Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

189: The Motive For The Murder Is Not Simple.

"Qi Lin, do you think the two cases are related?" an experienced police detective asked.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, thought for a moment and replied: "Although there is still a lack of conclusive evidence, judging from various signs, I tend to believe that there is some connection between the two cases. We need to carefully analyze the murderer's crime Technique, background of the victim, crime scene and other information in order to find common ground. Perhaps this can give us a breakthrough.

"Yes, we need to form a task force as soon as possible to crack this new case. Time is tight, and every minute may cause more threats." Another policeman said nervously.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement and put forward the suggestion of forming a team composed of experts in different fields. He believes the murderer took advantage of loopholes in the food supply chain and therefore needs the help of food safety experts. At the same time, he also proposed to invite psychologists to join the team to better analyze the psychological characteristics and motives of the murderer.

Everyone agreed and took action immediately. A task force was quickly established under the guidance of Qi Lin, and all departments worked closely to launch a comprehensive investigation. Extensive conversations, interrogations and information gathering became the norm on a daily basis.

As the investigation deepened, the task force gradually discovered some common clues. Among the victims was an important figure who was associated with social activities and political events. This attracted Qi Lin's attention, and he began to suspect that the murderer might be aiming to manipulate public opinion.

"I think the murderer's motive is not simply personal hatred or revenge, but more likely an attempt to achieve a certain purpose through this poisoning. We need to increase investigation efforts to uncover the truth behind it," Qi Lin said.

After hard work and team collaboration, the task force finally discovered a key clue. A company executive involved in the food supply chain has a close connection with the murderer, and the company is one of the sources of food for the victims.

"I think we are getting closer to the truth. This executive may be an accomplice of the murderer, using his position to mix toxic substances into food. We need to catch him as soon as possible to prevent more harm. "Qi Lin's tone revealed firmness and determination.


The task force immediately launched an investigation into the executive and successfully captured him a few days later. During the interrogation, he admitted his crime and revealed the conspiracy behind it.

It turned out that this executive was controlled by an interest group, and they hoped to achieve their political goals by manipulating public opinion and social unrest. They chose the extreme method of poisoning to create panic and chaos.


"We must take measures quickly to prevent the further development of this conspiracy." Qi Lin clenched his fists and looked firmly.

The task force cooperated with relevant departments and took quick action. The food supply chain has been comprehensively inspected and upgraded to ensure food safety; at the same time, prevention and crackdown on similar cases have been strengthened.

A few months later, after hard work, the task force led by Qi Lin successfully destroyed the interest group and brought the integration group to justice. Society gradually returned to peace and tranquility.

"This is a difficult and important victory. We successfully prevented the conspiracy and brought security and harmony to society." Qi Lin said excitedly. .

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