Over time, students have made significant progress under the guidance of Qi Lin and Zhang Man. Their English proficiency has made a qualitative leap, and they are not only able to communicate fluently in class, but also able to cope with more complex academic tasks and examinations.

On the last day of the school year, Qi Lin and Zhang Man prepared a special surprise for the students. They organized an English drama performance in which students transformed into various characters

Show your achievements in English learning. On the stage, the students used fluent and confident English conversations and performed wonderful stories, with laughter and applause coming one after another. f

After the performance, the students expressed their gratitude to Qi Lin and Zhang Man with emotion. They deeply realize that learning English can become interesting and enjoyable through entertaining and entertaining methods. They not only mastered English knowledge, but also developed their self-confidence and expression skills, and gained friendships and beautiful memories.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man watched the students leave with satisfaction and pride, and their hearts were filled with satisfaction. They know that they are not only English teachers, but also guides on the growth path of students.

Through entertaining and educational methods, they ignited students' passion for English learning and created an unforgettable educational journey. 0

In the chemistry laboratory of a small town middle school, two chemistry teachers, Qi Lin and Zhang Man, were preparing to welcome the new class of students. They all have rich teaching experience and know that for students to truly master chemical knowledge and maintain their interest, it is not enough to rely on boring theories alone.

The first class in the morning began. Qi Lin and Zhang Man walked into the classroom and greeted a group of unkempt students. Qi Lin smiled and said: "Good morning, everyone! I am your chemistry teacher Qi Lin, and this is Zhang Man, the most powerful chemistry teacher in our school. Today we will show you an entertaining and entertaining chemistry course!"

Students are curious about the four words "edutainment and entertainment". Zhang Man immediately took over and said with a smile: "Yes, we will add some interesting elements to the class so that you can learn chemistry knowledge while having fun.

Qi Lin took out a large water glass, which was filled with red liquid. "This is a special solution that I'm going to use to show you magic," he explained to the students.

The students all looked at Qi Lin attentively. He picked up a silver ring and put it into the water glass. Then, he shook the water glass gently and the whole laboratory suddenly became dark.

"||Everyone, please keep an eye on the ring!" Qi Lin's voice was full of mystery.

As the students stared at the ring, the ring slowly began to glow faintly, and eventually completely disappeared into the water glass.

There were bursts of applause and cheers, and the students were amazed. Zhang Man said with a smile: "This is a chemical reaction. The secret that makes the ring disappear is hidden in the red liquid. Are you interested in knowing the principle?"

The students who learned well nodded one after another, expressing their curiosity. Qi Lin gave a detailed explanation: "The principle behind this magic is a chemical reaction called a redox reaction. The red liquid contains an oxidant that can oxidize the silver ions on the metal ring into a colorless solution, so the ring looks It’s like disappearing.”

The students listened with great interest and raised their hands to ask questions. Qi Lin and Zhang Man patiently answered every question and attached vivid examples. .

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