On the first day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man ushered in a new school year. They carefully prepared a course about the music culture of various countries around the world. The two stood in front of the classroom, waiting for the students to arrive.

When the bell rang, students entered the classroom one after another. One of the tall boys, named Li Erwen, caught Qi Lin's attention. He didn't seem interested in music. Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to start with him.

"Good morning everyone!" Qi Lin greeted the students with a smile. "I am your music teacher Qi Lin, and this beautiful lady is my collaborator 950 Zhang Man. Today we are going to introduce some knowledge about world music culture, hoping that everyone can learn in happiness.

Li Erwen looked at Qi Lin and Zhang Man with suspicion, but their enthusiasm infected other students, and the classroom was gradually filled with an atmosphere of expectation.

"Let's start with African music first!" Zhang Man said. She gently pressed the button on the player, and the sweet African drum sound immediately filled the room.

Qi Lin took out a world map, pointed to the countries on the African continent, and introduced: "Africa is a continent full of diversity, and each country has its own unique music culture. For example, the Arabic music of Egypt, the music of Congo Ethnic music, as well as traditional tribal music in South Africa.

As the music changes, a mysterious atmosphere fills the classroom, and the students' eyes sparkle with curiosity.

Next, Qi Lin and Zhang Man guided the students to divide into groups and begin to freely create their own African-style music. Li Erwen reluctantly joined a group, but as his fingers touched the drum head, a wonderful feeling filled his body. He gradually let go of his resistance and began to immerse himself in the ocean of music.

After a journey of African music, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to guide the students into another world of music - rhythm and harmony.

"As we all know, rhythm is the soul of music. It (cjdf) can bring vitality and power to music." Qi Lin said, making a drum pose.

"Let's play a fun game now!11

Qi Lin picked up a pair of drumsticks and started beating the drum heads to make different rhythmic sounds. He explained to the students: "I will tap a specific rhythm, and you need to follow me and tap the table together, trying to maintain an accurate rhythm. Whoever can persist to the end is the rhythm master!"

The students followed Qi Lin's instructions and slapped their desks one after another, creating various interesting rhythms. Li Erwen originally had a negative attitude, but after seeing other students getting involved, he also joined the fight.

Zhang Man picked up the xylophone, played a beautiful melody, and invited the students to challenge themselves and try to imitate the tunes she played. A girl named Xiaoyu took the initiative and played the xylophone gracefully. Her musical talent amazed the whole class.

In the following courses, Qi Lin and Zhang Man cultivated their understanding and expression of harmony by guiding students to participate in various music games and chorus activities. They explain the concepts of different note lengths and pitches, helping students develop an understanding of musical structure.

As time goes by, Qi Lin and Zhang Man lead students to travel to music cultures around the world. They showcase music styles from different countries in each class, from classical music to pop music, from traditional Asian instruments to South American dance rhythms. .

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