During the break, the students discussed the experiments just now and competed to share their understanding of chemistry. Qi Lin and Zhang Man saw this and were secretly glad that they had chosen this entertaining and educational method.

The afternoon class began. Qi Lin and Zhang Man led the students into the laboratory to prepare for more interesting chemical experiments.

Zhang Man took out a transparent glass container filled with a liquid that looked like ordinary water. She explained to the students: “This is another experiment we’re going to do today, it’s called the ‘Magic Color Changing Drink’.

The students curiously approached the glass container to see clearly the liquid inside. Zhang Man smiled and said: "Don't worry, this drink is harmless. But, as you can see, its color is transparent. Now, we 553 will add a special substance to it."

She took out a small bottle containing purple liquid. Carefully add a few drops to the glass container and shake gently.

The students were surprised to see that the originally transparent liquid began to change color rapidly, from colorless to bright purple. They cheered one after another, attracted by this simple experiment.

Qi Lin took over and explained: "This discoloration is due to the effect of the chemical indicator. The indicator is a special substance that can change color according to the acidity and alkalinity of the solution. When we add the indicator, It will react with acid and alkali substances in the solution, thereby changing the color of the solution."

The students listened with rapt attention and raised their hands to ask questions. Qi Lin and Zhang Man answered every (cjef) question carefully and encouraged the students to conduct experiments by themselves.

In the following lessons, they conducted many interesting chemical experiments, such as rainbow flames, balloon explosions, etc. Each experiment aroused the interest and curiosity of the students.

In the process of entertaining and entertaining, Qi Lin and Zhang Man not only imparted chemical knowledge, but also cultivated the students' experimental ability, observation and teamwork spirit.

As time goes by, students gradually develop a strong interest in chemistry. They actively participated in class discussions, asking questions and sharing their experimental experiences.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man couldn't help but feel gratified when they saw the students' growth and progress. They realize that through entertaining and entertaining methods, students can not only learn knowledge but also maintain their enthusiasm for the subject.

In order to further stimulate students' interest in learning, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to organize a chemistry knowledge competition. This competition not only tests the students' mastery of basic knowledge, but also increases the fun of the competition through interesting questions.

On the day of the competition, the whole school was excited. The students were divided into groups and competed with each other to answer the questions. They used their brains and cooperated to solve problems, and spent an unforgettable afternoon in a tense and pleasant atmosphere.

Finally, after fierce competition, a team named "Chemical Star" won the championship. Qi Lin and Zhang Man presented them with prizes and expressed their sincere congratulations on their efforts and achievements. They emphasized that in chemistry learning, obtaining good grades is not the only goal, but more importantly, cultivating a love for knowledge and continuous learning motivation.

In the following class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to guide students to explore more in-depth chemical knowledge in an entertaining and educational way. They organized field trips and took students to chemical factories and laboratories, allowing them to experience first-hand the application of chemistry in the real world.

At the same time, they also introduced modern technologies, such as virtual experiment simulations and online resources, to further broaden students' learning channels. Students conduct online experiments through electronic platforms, observe changes in chemical reactions, and master methods of data analysis and interpretation of results.

Over time, Qi Lin and Zhang Man saw students not only make significant progress in chemistry, but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills and teamwork.

During the last class, Qi Lin and Zhang Man stood on the podium with deep emotion. They looked at the smiling faces and confident eyes of this batch of students, and their hearts were filled with pride and satisfaction.

"Students, we have spent many happy and meaningful times together during this period." Qi Lin's voice was filled with excitement, "I hope you will not only remember the knowledge of chemistry, but more importantly, keep Curiosity and desire for knowledge. Lifelong learning is a valuable quality that will accompany you throughout your life."

Zhang Man added: "No matter what path you choose in the future, whether you become a scientist, engineer or doctor, I hope you can use the chemical knowledge you have learned to explore the world, solve problems, and contribute to society."

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