the competition is not just for winning, but more importantly, through this process, it inspires students to have the courage and motivation to pursue their dreams. They share their difficulties and challenges in learning English with the students, encouraging them to persevere and believe in their abilities.

In the days that followed, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to teach English knowledge in an entertaining way. They lead students to experience the culture of English-speaking countries, allowing students to have a deeper understanding of the application and diversity of English by watching movies, listening to music, and tasting food.

In class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man often organize group discussions and debate activities to allow students to actively participate in thinking and communication. They encourage students to express their opinions and teach them how to express them in appropriate language. Such discussions not only improve students' speaking skills, but also develop their critical thinking and teamwork skills. 0

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